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Mortal Kombat!!


Tenneth blows a combination of magical and draconic shadows down at the drow, blasting at two of them (They're not close enough together anymore for you to get all 3), though both manage to stay on their feet, and Tenneth cannot see them to tell if they suffered the other effects. The three drow each snap behind a tree and seem content to wait for you.. or perhaps they're setting a trap.

Grugg and James are 600' away when they hear a great wooshing sound from ahead.

Please everybody include your AC and current HPs, as well as any relevant 'temporary' information/buffs in your posts.

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First Post
Caltrop quickly holds off on his flurry of attacks on the Ogre when he sees the Ogres willingness to fight dissappear. Crawling on top of the beasts head, he lowers his face in front of the Ogre's.

"Hmm... Would that be a surrender then? I would advise you reply quickly, or we can't take the chance of letting you remain a threat."

OOC: Caltrop is going to delay until the Ogre answers the question, or until it does something else.

Caltrop's Stats:
AC: 111 (116 against the Ogre)
Touch AC 93 (98 Against the Ogre)
AC without Dex (I retain Dex when flatfooted ): 86 (90 Against Ogre)
Flatfooted Touch AC: 68
Fort: 41 (11 Base + 1 Epic + 15 Con + 5 Resistance + 10 Paragon)
Ref: 48 (13 Base + 1 Epic +18 Dex + 5 Resistance + 2 Feat + 10 Paragon)
Will: 37 (8 Base + 1 Epic + 16 Wis + 5 Resistance + 10 Paragon)
HP: 804/804
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Bob starts flailing in the air trying to find its missing opponent. Finally spotting the troll it dives before the troll can continue its retreat.

OOC: Bob dives at the troll fullrounding it. Same as the first time except adding the bonus from the aura, using my dive attack racial feature, peircing unarmed strike, leap attack, power attack five, and declare ninja dodge against both the troll and the ogre.

Attack rolls
Unarmed Attacks (5)(Including Flurry and Multiweapon Fighting) +67 = 72, crit (confirm of 78), 79, 69, 74,
2 Claws +65 =73, 78
Tail +65 = 74
Secondary Unarmed Attacks(3) +62: 71, 74, 77
Rake (2) +62 = 71, 66,
Third Unarmed Attacks (3)+57 =68, 71, 73,
Fourth Unarmed Attacks: (3)+52 = 60, 57, 58

Attack Damage rolled in same order.
Unarmed Attacks ,
Unarmed Attacks (Including Flurry and Multiweapon Fighting) 2d8+86 = 96, 96, 94, 96, 96
Secondary Unarmed Attacks = 98, 95, 99
Third Unarmed Attacks = 97, 96, 91
Fourth Unarmed Attacks = 100, 98, 96

Claws Damage 1d6+38 = 43, 40

Tail Damage (Also Tail comes with DC 14 Fort save for str poison. On the unlikely chance the save is failed, will roll str damage) 2d4+38 = 43

Rake Damage 1d8+29 = 35, 31

Rend Damage (If both rakes hit) 2d8+71 = 86

Current hp: 392/652 (i Fast heal 5)
Ac 92 aginst both 91 against others
touch: 83 both 82 against others
flat footed 92 (i keep dex) both 91 others
Fort: +40 (10 Base + 2 Epic + 5 Resistance + 20 Con +4 aura)
Ref: +39 (10 Base + 2 Epic + 5 Resistance + 18 Dex +4 aura)
Will: +37 (14 Base + 2 Epic + 5 Resistance + 12 Wis +4 aura)


First Post
Tenneth: AC 93/94(when moving 10+ft in a round), 787hp(+103 temp), SR37, See invisible (30min), listening lorecall (1hour), Find the gap (4 rounds left), Imp. Invis. (always on) and when I was aproaching I used 5 rounds of true seeing in case they were polymorphed. Init 43

Tenneth will walk down the tree, and attack the lead drow from above with his falchion 59 vs touch AC for 38dmg and 5 lvls
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First Post
Jemal said:
[sblock=tehrazhon]Actually the one orc Tumbled.. No AoO's on him, that's what the 'flippy' part was about. Also, you get the +4 atk against them for them being prone when you use the follow-up attack, ergo they ARE prone when you take it. sry.[/sblock]
The massive chain connects four times on each Orc, battering them badly but not dropping either (285 on #1, 286 on #2). The downed one flips to his feet and they both press the attack again, more cautious and respectful of their obviously powerful foe this time as they Flank Tehrazhon, Each connecting once wth a GreatAxe. (2 hits, total damage 138)
Tehrazhon snarls at the unexpected wounds, while his faraway master jerks his body into a defensive roll to cover the lapse. But a moment later the horrible keening begins again as the great chain seeks orc flesh.

