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Most Unexpected/Funny Ways the PCs Killed A Creature


Markn said:
One of our more interesting deaths was drowning in a mud puddle.

We were adventuring in an area that wasn't very level just after a massive rainstorm. The DM described it as puddles of water a few inches deep scattered throughout the area. He even drew them on the map to show us where they were. Needless to say, we never gave it any thought and went into combat without any worries. When one of us dropped and the mapped showed there were puddles all around him we rolled to see if he fell face first or on his back. He fell face first and began drowning. No one got to him in time and that was the end of him.

Death God: You didn't roll over?

Deceased Character: I never thought of that.

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Bert the Ogre

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I was DMing the Shackled City for my group, when the skulk in the Locksmith's shop tried to jump down from the second floor and suprise the party. UNFORTUNATLY, I rolled a 1 on the jump, and he splattered himself all across the floor! The fall did enough damage to kill him, and I debated with my players whether or not to allow the XP for the "kill." It was one of the biggest laughs so far in the game.


He Who Lurks Beyond The Veil
One that I never forget. Fighting a colossal dragon party's dwarf fighter with spiked helmet gets killed. Spellcasters are out of spells and the dragon sunders the barbarians weapon. On his next turn the barb grabs his fallen dwarf friend, takes a couple of spins and hurls the dwarf at the dragon. Rolls nat. 20, roll for crit: nat. 20, roll for instakill: nat. 20.

DM: " OK. You bury your friend to the waist in the middle of the dragons eyes. For the first couple of seconds the dragon doesn't seem to understand what just happened. Then as he finally realizes he has a dwarf buried in his skull, he collapses with a great final roar and dies with a pathetic gurgle from his throat..."


One time my friend who regularly ran Call of Cthulhu for us, ran another Cthulhu game with characters that he premade. He let us chose our characters by description alone, describing them as a "boyfriend and girlfriend" (the boyfriend being "an skilled at driving"), a genius "knowledge expert", a "useless guy" and "the useless guy's friend". I picked the useless guy and my roommate chose the useless guy's friend. It turns out we were the Scooby-Doo gang in the middle of a real Cthulhu adventure (with Mr. T as a guest star). By the end of the mystery Fred and Daphne had been killed by the zombie thing we were investigating, Shaggy and Scooby accidentally killed Mr. T with the halberd of the suit of armor they were hiding in and Velma turned catatonic after summoning a spawn of Cthulhu. With nothing left to do as the 100 foot tall being began to advancing, Shaggy and Scooby downed some Scooby snacks, ran into the T van and emerged donning gold chains, blue jean vests, feather earrings and totting two M-60s and a rocketlauncher. The shots from the M-60s and missle from the rocketlauncher all miraculously rolled a 1 for impaled shots and the spawn was reduced to gallons of green goo!


I planned a big elaborate encounter. A giant trap-door spider was eating some formian scouts so the formians forced the PCs into killing the spider in return for passage through their lands.

I had planned for the PCs to scout out, see the spider, think it was too dangerous to head-on assult and to find a back way into the spiders cave/burrow so they could all attack at once. Instead they just cast Levitate on the biggest rock they could find, moved it with ropes until it was centered on the trap-door, and then just let it fall. Anti-climax indeed.



Iron Fist of Pelor
At GenCon I played in a round-robin game with Cthulhu's Librarian, Buttercup, Nareau, and a few others. I was playing a swashbuckling fighter.

One member of the party was captured by a Hill Giant, so we went to investigate. A big fight followed, and the hill giant was trouncing our level 5 characters (although we were hurting him), so on my turn, I cried, "Wait!"

"Huh?" the hill giant said.

"You're might," I answered, "but we've wounded you. If we keep fighting, you might kill us--or we might kill you. I challenge you to...a drinking contest!"

The other players looked at me like I was an idiot. "Huh huh huh," the giant laughed. "Puny human challenge Thag to drinking contest! Huh huh huh!"

So I pulled out the bottles of wine, handed one to the giant, and took one for myself. We each drank.

"Next round!" I shouted, stage-whispering to the party's rogue, "psst--hand me a flask of alchemist fire!" He did so, and I handed it to the giant, uncorking my own potion of cure light wounds. "This round we drink Dwarven Ale!"

I drank, gaining 5 hit points. The giant drank, smoke dribbling out of his ears. "That strong drink!" he said, brow furrowed.

"Round three!" I shouted, and got the rogue to hand me another flask of alchemist's fire. "Goblin whiskey!" And I tipped back another cure light wounds.

There was a small explosion in the giant's mouth. "Puny human can hold his liquor," he said, crestfallen. "Contest over. Thag lose."

We walked out of there with our friend and our dignity intact.



First Post
same high level gnome cleric. ELC 18-20

1, While sleeping off a bender, party is randomly attacked in their hotel by gnoll bandits.
Gnome summoned 2 greater earth elementals. those suckers weigh a few dozen tones or more each. party was on the upper floor of a stone and wood building party rides out on the earth gliding elementals as the building collapses killing most of the gnolls and a 13 innocent bystanders sleeping on the first floor. party moves to another hotel. Hung over gnome wants to know "what did we do last night?"

2, Summon earth elemental at max range. Grapple check. earth glide down. release, return to surface for other surprised cr 20 guard with odd template.

3, gate to elemental plain of air opened directly beneath gm's 4 unsuspecting cr 28 medium size melee build monsters. Shaped walls of stone encased another 2, then the summoned earth elemental was sent in. (this was a very well equiped epic level party. the gm felt safe throwing very high end monsters at us, but was surprized when the gnome took 4 out with 1 no save spell in round one, then inmobilzed 2 the next, and then sent an earth elemetal in via earth glide to finish them off by grappleing and then earth gliding them under the stone floor.)

4, used a well shaped wall of sand spell to blind and impead 3 cr 24 creatures, 2 of which got lost in it and suffocated. (gm misunderstood the "drowning" rules a bit on that one)


This is a story I heard regarding another group, back when D&D had no rules for making holy water. If you're not up on how real life holy water is made, this should give you some idea.

Party is hired to dispose of a vampire. After some investigation they learn that the vampire lairs in a crypt is a depression. The party cleric goes to town and purchases a five pound block of salt. The group then goes to the vampire's lair where the cleric casts Create Water, tosses in the salt, and casts Bless. (Now children, how do you make holy water in real life?)

The only thing they saw of the vampire was a burning skeletal hand scrabbling for the sky. Once word got out undead for miles around moved to locations that couldn't get flooded.

Lodow MoBo

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I was playing a small gnome wizard. The party was suprised by two hill giants. One ran up and power attacked my gnome reducing him to less than half his hit points in one blow; staggering him.

With much of my spell power depleted, I had only one chance for survival. I turned him into a newt. (He rolled a one on his fort saving throw.)

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