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Morrus Story hour characters


Breaks Games
Igmut is a half orc. He was raised in a quaint tribal village in the badlands. By orcs of the Spineripper clan. Despite not being a runt, he never quite fit into orc society. He enjoyed the combative aspects of tribal life, but found the slaughter distasteful. At the tender age of 12, a voice in his head drove him to speak out against the sacrifice of some prisoners. Some 30 seconds after this life changing event, he was fleeing into the badlands, hotly pursued by a tribe of furious orcs.

He wandered for many days, lost, hungry and dehydrated. At the end of his strength, he collapsed. On the brink of death, he was found by a travelling caravan of halflings, on their way to Diamond Lake to start a new life. They took pity on him and saved him. A kindly halfling widow - Esmerelda - nursed him back to health.

For the next few years, Igmut lived happily in the mining town of Diamond Lake. He worked in the halflings pie shop, fetching, carrying and keeping the rowdy customers in line. During this time, he learned to read. His mind at peace, he was finally able to hear the voice in his head. It was that of Mighty Kord - he was taught to channel divine power and became an earthly agent of Kord.

Recently, he was involved in a small but vicious drunken barfight in The Feral Dog inn. During this he broke someones arm. And leg, several ribs and jaw. He was subdued and then arrested by the militia. It turns out the man he'd beaten was an overseer at the Dourstone mines. He was sentanced to work there unpaid for 3 months as punishment.

During this time, he developed an overwhelming hatred of the owner and his slave like treatment of the miners. He met a man called Endo, who was infiltrating the mine in an effort to find his brother and uncover some complicated business involving cults, gods and so on. With a little encouragment from Kord, he decided to help Endo...

Igmut is an idiot with good instincts. Has a gut feeling for what's right. His childlike understanding of Kords theology is nevertheless underpinned by a burning faith.

Current goals:

Igmut smash! Particularly Hextor cultists.

Look out for Esmerelda. She's like a mother to him. Albeit a rather small one.

Find and marry his childhood sweetheart, Gorina Spineripper. A lovely orc maiden and daughter of the Spineripper clan chief.

Encourage Endo to do the right thing with his skeletal minions.

Name: Igmut the half caste
Race: Half Orc
Height: 6'10"
Weight: 414 lbs
Age: 15 and 11/12ths
Hair: Manky, unwashed black hair. Slightly balding.
Eyes: Reddish black.
Favoured Terrain: Bars and dungeons.
Organisation: In a mob of prettier adventurers.

Class: Barbarian 1: Cleric 4 (Kord)

Str: 18 (+4)
Dex: 14 (+2)
Con: 14 (+2)
Wis: 16 > 18 (+4)
Int: 6
Chr: 8

BAB/Grapple: +4/+8
Masterwork Greatsword: +9 Hit 2D6+6 19-20 X2
Masterwork Morningstar: +9 Hit D8+4
Longspear: +8 Hit D8+6 X3 10' reach
Masterwork Sling: +7 Hit D4+4 50' range
Dagger: +8 Hit D4+4 19-20

Normal: 19 (10 + 5 breastplate + 2 dex + 1 deflection + 1 natural)
Heavily Armoured: 21(10 + 8 +2 banded mail +1 dex +1 deflection + 1 natural)
Also carries a +1 blinding large steel shield (+3 shield AC if used)

HP: 45
Initiative: +2
Speed: 30/20 (depending on armour)
Fort: +9 (+6 class +2 Con + 1 Resistance)
Ref: +4 (+1 class +2 Dex + 1 Resistance)
Will: +9 (+4 class +4 Wis + 1 Resistance)

Climb +8 (+2 in brestplate)
Jump +12 (+2 in breastplate)
Heal +8

Feats: Power attack, Cleave.

Class features:
Fast movement
Rage 1/day
Strength domain - +4 strength 1 round/day.
Luck domain - 1 reroll 1/day.
Spontaneous healing.
Turn undead - 2/day.

Spells (generally prepared)
0 - 6 - Light, Detect magic(2), read magic, guidance, mending.
1 - 5 - Enlarge person(*), Magic Weapon(2), Divine Favor(2).
2 - 4 - Bulls strength(*)(2), Lesser restoration, Silence.
(*) denotes domain spell.

Orc, common.

