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Mormons, Mayhem, and JFK


Librarian, Geologist, and Referee
First off I want to let all those who thought this a good idea - Horacio - know that I bear no resonsibility for this story hour.

Any correct grammer, spelling, or syntax is purely coincidental and not the resonsbility of the author.

Anyway, here it is for anyone interested. I put together a quick one time Call of Cthulu adventure using my friends as lab rats. I had them roll out themselves and play themselves in this crazy idea I had.

The Cast of Characters

Jen. The loving, pregnant Jen (in real life, not the game. I'm not that heartless. :p ) Young, attractive, and full of life. She is attending BYU but working the summer in Salt Lake City. She met Josh at BYU and James through Josh.

James. The tall tech. This guy is a whiz with a computer (no kidding, he really is.) and 6 foot 7 to boot. He's a student at The University of Utah majoring in computer science. He and Josh have been friends since high school.

Josh. Football player, outdoor survivalist. Calm and unassuming, Josh is the best kind of friend. Always willing to lend a hand and one that would put his life on the line for you.

The names are the same but the backgrouds have been changed to protect the innocent. These are my friends in the real world and people I love and respect. We all had a good time and I hope you do to.

The curtain rises...

12:37 a.m. August 9th, 2002, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Earth
It’s a warm August night in the City of Salt Lake, the air dry and from the West. Our friends exit the movie theatre after watching the late show. It is dark out and the few remaining patrons head for their cars.

“That was much better then I thought.” intones Jen. “And it scared the crap out of me.”

“Ya, I liked it too.” offers Josh. “The dogs scared me more than anything.”

“You can say that gain. I swear, every time he pulls that trick with…” James didn’t have a chance to finish as Josh lets out a “Humpf!” He stumbles back as a man crashes through him and into the group. Falling on Josh and pushing a package into his hands the strange man mumbles out, “…the world must know…show the people…” Josh lets him to the ground dead. As he stands, Josh sees movement out of the corner of his eye. Two men round the corner leveling pistols at the group. Before he can warn the party searing pain rushes through his left arm and shoulder.

Grabbing his arm he screams, “They’re shooting at us!”

At this moment the group breaks into a run with the men giving pursuit. The window to Jen’s left shatters, showering her in glass. Being the level headed one of the group and seeing that she has no cover outside the building, she dives through the shattered window taking temporary cover inside the theatre.

James and Josh sprint straight for the parking lot sharing the sidewalk with a shower of lead. James makes it to his CJ-5 in no time. Throwing it into gear, he squeals out of his stall. He brings the jeep up to Josh who had taken cover behind the corner of the building. Josh is hoping to see what has happened to Jen.

Running to a young dark haired women wearing a navy blue blazer lapelled in the colors of the theatre, Jen yells, “Call the cops! Call the Cops!”

Before Jen can hear a single sound from the young managers mouth, the manager’s head explodes from the rear, her body falling lifeless to the floor. Jen, giving her best Woo, flies over the concessions stand, landing on her head with a thud. Safe for the moment, so she hopes.

Josh jumps into the jeep and James throws it into reverse. “There is no way I’m letting them shot holes in me or my jeep.” he mutters as he smashes the accelerator. He pulls his best Rockford files and brings the jeep down the back of the theatre. Both Josh and James hope Jen is okay. Josh grabs his cellular phone and calls 911, stashing the package the dead man gave his life for into his pants pocket.

Jen, feeling she is out of time, sprints into the open and heads for the first theatre door. Call it karma; call it fate but the bullet meant for her strikes the poor helpless acne laden employee who just happened to look around the corner at that very moment. She hardly notices as she collides with the theatre doors disappearing into the darkness beyond. She knows something bad has happened and a part of her wants to stop and see but her flight response is in high gear, she flies through the exit door and into the screech of skidding tires.

“Get in!” Both of them yell at the same time. Jen leaps into the rear seat and the jeep is off.

In the headlights the group sees two men standing side-by-side blocking the exit of the parking lot, pistols raised. The windshield spider webs and a head light goes out as James down shifts and accelerates in a vane attempt to smash these unknown villains. The bad guys bail out of the way as the jeep goes by and speeds up the street. The sound of whizzing bullets soon fades and our group motors down the road toward safety.

So they think...
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He did it! He posted!

Thanks! Great story!

By now, it reminds me a Rune's Chtulhu story hour... :D

Just what we need, another CoC storyhour! Sounds like fun!
And in Salt Lake City, too! Might as well make it real off-the-wall!

What movie were they seeing, anyway? Hope it wasn't Singles Ward.


Librarian, Geologist, and Referee
Horacio, Rune, Joshua, Paulewaug, thanks for the incouragement.

Horacio, that is really high praise. I really like Rune's story hour.

I wanted to take it easy this first time, so I stayed away from the whole sanity thing. They all have sanity scores but they did not come into play this time around.

The movie they had just finished watching was Signs. I really liked that movie. It was the catalyst that finally made me do this thing, the whole idea of ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances.

Thanks again and I will post soon.


First Post
Good stuff...