OOC:Flying tumble back 30', trip attack rolls 97 and 95 (touch), Str chacks 83 and 92, Follow-up attacks 90 and 95, 67 and 75 damage. And here are the relevant AoO rolls, with trips starting at 10' and Large and in Charge at 15': 88 and 94 at 25' (77 and 77 damage), 86 and 97 at 20' (67 and 69 damage), 94 and 88 at 15' (74 and 79), 94 and 101 (touch) at 10', 97 and 96 (touch) at 5'. The follow-ups for the AoO trips are 98 and 100 with 76 and 74 as the Str checks.[sblock=Jemal]From here on out, Tehrazhon will always oppose Tumble checks to avoid his AoO's with Sense Motive, his special. This round he gets 72 on both.

Also, the current HP's on the stat block below assume that T's damage reduction 5/silver was effective. Lemme know if I should reduct the extra 10 points.[/sblock][sblock=Combat Stats]HP: 801 (871 w/ Righteous Might) Current: 733
AC: 72 Current Touch 48 Current Flat-footed 51
Fort 65 Ref 57 Will 52
Special Abilities:
Blindsight 60' (anthro whale)
Scent (were)
DR 5/silver (Were)
Evasion (monk)
Aura of Evil (blackguard)
Immune to Crits and Stunning (Warshaper)
Redirect 10 levels of spells (Crown of Sorcerous Terror)
Always saves vs. Gaze (Basilisk Mask)
Doesn't need air (Ioun Stone)
Absorb 50 levels of spells (Rod of Absobtion)[/sblock]


First Post
(agh! Thank you! I totally missed that!)

Macrisse beats his wings savagely, fast and hard enough that he hangs in midair no more than ten feet off the ground. This gives him plenty of opportunity to rake the troll ever more with his claws, fangs and tail!

(Using Hover, but no smokescreen if I can help it, so as not to mess up allies. Full attack:)

Bite: 85 http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1189728
Claws: 81 http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1189730 and 89 http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1189732
Tail: 81 http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1189733

Bite: 45 http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1189735
Claw:24 http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1189737
Claw: 24 http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1189739
Tail: 53 http://invisiblecastle.com/find.py?id=1189740

Natural weapons count as magic, epic and adamantine for DR penetration.
AC 89
1021 HP
DR 20/epic


*Bumping to keep alive until I get back home and look over my notes & Stuff.
Will update in a couple days, thanks for your patience (again)*

1 thing b/c it doesn't require stats and will affect Darimaus's round:
"Gor help you, Gor work with you. Gor not want loose. You want Gor on team!"
Sense motive: He doensn't seem to be evasive or lieing. he wants to work with you guys.
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[sblock=Macrisse, Caltrop, Bob]
Init order: Bob, Troll, Macrisse, Ogre, Caltrop[/sblock]
While Caltrop is busy dealing with the Ogre, Bob rips violently into the Troll, dealing it enough damage to fell a great dragon. But still the Troll, strips of flesh hanging off of it, keeps coming, returning the favour by slashing furiously at Bob. His attacks seem hampered by the damage he's sustained, however, and Bob easily manages to evade them all, even getting in a couple of counter-attacks (He rolled THREE nat 1's), though the added damage doesn't seem to be doing any more to the Frenzying Troll.

The Great Silver Dragon, Macrisse, similarily rips into the troll, though all he's doing is gouging the allready existing holes a bit more.

The ogre gives his answer to Caltrop and awaits the tiny dragons response (See post above)

Tenneth: AC 93/94(when moving 10+ft in a round), 787hp(+103 temp), SR37, See invisible (30min), listening lorecall (1hour), Find the gap (4 rounds left), Imp. Invis. (always on) and when I was aproaching I used 5 rounds of true seeing in case they were polymorphed. Init 43
True Seeing has a range of 120', but when you did get within range, they weren't polymorphed.[/sblock]

Tenneth flips over to the tree the lead drow went behind and comes down from above, but the Underdark warrior is used to being attacked from unexpected angles and gets his quarterstaff up in time to block the vicious chop.

Though it doesn't matter right now as you're not facing casters, the Rod of Absorption must be held to be effective, and you're wielding a 2-handed weapon. Just FYI, you can't hold both at same time. Also don't forget that you take 1d6 damage each time your weapon strikes if you have Vicious active (which from your damage rolls, it looks like you do). So far that's 10d6 damage you've taken. Also, they're wielding Metaline weapons, so your DR applies against the very first strike from each of them, after that they overcome your DR.[/sblock]

Tehrazon flies backwards, laying both of his opponents down on the ground and lashing them (67/75). The two of them flip back to their feet, and start forwards again, only to be hit again and again (144/146). They stop 20' away, looking at each other and then at you, and throw their axes, one striking Tehrazon (72 damage) before both whirl back to their wielders.

Finally, here we go.. You beat the black dragon in initiative.
The Great Black and Force dragons speed towards each other unbelievably fast (~100 and 140 MPH respectively), the distance closing quickly. When they are about to collide, each veers slightly to the side and unleashes their breath weapon. A stream of force washes over the Black Dragon (300 force) and a jet of Acid returns, though the great Azrim manages to avoid most of it (93 acid). The two beasts are circling each other at ~60' distance.

Brother_Allard, the thread's not dead, are you? ;)

Voidrunner's Codex

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