+2 banded mail
+1 Blinding heavy steel shield
Cloak of Resistance +1 (strange looking thing crafted by Endo)
Ring of Protection +1
Ring of Natural Armour +1
Pearl of power - level 1 (2)
Circlet of zorasiel (sic) - +2 wisdom.
Masterwork greatsword
Masterwork morningstar
Masterwork sling
adventurers pack
Big Book of Kord (large print, learning edition, with pop ups)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds - 50 charges
Large assortment of Scrolls - To be updated. (not got notes to hands)

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Ragged idiot in a trilby.
Evan: Male Human Brd5; CR 5;
Medium Humanoid (Human);
HD 5d6+5; hp 29;
Init +6; Spd 30 ft/x4;
AC 17 (+5 armor, +2 dex), touch 12, flat-footed 15;
Base Atk/Grapple +3/+3;
Full Atk +3 One-handed (1d6;18-20/x2, Rapier), +5 Two-handed (1d6;20/x3,
SA&SQ • You can cast bard spells while wearing light armor without incurring
the normal arcane spell failure chance., Bardic Knowledge(Ex), Bardic
Music, Countersong(Su), Fascinate(Sp), Inspire Courage(Su), Inspire
AL N; SV Fort +2, Ref +6, Will +5;
Str 10(+0), Dex 14(+2), Con 12(+1), Int 14(+2), Wis 12(+1), Cha 17(+3);
Skills: Bluff¹ +11, Diplomacy¹ +15, Disguise¹ +13, Gather Information¹ +11,
Knowledge (local) +3, Perform (Oratory) +11, Perform (String
Instruments) +11, Perform (Singing) +11, Perform (Strings & Song) +13,
Sense Motive¹ +9, Sleight of Hand +12, Tumble +10.
Feats: Improved Initiative, Point Blank Shot, Versatile Performer (hence
additional perform skills listed above).
• You can cast bard spells while wearing light armor without incurring
the normal arcane spell failure chance.
• Bardic Knowledge(Ex): You possess a special Knowledge skill for stray
bits of trivia. This Knowledge check is 1d20+7
• Bardic Music: Performances can create varied magical effects 5 times
per day.
¤ Countersong(Su): You can counter any sonic or language-dependent
magical effect. Anyone within 30 feet can use your Perform check in
place of their saving throw. You can maintain a countersong for 10
¤ Fascinate(Sp): You can fascinate 2 creature(s) within 90 feet. If you
beat their Will save with a Perform check, they will listen quietly for up to
5 round(s).
¤ Inspire Courage(Su): While singing, all allies who can hear you gain a
+1 morale bonus to saving throws against charm and fear effects, and a
+1 morale bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls. The effect lasts as
long as you sing plus 5 rounds.
¤ Inspire Competence(Su): You can help an ally succeed at a task. They
get a +2 competence bonus to skill checks as long as they are able to
see and hear you and are within 30 feet. This can be maintained for 2
Notable equipment:
  • Heward's Handy Haversack
  • +1 Mithral Chain Shirt
  • Masterwork Lute
  • Disguise Kit
  • Several outfits & holy symbols
  • Wand of Cure Light Wounds (10 charges remaining after Erythnull temple)


Ragged idiot in a trilby.
Whoops. I forgot my list of languages...
  • Common
  • Celestial
  • Draconic
  • Dwarven
  • Elven
  • Giant
  • Gnoll
  • Goblin
  • Infernal
  • Orc
  • Sylvan

(EDIT: ) And my spells...

Level 0 (DC 13): - 3/Day
Detect Magic, Ghost Sound, Mending, Prestidigitation, Read Magic, Resistance

Level 1 (DC 14): - 4/Day
Alarm, Cure Light Wounds, Disguise Self, Distort Speech

Level 2 (DC 15): - 2/Day
Detect Thoughts, Invisibility, Sound Burst
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I'm Ray...of Enfeeblement
The following is a bit of history with regards to my character, I hope you enjoy……..

Endo Sevestarian was born to Illyana and Daar Sevestarian, a proud but simple couple from the mining town called Diamond Lake; they still call it home and in all likelihhod will probably end their days there. Endo is the eldest child out of the three that Daar and Illyana have spawned; the other two being Morgan and Esther.

