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Most ludicrous gaming rumors?

Back in 2001 this one went around the local game shop.
Wizards of the coast had bought White Wolf and was going to start making World Of Darkness D20, the core books only, with conversions.

Another was back in 2003 and it also involved White Wolf and WOTC but i saw it online. Whoever posted it said that WOTC had bought Changling the Dreaming and was going to release it as Arcadia for d20.

Someone awhile back (in a game store) mentioned and Alien Vs Predator RPG being made by a new branch over at FOX wanting to capitalize on the revitalized RPG market.

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Jürgen Hubert said:
What are the most ludicrous gaming rumors you have ever heard?

A friend of mine had "heard" that gamers were abandoning D&D3e in droves and flocking back to AD&D1 instead.

The fact that this particular friend doesn't much like 3e and prefers AD&D was not, I'm sure, a contributing factor in him believing this rumour ....

(ever since 3.5 came out) 4th Edition is due out very soon, within a year, and WotC isn't publicising it in advance because they don't want to hurt the sales of 3.5 stuff. We'll just walk into our FLGS one day and see big new displays of 4e PHB's.

(ever since 3.5 came out) WotC is taking the M:tG approach to editions, releasing a new core edition to D&D every 2 years or so.

(during the buildup to NWoD) World of Darkness d20, nuff said.

(circa 2001) 3rd Edition was actually this huge failure, and WotC is engaging in this massive coverup, and "everybody knows" most gamers secretly really prefer and play Palladium/GURPS/HERO/AD&D1e/RC D&D/WoD.

(circa 1999) This new 3rd Edition coming out is going to have Dominaria (from M:tG) as it's main setting, with mechanics that are a cross between Alternity and SAGA, and "everybody knows" it's going to flop and be "the Edsel of gaming", so stock up on those Second Edition Players Handbooks because they'll be valuable collectors items on eBay soon.

(back in the 90's) TSR has trademarked "spell" and copyrighted "orcs", so you can't have "spells" in any other medium without their permission, nor orcs. Actually, rumors were that they'd protected via trademark, patent, or copyright just about every aspect of RPG's and the fantasy genre.

(back in 3rd Grade, circa 1985) D&D is actually Satanic, but somehow it's not yet illegal (don't worry though, our parents are working on getting this banned though!), and they even sell tiny metal idols of devils and demons to worship. (I remember being told this by classmates in 3rd grade, and being shown pictures of these "idols", which in later years I realized were metal minis)

(back when 3e was first coming out) The OGL is actually a huge insidious plot by WotC to steal fan-made stuff and sell it, letting WotC just mine fan sites for new spells and material and repackage it and sell it for profit and not give the fans any credit or compensation, while letting them really cut down on R&D costs.

(right after the d20STL change in 2003) The d20 STL is actually a huge insidious plot by WotC to get lots of competitors to invest heavily in d20 branded merchandise, only to have WotC demand they destroy it all when they revoke the license, and thus financially ruin most of their competition.

(perennial doomsaying) The Gaming industry is dying, D&D is on it's last legs, gamers are fewer now than ever before, in a year the industry will be all but gone, it's patently obvious that it's all over for RPG's as CCG's/CMG's/MMORPG's have made RPG's totally obsolete.

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