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Most Outlandish Creative Non-sense You Ever Thought Up.


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Just looking to hear about some silly concepts in your game or head. I'm running Storm Kings Thunder, and decided that fire giants need enormous mountain slinkies of adamantite.

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Minotaurs (Krynn version) in my campaign cultivate grasses and combine them into personal blends for chewing (like cud), in the same way Georgian and Victorian gentlemen had their own blends of snuff.


<laughs> I think some of my players tire of my constant whimsy.

How about the Hunt for the Turducken? As the heroes slashed away at this gigantic Turkey-like creature, soon a duck's head emerged and started biting and finally a chicken's head and claws emerged from the wounds and started pecking and clutching. When they slew it, its delicious and aromatic gravy was good for 2d8 HP of healing.


Magic Wordsmith
To continue to underscore the weirdness of the Everchanging Chaos of Limbo, I created a strange test to enter the githzerai Temple of Change, home to The Enlightened One. This githzerai master has something important the PCs need to stop the spread of a curse that robs creatures throughout the multiverse of creativity. To enter, the characters had to be thrown by the Winds of Change into a shimmering carpet that depicted a confusing maze. Once in, they found themselves here...


...being chased by four angry but colorful ghosts as they absorbed orbs of chaos-stuff on the go. By finding four spheres at the corners of the maze and taking them to the center tomb and placing them in basins near the ghosts' sarcophagi, they were all instantly teleported into different sections of the Temple of Change. So now the party is split up, but closer to their ultimate goal.

The character who absorbed the most orbs was the insane dwarf clown bard Bo Low who earned the Pac-Mandala...


...a wondrous item that functions like a Headband of Intellect. Considering that almost the entire party has 8 Int (including Bo Low), he is now a super-genius and everyone's real nervous about that.

This is really only the latest in many years of outlandish nonsense my players have come to expect from my games.


Lord of the Hidden Layer
- A dragon whose hoard includes several Swords of Dragon-Slaying. Because he wants to keep an eye on such dangerous things. (He won't destroy them because they're a matched set and Art!)
- 1e Magic Missile Mk. 6 was described as a Saturn V moon rocket, that had been shrunk to the size of a staff, could be pointed and launched at an enemy … but you'd regret lighting that short fuse...
- "Buggy Wizard", NPC whose spells all involve an insect / swarm somehow. A cricket hops into the room, chirps, and is the center of his Sleep, &c.
- 6-foot-6-inches deep pit trap full of Cool Whip so the big tough unkillable endless-bag-of-Hit-Points Fighter can drown/smother in it. Unless he can eat a LOT really fast. It behaves like quicksand.
- Grimtooth's Traps has other over-the-top things to do to dungeon delvers. Giant-size crossbow that fires a telephone pole, not a bolt, down the hallway.


I was a Cleric of the God of Humor. As part of the Humor domain, I was granted a special Cantrip, which in the 2e/3e style was a Reversable spell like Light/Darkness or Flesh to Stone/Stone to Flesh.

The spell was "Pants Fall Down" and it did just that. If the target failed a dex save (and they were wearing pants), their pants fell down around their ankles, slowing or possibly tripping them, and socially embarrassing them.

When cast in reverse it was "Pants Fall UP". If your pants were around your ankles, this instantly put you pants on you correctly.

IF, however, you were ALREADY WEARING your pants correctly, it gave you a massive wedgie, dealing 1d4 damage and a con save to avoid being sickened for a round.

Villain is monologuing "Pants fall UP!" Villain is no longer monologuing.


Rules Monkey
Pac the Beholder, who dreamed of the ultimate in beholder perfection - a Ms. Pac Man video game. He worked to become the perfect Pac beholder so he would be worthy of her. He cultivated yellow mold on his body and used the warped magical energies of his lair to detach his eye stalks and have them orbit around his body like energy pellets. He then used disintegrate and telekinesis to create a maze inhabited by the ghosts of 4 adventurers he slain.


First Post
At the moment, I'm most proud of my silly - and very minor - solution to model the Bandit guns from Borderlands while maintaining the simplicity of "all pistols have 5 round clips, period." Bandit guns can hold multiple clips, all loaded by the same action.

I'm just picturing them sticking out of the gun at wacky angles.


Rotten DM
Sword of Talon aka the rocket sword from Sword and Sorcerer. Long sword damage. As an action could shoot the short swords up to 30 feet?.
I did the whip cream trap too. But mine was a 30 foot vat in the kitchen of a giant stronghold.

Voidrunner's Codex

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