Daar Sevestarian, like most of the men now in Diamond Lake, was a miner, however due to ailing health caused by old age he retired from “rock biting” and set up a small smithy, taking on a couple of apprentices to work it for him. The business, whilst by no means massively profitable, makes enough to pay his staff, keep his family well fed and clothed, and provide a small but well kept roof over their heads………..and that’s just fine by Daar.

Illyana Sevestarian is a well respected member of the Diamond Lake community. Having tended most of the few gardens there throughout her life she has come to know many of the residents, both rich and poor. At one point she was even apprenticed by the wizard ?????, Balabar Smenk’s older brother, however her marriage to Daar about a year later soon ended the apprenticeship. He was, and still is, quite the jealous husband! She retired along with her husband as ailing health took a hold upon her person also. It’s as though their relationship is somewhat symbiotic and what one feels, so does the other. Illyana has now taken to fortune telling which she seems to be exceptionally gifted at; possibly something to do with her tutelage under ???????? A devout follower of Wee-Jas, Illyana is often found in the company of her “cronies” who also follow the mysterious goddess of death and magic………..and that also……..is just fine by Daar ;)

Esther Sevestarian is the youngest of the Sevestarian siblings and has just reached the tender age sixteen. Daar and Illyana have sent her off to the Free City for schooling as she has shown considerable talents for dancing and acting and someday wants to perform in the great plays put on for the nobles and their ilk.

Morgan Sevestarian is the middling sibling and as you already know is the reason for Endo’s appearance in this tale. The unfortunate victim of a Hextor Cleric’s wrath alas Morgan is no more.

Endo had come back to Diamond Lake to set things right with his younger sibling. Several months ago he and Morgan had come to blows over a girl they both liked. They were both quite drunk at the time and harsh words were said and in the end Endo had stormed off in a rage to go make a life for himself as far away from his little brother as possible.

He eventually came to his senses some time later and made his way back to Diamond Lake in order to reconcile with Morgan however upon returning home he was told by his mother that she hadn’t seen Morgan for a couple of days now. She then went on to explain that the last place she knew he’d been was the house of her one time mentor ??????? the wizard, Balabar Smenks older brother.

The wizard ??????? explained to Endo upon his arrival that Morgan and his friends were helping him out with regards to an old temple located beneath the Dourstone mine and possible evil affiliated cultists. Endo thought this might be the perfect opportunity for fixing his troubled relationship.

He needed a day however to get prepared and let his parents know what was going on so he sent his raven familiar into the Dourstone mines to find out how his brother and friends were. Late that evening the familiar returned with some grave news. Even though it had not managed to see Morgan and his friends because they had locked themselves away in one of the rooms down there, it had overheard their conversation……..

Morgan was dead!

His mother Illyana was inconsolable with grief whils his father Daar uttered just four words to Endo in a voice that trembled with an awesome and barely contained rage and sorrow….

“Bring back me boy.”

Endo set off to the Dourstone mines that night harbouring thoughts of vengeance. He was easily able to slip past the guards and into the mine proper by using his hat of disguise. Once inside he mingled with the miners in order to get any information he could about his brothers whereabouts. It was at this point he met and befriended Igmut the Half-Orc, a rather strange and very big character who might come in use should Endo come across any trouble. He also didn’t take much persuading seeing as how he should have been released from his servitude some time ago.

Once again Endo used his magical hat to impersonate the mine manager and was easily able to get down into the temple with his large bodyguard and find his dead brother Morgan and friends.

Endo has now joined his once brothers friends hoping to mete out some much overdue justice on anything stupid enough to cross his path.

P.S. Can't remember that bloody wizards name!!!

Name: Endo Sevestarian.
Race: Human
Height: 6'1”
Weight: 140 lbs
Age: 21
Hair: Scraggly, long and blonde.
Eyes: Blue.

Class: Necromancer 5

Str: 8 (-1)
Dex: 14 (+2)
Con: 14 (+2)
Wis: 12 (+1)
Int: 19 (+4+
Chr: 8 (-1)

BAB/Grapple: +2/+1

Dagger: +1 to hit, 1d4-1 dam, 19-20x2 crit.
Staff: +1 to hit, 1d6-1 dam, 20x2 crit.
Masterwork Lt X-Bow: +5 to hit, 1d8 dam, 19-20x2 crit.

