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Most AWESOME character moment EVER!


I had a first level wild mage.

Our first encounter was with some bandits who had war dogs. My spells were nahal's reckless dweomer and... nahal's reckless dweomer.

I cast NRD. A ray of light dazzles 1d6 foes, sending them to sleep! That left a bandit and one large angry dog. My allies defeat the bandit, and the dog takes the fighter down to 0. Next round I cast again! The DM says "ok, the dog turns into... <flicks through MM, evil grin> ... a larger, angrier dog! It looks like a wolf!"

"Were the dogs wearing collars?" I ask.


"Well, wouldn't a dog who's suddenly too big for his collar strangle?"

"Yes, but that won't affect this one because... because... Oh. The dog cries out and dies".

Turns out the spell had polymorphed the dog into a werewolf, and the module explicitly stated that the dogs were wearing silver chokers.

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First Post
My most awesome character moment? I DON'T REMEMBER IT.

This is apparently the story the people I game with tell their other gaming friends whom I do not know, so I meet someone and they're like, oh! you're the one who gamed while on serious painkillers!

So it was my 1st post-op day, and I just got weaned from morphine that morning, and I had been asking for Demerol pretty much on schedule (q4hr) because after the anaesthesia wore off and the morphine was taken away it felt like stabby knives inside my knees. My friends came over to visit and game if I was up for it, and by the time we rolled initiative the current dose of Demerol started really kicking in.

Well, I don't remember much after that, except I wasn't reading my own dice rolls anymore because I was really high, just going "uh whu did I get?" And my character finished off the encounter against 3 or 4 bullwugs singlehandedly in the time it took our cleric to go downstairs to get the pizza. (I'm guessing I used dire wolverine strike because that was the only power my character had against more than 2 targets)

Everyone who was lucid enough to remember what happened reassures me that it was, indeed, awesome.

blargney the second

blargney the minute's son
In Monday night's game, my minotaur fighter jumped off a perfectly good giant owl to land knees-first on the back of a big harpy in flight. I changed my polymorphing hammer into a garrote and strangled it while we crashed into a deep pool of water. Once we were underwater, I knocked it senseless with a stunning blow.

I was feeling inspired by God of War, and the dice gods smiled favorably on me. :)


First Post
Great idea for a thread!

My most memorable moment was from my longest running character in a Cyberpunk 2020 campaign. I'd played him for yeeeears, and as a fixer was not the most combat oriented character. In a crazy final encounter, he was facing off against a clone of the love of his life (a fellow PC, in fact, who had died several years earlier). She was a martial arts MASTER, and was soundly beating my guy into a pulp until the dice gods decided that she fumbled, followed by a crit success by me to get a pistol into the fray and crit success AGAIN to blow her away...

Recently, I did enjoy a moment in a Star Wars game, where I was playing a Jedi who avoided conflict if he could at all. For many sessions he had never drawn his lightsaber until it was inevitable, facing off against some Dark Jedi. It was quite a moment when he lit the blade up, and drew cheers from my fellow PCs as my very first attack with the weapon all campaign was a crit success, instant death for my opponent who had forced my hand!

I love it when the dice create a moment that you couldn't have written better if writing a story!


Well... coincidentally, my most recent character has had the most accomplishments. He's a 32 pt buy human gestalt druid/monk with the vow of poverty feat in a heavily houseruled 3.5/pathfinder game. Due to a combination of strategy and (exceedingly good) dumb luck, he's managed to defeat encounters and overcome challenges... that he should not have any chance of defeating at all, statistically.
Just as an example, he defeated a roper in terrain that strongly (strongly!) favored it, in the span of a single round (at level 6). And he didn't do it by full attacking or casting a spell either.;)
At level 5, he defeated a CR 21 monster with the assistance of another (level 5) character.
I could go on, and list off many of his other incredible accomplishments, but I won't. For some reason, this character has received the blessings of the gods.


First Post
This makes me want to tell quite a few stories, but I'll keep it to the two I think will be the most entertaining to read.