I came to this thread by way of jonroq's story hour, and I'm glad I did. That was a great opening to read, and it sounded like fun to play. You write well, and should continue.
I agree about the dogs. First time I've literally jumped because of a movie in years.



Once A Fool
fenzer said:
Horacio, Rune, Joshua, Paulewaug, thanks for the incouragement.

No problem! Now, write!

Horacio, that is really high praise. I really like Rune's story hour.

Why, thank you!

I wanted to take it easy this first time, so I stayed away from the whole sanity thing. They all have sanity scores but they did not come into play this time around.

Yeah, they've just had to dodge bullets, so far. No sanity loss there. But, upcoming...

The movie they had just finished watching was Signs. I really liked that movie. It was the catalyst that finally made me do this thing, the whole idea of ordinary people in extraordinary circumstances.

Man, I'm really going have to watch this movie, sometime.


Librarian, Geologist, and Referee
12:42 a.m. August 9th, 2002, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, Earth
“You’re bleeding!” Jen yells over the roar of the air.

“What? Who’s bleeding?” answers James looking through his review mirror at Jen.

“You are! Your neck!” she answers pointing at his neck.

“Oh hell, I don’t feel too well” James mumbles as he comes to the realization that he has been shot.

“Go to Salt Lake Regional on second south.” orders Jen.

“Ya, that’s a good idea. My arm is starting to go numb.” offers Josh.

A few minutes later they walk into the emergency entrance at the Hospital. Looking for a nurse, Jen takes control of the situation. Before Josh and James have had a chance to take a seat they are filling out the paperwork and James is being rolled off in a wheel chair.

“We’ll be right back for you.” the orderly says staring at Josh and pushing James down towards the elevator.

With nothing to do but wait, Josh pulls the package out of his pocket and takes a look at it. It is a small film canister about 4 inches in diameter and about an inch deep. The lid is sealed with red and orange tape and there is an alphanumeric code on the lid, DD63-ITSO0127.

“Well, it’s 8mm but the code I have never seen before.” Josh states matter-of-factly.

“How do you know that?” Jen asks reaching out for the canister.

“My dad is a film editor. I have been around this stuff my whole life.”

“Ya, it looks like a smaller version of the canisters we get at the theatre, usually for trailers though.” Jen hands it back to Josh. “What would be on this that someone would be willing to kill for?

Josh shrugs his shoulders. “I’ll have my dad take a look at it when we get out of here.”

A few hours later our heroes are on the road heading home. The shoot out was bad enough but having to deal with the cops, fill out reports, and answer a million questions left them completely exhausted.

They drop off Josh at his parent’s house on the lower Avenues and head to Jen’s apartment only a few blocks away.

Pulling up in front of Jen's appartment, "Well, let’s keep in touch on this. I have a feeling things are going to get worse before they get better. What are you looking at?” James had been looking at Jen. She never met his gaze.

Pointing down the street Jen says, “I don’t think that suburban belongs here.”

“What suburban – oooh, that suburban.” Slowly putting the jeep in gear, James pulls away and past the suburban. “You are coming to my place tonight. I don’t like this one bit. My roommate is working and won’t be home ‘til later. You can crash on the couch.”

“That would be just fine.” Jen answers pulling the rear view mirror so she can see if the suburban is following them. “It’s not moving. Maybe I am just a little jumpy; after all we were only running for our lives tonight.”

A few minutes later James and Jen pull up to his apartment complex and go inside.

“What are you doing?” Jen demands staring at the 9mm James is pulling out the closet.

“What, this? Listen, I am not going to be caught with my pants down again. If those sons-a-b****s think they can shoot at me well I want to be able to return the favor.”

“Do you even know how to use one of those?”

Rolling his eyes, James loads the magazine and chambers a round.


Talking with his parents, Josh pulls the canister out and shows his dad.

“What do you make of it, dad?”

“Well, by the look of if I think it’s military. I don’t know what the number means but I did see one of these back during the Explorer shoot. Earl brought in one saying he had taken it from a storeroom somewhere. He thought it had some kind of alien spacecraft footage or something. Turned out to be some extra black and white of the Japanese surrender aboard the Missouri.

“Son, whatever this is, you should hand it over to the police.”

“Ya, I thought of that but I wanted you to look it over first. I think we have to go back t—what the?” “That was a black suburban! It just drove by!”

Flipping open his cell, Josh speed dials James.

“…I am on my way.” “Dad, James says they have seen the same suburban. Jen has called the cops and I am going over there. Where’s the 30-06?”


“Dad, I want you to take Mom and go to Uncle Jacks. I will call you just as soon as things calm down. Dad, I think this is something the cops can’t help with. These guys shoot first remember? Please take Mom and go.”

Five minutes later Josh was headed to James’ apartment. He was on foot and moving fast. He had his dad’s hunting rifle slung over his shoulder a baseball cap and his running shoes. He meant business.

Sneaking through the side yard of the house on the corner, Josh could make out James’ apartment a half a block away. Scanning further down the block he catches the reflection of the street lamp off the front bumper of a large suburban. Crouching down he takes the rifle from his shoulder. Something round and hard pokes him in the back of the head.

“Drop it.” a cool voice says from behind.
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