Base: 12,(10 +2 dex).
Normal: 16,(10 +2 dex +4 Mage Armour).
Panicked: 20,(10 +2 dex +4 Mage Armour +4 Shield).

HP: 27
Initiative: +6, (+2 dex +4 Improved Initiative).
Speed: 30

Fort: +3 (+1 class +2 Con)
Ref: +3 (+1 class +2 Dex)
Will: +5 (+4 class +1 Wis)

Skills,(those with ranks in ‘em):
Concentration +10
Craft: Bone Carving/Sculpting +11
Decipher Script +5
Know: Arcana +12
Know: Arch & Eng +11
Know: Dungeoneering +10
Know: Geography +6
Know: History +6
Know: Local +5
Know: Nature +5
Know: Religion +5
Know: The Planes +8
Spellcraft: +14

Improved Initiative.
Spell Focus: Necromancy.
Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy.
Craft Wondrous Item.

Class features:

Raven Familiar, (speaks Common and Draconic).

Spells (generally prepared)
0 - 5 – Daze,(2); Detect Magic; Disrupt Undead; Mage Hand.
1 - 5 – True Strike; Mage Armour; Protection from Evil; Weeping Wounds; Cause Fear.
2 - 4 – False Life; Blindness; Visceral Wounds; Endo’s Freakin’ Paranoia.
3 – 4 – Halt Undead; Summon monster 3,(2).

Common, Draconic, Giant, Auran, Terran.


2 daggers
Masterwork Lt X-Bow
Adventurers pack
Hat of Disguise
Pearl of power,(1st)
Brooch of shielding
Wand of Ray of Enfeeblement,(40+ charges left)

False Life on self.
Mage Armour on self.
Blindness on enemy caster.
Ray of Enfeeblement on biggest looking bad guy.
Ray of Enfeeblement on next biggest looking bad guy.
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Breaks Games
An updated version:

Name: Igmut the half caste
Race: Half Orc
Height: 6'10"
Weight: 414 lbs
Age: 15 and 11.5/12ths
Hair: Manky, unwashed black hair. Slightly balding.
Eyes: Reddish black.
Favoured Terrain: Bars and dungeons.
Organisation: In a mob of prettier adventurers.

Class: Barbarian 1: Cleric 7 (Kord)

Str: 18 (+4)
Dex: 14 > 16 (+3)
Con: 14 > 16 (+3)
Wis: 17 > 19 (+4)
Int: 6
Chr: 8

BAB/Grapple: +6/+10
+1 Greatsword 'Slicey': +12/+7 Hit 2D6+7 19-20 X2
+1 Morningstar: +11/+6 Hit D8+5
Masterwork Longspear: +11/+6 Hit D8+6 X3 10' reach
Masterwork Sling: +9/+4 Hit D4+4 50' range
Masterwork Dagger: +11/+6 Hit D4+4 19-20

Normal: 25 (10 + 8 Mithral full plate + 3 dex + 1 deflection + 3 natural)
Also carries a +2 shield (+4 AC if used)

HP: 75
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30
Fort: +11 (+5 class +3 Con + 1 Resistance)
Ref: +6 (+2 class +3 Dex + 1 Resistance)
Will: +10 (+5 class +4 Wis + 1 Resistance)

Climb +10
Jump +14
Heal +13

Feats: Power attack, Cleave, Weapon Focus: Greatsword.

Class features:
Fast movement
Rage 1/day
Strength domain - +7 strength 1 round/day.
Luck domain - 1 reroll 1/day.
Spontaneous healing.
Turn undead - 2/day.

Spells (generally prepared)
0 - 6 -
1 - 5+1+2 pearls - Enlarge Person(*), Free Slot, Divine Favor, Divine Shield, Protection from Evil, Remove Fear.
2 - 4+1 - Bulls Strength(*), Free Slot, Lesser Restoration, Silence, Delay Poison.
3 - 3+1 - Magic Vestment(*), Prayer, Dispel Magic, Invisibility Purge.
4 - 2+1 - Divine Power(*)(2), Free Slot.

(*) denotes domain spell.

Orc, common.