In highschool I had a very cocky DM who converted this cool kid into a full fledged gamer... mostly by showing him all kinds of favoritism (I think he had a little bit of a man crush on him). He wrote a campaign around this guys 21st level mage, in 2e dragonlance. I didn't get into the campaign early enough, so when a friend and I started to show up the DM made our characters lackies of a white dragon scemeing to stop the party. We were really just supposed to hang around for a session or two to make an interesting "aha, your the bad guys" fight... but we just wouldn't die. So fast forward to the final session of the campaign where the main party is climbing the mountain to slay the white dragon and we are chasing them. The cool dudes mage cast pebble to boulder and rolled it down the mountain at us (a new spell from a new book he had just bought, it was his favorite). I was stuck in a spot where I couldn't avoid the boulder for some reason... so I cast the 1st level spell shrink, and since I was high enough level it basically turned the boulder back to a pebble and it went right past us. The odds were way against the two of us, we were several levels lower than the main party, and the DM was obviously trying to kill us off, so it made the moment so much better... until the DM used some bs trap to insta kill us in the next scene, and I had believed he might actually let us defeat the party.

I had a different DM in highschool that was very good and descriptive... but he started dating this really annoying girl. So one day he invites me to play with his new gf and a few of her friends, none of whom had ever played before. I agreed on the terms that he allowed me to play this necromancer I had rolled up (2e) that had the animate dead once per day wild psionic talent. He agreed and we began play. I have to admit at the time I was pretty aloof about being an "experienced" player, so I was over doing it a bit. We came up against some kind of dryad or similar that used a riddle the DM obviously had spent time working on to slow us down and make us think... but I cast friends on it and it let us by anyway. So these kids begin to think I'm cool. Then we fight a giant spider and, once its dead, I animate it, hollow out its abdomen, and ride around inside. So now I'm looking really cool. Then we enter into some dungeon where we think we will find (can't remember the monster or treasure) and the DM makes some descriptive comment that I pick up on and so I say, "I disbelieve the wall"... and poof the wall dissapears (since it was just an illusion) and a red dragon is staring at us. Those kids didn't know what had happened, they didn't know you could disbelieve anything or that walls could be illusions, to them it seemed like I willed the wall into non existence. It was pretty cool... can't remember what happened after that, but I didn't play with them again.
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First Post
One of my friends manages to get himself into some bizarre situations in games.

Like, getting himself entered into the FBI criminal database as a notorious terrorist, "Carloss the Jackal." That's not a typo; this was initially meant to be a cover for a run that involved blowing up someone's car. However, this was amusing both because we were playing goverment agents at the time, and because thereafter, every car he drove DIED:

* - The Ford Americar used to let my troll Secret Service agent jump onto the back of a tractor trailer? Engine blew out from the strain.

* - The rental car we drove to a firefight in a skyscraper in Memphis? Drove back with part of a helicopter gunship's rotor sticking out of the windshield.

* - The tricked-out Jaguar we inherited from our boss after being cut loose and burned by the government? Ate an ATGM while we were being hunted down.

* - The armored delivery van we "borrowed" to drive to Kansas City and hit a place there? Car bomb! Fortunately, we'd noticed the trend and the car bomb didn't actually damage the (armored) van, though it did sprain my friend's wrist.

* - A hot dog stand, while not really a vehicle, served as the centerpiece of a duel he had with a Triad hitman. Both were using dual handheld grenade launchers.

But one instance really stands out, and actually didn't involve vehicles at all (I, um, insisted that he not fly the Starship).

This was in a Star Wars game doing the Tempest Feud campaign, after we'd gotten our asses kicked by the HUTT IN BATTLE ARMOR (that still irritates me), we ran into this street gang deep in Nal Hutta or whatever Hutt hellhole we were on.

Still really ticked off that we got beaten, and tired of long-drawn out fights, he won initiative, and tossed a thermal detonator.

Gang vaporizes, as they were like maybe 3rd level.

The table erupts in laughter, and we don't stop for like 10 minutes, just at the sheer casual brutality in the action.


Voidrunner's Codex

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