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Most incredible dice roll ever

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Well, here's the oppisite end of the spectrum, the only time I've seen someone stop playing because of the dice. Throughout the first hour of the adventure, he rolled 7 out of 9 natural 1's. For attacks, saving throws, and skill checks: it didn't matter. He switched dice: didn't matter. He was about to give up then, but I told him we were getting itno a role playing section, no dice rolls. THat was for the next 2 hours. So, we got the rythem back into the game and he was enjoying it till combat started. Nat one and iniative, nat one one both of his attacks. I still convinced him to keep playing after that. I let him borrow a new set of dice I had just bought and no one had used. They had to make some swimming checks and 3 more nat ones. The rest of the party saved him so he didn't drown. At that point he got up and apologized but he couldn't keep playing with that string of bad luck. He went into the other room and started killing things on Red Alert 2.

Another story, not quite as bad a different person was having bad luck. Just missing DCs by a point or two. He warned his dice the next to fail was going for a swim (at the time I lived by a pond). Sure enough the next roll failed, he went on the back porch and tossed it in the water. The rest of the dice worked fine after that. However, after that night those dice all disappeared. He has no idea were they went. We figured they ran away for their own safety.


First Post
I had a simular string of horrible luck, ones' and two's all over the place, and I was getting very pissed off at my die. So, I tried to out smart it. The table we were playing on was glass, so I crawled under the table and rolled above it. My first roll...natural 20. second roll...18. Don't remember the rest, but they were pretty high. However, the die finally figured out the trick, and started to roll horrible again, and this time it didn't matter if I called top side or bottom side, it still rolled bad....so the next thing it saw was the underside of a sledge hammer. Ironicly, the only peace of the dice that was large enough to be called a peace had the 20 on it, a final apology that came to late.


First Post
00 strength

Once I actually rolled a 00 for strength on a dwarven fighter/cleric. It's probably the most opportune rolling I've ever had.

I proceded to take the Champion kit (which allowed weapon specialization) and kicked some major butt until level 4/4 when I fell off that 300 ft. cliff. :rolleyes:


There is a player in my group, who has somewhat of a reputation of bad dice rolls (justly earned i might add <g>) who once managed to roll 4 natural 1's in a row which was pretty impressive.

It's almost cruel to use monsters against him, as he;s threat enough to himself <chuckle>


First Post
Worst Luck Ever

So the party ran into a gas spore in some dungeon and the dwarven fighter decides to chuck his axe at it, throwing gas everywhere and killing half the party because of a failed save. Being a cleric, I call upon my god for devine assistance. In order to successfully get devine help, I have to roll under my piety, 33% (or so..)

I roll above it.

I clense myself in holy water and try again.

I fail.

I -drink- some holy water.

I fail.

I do some other trick, and fail.

At this point, the gargoyle wizard in our groups unleashes (whatever spell in 2e that lets you make a specific die roll over, going back in time).

I do all that over again.

I succeed on the very last roll possible.

We worked the odds out. I don't remember them but the word astronomical comes to mind...


First Post
We had some pretty good, not groundbreaking, but good rolls last session.

We were fighting some undead, constructs, etc. The party fighter rolled a total of 8 criticals against foes that are immune.

Well, we finally got to teh end of the dungeon, and this big evil spider pops out. I (my paladin) is the only one to have an actual +2 weapon (fighter had +1 flaming rapier, rogue with +1 frost shortsword), and after seeing that everyone else couldn't hurt him (besides 1-2 damage), I decide to power attack. I power attacked for maximum, and I crit.

Wait, I also smote evil, and the cleric had cast bull's strength on me. I totaled something like 42 damage in one hit, completely splattering it. It's good to be hte only one who can save the day, but even better when you actually do :)


First Post
i had a sad die roll day the other week. in battle against my players, during the course of battle, one opponent attacked one character 12 times. of those twelve attacks, three were misses, three were criticals, and six were normal hits.

the characer died, but he would have lived if the party had provided good support, unfortunately he was a barbarian in a rage, so one of those crits took him to -1, he lost his bonus HPs and was dead. :(

Black Omega

First Post
For some reason I recall bad rolls better than the good rolls. In one Champions game we had a player running a 'Demon so nice he was kicked out of hell' type character. During a battle a classic Bad Girl villain caught him with an entangle attack, the floor coming alive and holding him to the ground. He needed an averageroll on 6d6 to escape. And rolled six 1's. He's never lived that down.:)

Bran Blackbyrd

Settlers of Catan, I roll the dice and one of the sixes lands on one of it's corners and stays there for about 30 seconds while we all stare at it. Then someone hit the table...

Voidrunner's Codex

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