+1 morningstar
+1 greatsword
Masterwork sling
Masterwork longspear
Masterwork dagger
Masterwork Mithral Ful Plate
+2 Heavy steel shield
Cloak of Resistance +1 (strange looking thing crafted by Endo)
Amulet of Natural Armour +3
Ring of Protection +1
Pearl of power - level 1 (2)
Circlet of zorasiel (sic) - +2 wisdom.
Belt of Health - +2 Constitution
Gloves of Dexterity - +2 Dexterity
adventurers pack
Big Book of Kord (large print, learning edition, with pop ups)
2 X Wand of Cure Light Wounds - total ~70 charges
Assortment of Scrolls

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Ragged idiot in a trilby.
Evan: Male Human Brd8

Medium Humanoid (Human)

HD 8d6+8; hp 43

Init +6; Spd 30 ft/x4

AC 19 (+5 armor, +2 dex, +1 deflection, +1 Natural), touch 13, flat-footed 16;

Base Atk/Grapple +6/+6

Full Atk +6/+1 One-handed (1d6;18-20/x2, Rapier), +9 Two-handed (1d8;19-20/x2, Masterwork light crossbow), +10 Two-handed, Within 30' (1d8+1;19-20/x2, Masterwork light crossbow), +6/+1 One-handed (1d4;19-20/x2, Dagger), +8/+3 Thrown (1d4;19-20/x2, Dagger(Thrown)), +9/+4 Thrown, Within 30' (1d4+1;19-20/x2, Dagger(Thrown));

SA&SQ • You can cast bard spells while wearing light armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance., Bardic Knowledge(Ex), Bardic Music, Countersong(Su), Fascinate(Sp), Inspire Courage(Su), Inspire Competence(Su), Suggestion(Sp);

SV Fort +4, Ref +9, Will +8;

Str 10(+0), Dex 14(+2), Con 12(+1), Int 14(+2), Wis 12(+1), Cha 20(+5);

Skills: Bluff +16, Diplomacy +20, Disguise +18, Gather Information +13, Knowledge (local) +3, Perform (Oratory) +16, Perform (String Instruments) +18, Perform (Singing) +16, Perform (Strings & Song) +20, Sense Motive +9, Sleight of Hand +15, Tumble +13, Use Magic Device +11.

Feats: Improved Initiative, Point Blank Shot, Craft Wondrous Item, Versatile Performer.

• You can cast bard spells while wearing light armor without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance.

• Bardic Knowledge(Ex): You possess a special Knowledge skill for stray bits of trivia. This Knowledge check is 1d20+10

• Bardic Music: Performances can create varied magical effects 8 times per day.
¤ Countersong(Su): You can counter any sonic or language-dependent magical effect. Anyone within 30 feet can use your Perform check in place of their saving throw. You can maintain a countersong for 10 rounds.
¤ Fascinate(Sp): You can fascinate 3 creature(s) within 90 feet. If you beat their Will save with a Perform check, they will listen quietly for up to 8 round(s).
¤ Inspire Courage(Su): While singing, all allies who can hear you gain a +2 morale bonus to saving throws against charm and fear effects, and a +2 morale bonus to attack and weapon damage rolls. The effect lasts as long as you sing plus 5 rounds.
¤ Inspire Competence(Su): You can help an ally succeed at a task. They get a +2 competence bonus to skill checks as long as they are able to see and hear you and are within 30 feet. This can be maintained for 2 minutes.
¤ Suggestion(Sp): You can make a suggestion (as the spell) to a creature you have already fascinated. Will save (DC 19 negates).

Mithril Light Chain +1
Masterwork Lute
Handy Haversack
Wand of Cure Light Wounds
Cloak of Charisma +2
Vest of Resistance +1
Hat of Disguise
Ring of Protection +1
Necklace of Natural Armour +1
Trinkets (various small magical items I can't remember, but includes a feather token: tree)

Level 0 (3/day, DC 15) -
Detect Magic
Ghost Sound
Read Magic

Level 1 (5/day, DC 16) -
Cure Light Wounds
Disguise Self
Distort Speech

Level 2 (4/day, DC 17) -
Detect Thoughts
Eagle's Splendour
Sound Burst

Level 3 (2/day, DC 18) -


I'm Ray...of Enfeeblement
[imager]http://www.enworld.org/attachment.php?attachmentid=30252&stc=1[/imager]Ok update as requested..........

Name: Endo Sevestarian.
Race: Half-Orc
Height: 6'1”
Weight: 185 lbs
Age: 21
Hair: Scraggly, long and blonde.
Eyes: Blue.

