More tokens to come?


Registered Ninja
I believe the Monster Vault: Threats to Netir Vale is supposed to come with tokens. It would not surprise me if this became standard for MV releases (assuming there are more).

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First Post
I believe the Monster Vault: Threats to Netir Vale is supposed to come with tokens. It would not surprise me if this became standard for MV releases (assuming there are more).

I just got my MV and the tokens were far better than I had hoped for, or heard.

I do not know if I will get the next MV, but the tokens would be nice.

I have a lot of minis, but the tokens will be useful, also. I'll be trying them out in the gmae for the first time tomorrow.


First Post
You can get counters (aka tokens) for all previous MMs here: Fiery Dragon RPG Products
I'm aware of the Fiery Dragon tokens, and I've even considered picking them. But for my current game, what I really need is Dark Sun monsters.

I also would like to see WotC provide more of the tools you need to, you know, actually play the game, instead of asking DMs to scrape around the internet looking for DIY or third party solutions. Again, I was very happy with the tokens that came with GW. If WotC begins to put out tokens of that quality for all their products, I'd be pumped.

I'm not going to hold my breath for DS tokens at this point, though. If I get time I'm going to try and come up with a homebrew solution.


First Post
If enough people ask for a... Gloomy Sol, let's say... Counter Collection, Fiery Dragon might make one.

BTW, Counter Collection Heroic 3 has those mantis people you might find useful. :D


First Post
I agree that WotC is likely to include tokens in their future MV releases. They just seem like a fairly easy add-on to the vault to me.

However, I would tend to be surprised if they went the opposite direction and released tokens for previously released products. By themselves, I'm not sure how well the tokens would sell. Though I suppose I could see a digital release DIY version in the future as that would be relatively inexpensive on WotC's part. Perhaps even as a test run for the other previous releases.


First Post
I agree that WotC is likely to include tokens in their future MV releases. They just seem like a fairly easy add-on to the vault to me.

However, I would tend to be surprised if they went the opposite direction and released tokens for previously released products. By themselves, I'm not sure how well the tokens would sell. Though I suppose I could see a digital release DIY version in the future as that would be relatively inexpensive on WotC's part. Perhaps even as a test run for the other previous releases.

The next MV isn't just more monsters- instead it's supposed to be "specific" versions of monsters. IE instead of a Black Dragon, it's a dragon with a name, a story, a history et al...

My guess is if they wanted to release tokens for already released monster books, they could just do a release like this, with those monsters.

A threats to the Tyr Region book with appropriate counters for example.

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