Class: Necromancer 11

Str: 10 (-0)
Dex: 16 (+3).....14 and Gloves of Dex +2
Con: 16 (+3).....14 and Amulet of Health +2
Wis: 12 (+1)
Int: 24 (+7).......18, 2x stat boosts and Headband of Intellect +4
Chr: 8 (-1)

BAB/Grapple: +5/+5

Masterworked Dagger: +6 to hit, 1d4 dam, 19-20x2 crit.
Masterworked Staff: +6 to hit, 1d6 dam, 20x2 crit.
Lt X-Bow +1: +9 to hit, 1d8+1 dam, 19-20x2 crit.
Icosiel's Axiomatic Longsword +2: +3 to hit, 1d8+2, (+2d6 vs chaos), dam, 19-20x2 crit

Base: 13,(10 +3 dex).
Normal: 17,(10 +3 dex +4 Mage Armour).
Panicked: 21,(10 +3 dex +4 Mage Armour +4 Shield).

HP: 69
Initiative: +7, (+3 dex +4 Improved Initiative).
Speed: 30

Fort: +8 (+3 class +3 Con +2 Cloak of Resistance)
Ref: +8 (+3 class +3 Dex +2 Cloak of Resistance)
Will: +10 (+7 class +1 Wis +2 Cloak of Resistance)

Skills,(those with ranks in ‘em):
Concentration +17
Craft: Bone Carving/Sculpting +21
Decipher Script +13
Know: Arcana +23
Know: Arch & Eng +18
Know: Dungeoneering +14
Know: Geography +9
Know: History +9
Know: Local +8
Know: Nature +8
Know: Religion +8
Know: The Planes +12
Spellcraft: +23
Tumble: +8

Improved Initiative.
Spell Focus: Necromancy & Enchantment.
Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy.
Craft Wondrous Item.
Craft Wand.
Empower Spell.

Class features:

Raven Familiar, (speaks Common and Draconic).

Spells Known, (commonly prepared in blue).
DC's are Standard/Enchantment/Necromancy in that order:

0th - 5/day - DC 17/18/19 – All.

1st - 7/day - DC 18/19/20 – Cause Fear; Chill Touch; Enlarge Person; Expeditious Retreat; Mage Armour; Protection from Evil; Ray of Enfeeblement; Reduce Person; Shield; True Strike; Weeping Wounds.

2nd - 7/day - DC 19/20/21 – Blindness/Deafness; Bull's Strength; Cat's Grace; Command Undead; False Life; Fox's Cunning; Glitterdust; Osseous Staff; Protection from Arrows; Spectral Hand; Summon Swarm; Endo's Freakin' Paranoia; Touch of Idiocy; Visceral Wounds; Web.

3rd – 7/day - DC 20/21/22 – Bone Arrow; Bone Field; Dispel Magic; Empowered Ray of Enfeeblement; Flame Arrow; Halt Undead; Haste; Keen Edge; Greater Magic Weapon; Nondetection; Phantom Steed; Ray of Exhaustion; Shrink Item; Skin Walking; Slow; Strength of the Dead; Summon Monster 3.

4th - 5/day - DC 21/22/23 - Bestow Curse; Confusion; Detect Scrying; Dimension Door; Enervation; Locate Creature; Mortification of the Flesh; Polymorph; Scrying; Stoneskin.

5th - 4/day - DC 22/23/24 - Arc of Lightning; Caustic Spray; Dominate Person; Overland Flight; Symbol of Pain; Telekinesis; Teleport; Waves of Fatigue.

6th - 3/day - DC 23/24/25 - Disintegrate; Mass Owl's Wisdom; Repulsion; Undeath to Death.

Common, Draconic, Giant, Auran, Terran. Orc.


It's all on "gear cards" with Morrus, will update soon. I will however mention the largest part of the Rod of Seven Parts!!! Bloody stupid idea making it a 7 part rod if you ask me! It does Heal 1/day and allows you to earn the enmity of a powerful Pit Fiend ;)


Dimension Door to safer spot if necessary.

Arc of Lightning against anything with obvious spell resistance and trying to catch as many creatures as possible with it OR Disintegrate against anything immediately threatening me, Evan, Maynard, Flynne or Igmut....usually in that order.

Empowered Ray of Enfeeblement against whatever happens to be wailing on Igmut usually.


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