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D&D 5E MPMB's D&D 5e Character Tools

Thanks for the Rogue and Ranger additions and the change to how subclasses are detected.

I have a link saved for later for the git repository. I'll try taking a look sometime but have been very busy the last few months.

Oh? Is the Mystic supposed to be the next 20-level class released on UA? If so, I'll definitely be on the lookout for that (and completely understand not wanting to code the 10-level version now then).
According to this tweet by Mike Mearls there is a 20-level Mystic coming for sure, just no news on when yet.

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Is there any way to import the character data from one version of the sheet into another? Specifically, I created my character in 12.8 but want to move it over to 12.81 because it uses the Rogue (Scout) and Ranger (Horizon Walker).


First Post
Is there any way to import the character data from one version of the sheet into another? Specifically, I created my character in 12.8 but want to move it over to 12.81 because it uses the Rogue (Scout) and Ranger (Horizon Walker).

Yes, there is. You have to use the JavaScript "Special Features" button (top right, page 1) and hit the "Export" button, then transfer over to the new edition of the sheet. NB: Several pages back, MPMB did state some details might change, depending on the order they were entered in the original version of the sheet.


You are absolutely right about this and thank you for posting about it! I have clarified this in v12.81 of the sheet. Coincidentally, somebody contacted me about this very issue a day before you posted it here. It has gone unnoticed for almost two years, and suddenly I get two people within a days time contacting me about it!

Yeah, that's my own fault for not looking three posts ahead of me. Anyway I think the work you areally doing is amazing and I am happy that you are part of our community.

Is there any way to import the character data from one version of the sheet into another? Specifically, I created my character in 12.8 but want to move it over to 12.81 because it uses the Rogue (Scout) and Ranger (Horizon Walker).
You can import data from a previous version of the sheet with the "Import" button in the 'JavaScript Window' (or the "Import/Export" bookmark). You can then select to "Import directly from PDF" and follow the instructions in the dialogue(s) that appear. The sheet will try to import as much as possible from your old version and will end with giving you a list of things that it wasn't able to import exactly as it was in your old sheet (but are probably still correct, unless you did a lot of manual changes to the texts).

Yes, there is. You have to use the JavaScript "Special Features" button (top right, page 1) and hit the "Export" button, then transfer over to the new edition of the sheet. NB: Several pages back, MPMB did state some details might change, depending on the order they were entered in the original version of the sheet.
This is not really correct anymore. The sheet now offers a way to import from an older version directly, there is no longer any need to export data from an old sheet first.


First Post
My deepest apologies, Joost. As always, you are several steps ahead in polishing the perfection that is your Character Generator.
[MENTION=8184]wilcoxon[/MENTION]: Listen to MPMB. He's the best.


I found what appear to be a couple of bugs. I'm running the latest Acrobat DC and v12.81.
1) The "layout" (or was it "visibility"?) text tag for the first button on the JavaScript toolbar disappeared in v12.81.
2) If I unselect Companion page from visibility, it is still visible.
3) When I go into Sources and remove PHB version of Ranger under Classes, it appears to work. However, if I then open the dialog again, the PHB Ranger is back under the "included" column.
4) Import from PDF seems wonky. At the top, it says "Add a JavaScript file to your Acrobat installation or use the Console" and I don't see anywhere to select a PDF. Did the wrong window get linked from this option?

I found what appear to be a couple of bugs. I'm running the latest Acrobat DC and v12.81.
1) The "layout" (or was it "visibility"?) text tag for the first button on the JavaScript toolbar disappeared in v12.81.
2) If I unselect Companion page from visibility, it is still visible.
3) When I go into Sources and remove PHB version of Ranger under Classes, it appears to work. However, if I then open the dialog again, the PHB Ranger is back under the "included" column.
4) Import from PDF seems wonky. At the top, it says "Add a JavaScript file to your Acrobat installation or use the Console" and I don't see anywhere to select a PDF. Did the wrong window get linked from this option?
Thank you for reporting any bugs you found!

Great that you numbered them, then I can respond to each easily.

1) The text being visible in the 'JavaScript Window' is determined by Acrobat and is dependent on the width of your screen. Below a certain number of pixels, Acrobat will only show the icons for the buttons, not the text. It will start by removing the text from the button on the left, and removes the text from as many buttons as it deems necessary. For example, on my laptop it removes the text from the first two icons. So this is not a bug, but normal behaviour for Acrobat.

2) I am unable to replicate this issue. Can you give some more information what is happening exactly? Note that if you created multiple companion pages, unchecking it from the layout menu will only remove the first companion page, and none of the others. Also, know that the colour of the bookmarks can only be changed on Adobe Acrobat Pro or Standard, as Reader doesn't allow changing of the bookmarks via JavaScript.

3) Again, I am unable to replicate this issue. Note that the things you are moving to included or excluded are actually the subclasses. So if you open the window again after you have changed the subclasses that are available, there can very well be some subclasses that are new and added to the included window. For example, if you open the classes & archetypes dialogue and exclude the ranger and click "apply" to submit these changes, but then in the parent dialogue include a Unearthed Arcana source like "UA:RnR" that introduces new ranger subclasses, the classes & archetypes dialogue will put these new subclasses in the included sections, while still having all the subclasses you previously excluded in the excluded section. Another thing that might be going wrong, but I doubt it, is that you close the dialogue with either the "cancel" button or red X on the top, which would cause your changes not to be applied.

4) When you select the option to "Import Directly from PDF" you are supposed to see the dialogue that reads "Add a JavaScript file to your Acrobat installation or use the Console". The first paragraph of that dialogue is supposed to explain the reason, and it reads as follows:

"In order to use the 'Direct Import' functionality, you will need to do something to appease Adobe Acrobat's security settings. You have two options:
Option 1 is that you add a JavaScript file to your installation. After you've done this, you will never see this dialogue again.
Option 2 is that you run the code from console, but you will have to do this every time if you want to use this function."

From your reaction I get the idea that you didn't read this far, so that is why I posted it again. I hope this explains it. If however I am wrong and the dialogue is not showing correctly, please let me know and we can find the bug that is causing this issue.


Thank you for reporting any bugs you found!

Great that you numbered them, then I can respond to each easily.

1) The text being visible in the 'JavaScript Window' is determined by Acrobat and is dependent on the width of your screen. Below a certain number of pixels, Acrobat will only show the icons for the buttons, not the text. It will start by removing the text from the button on the left, and removes the text from as many buttons as it deems necessary. For example, on my laptop it removes the text from the first two icons. So this is not a bug, but normal behaviour for Acrobat.

2) I am unable to replicate this issue. Can you give some more information what is happening exactly? Note that if you created multiple companion pages, unchecking it from the layout menu will only remove the first companion page, and none of the others. Also, know that the colour of the bookmarks can only be changed on Adobe Acrobat Pro or Standard, as Reader doesn't allow changing of the bookmarks via JavaScript.

3) Again, I am unable to replicate this issue. Note that the things you are moving to included or excluded are actually the subclasses. So if you open the window again after you have changed the subclasses that are available, there can very well be some subclasses that are new and added to the included window. For example, if you open the classes & archetypes dialogue and exclude the ranger and click "apply" to submit these changes, but then in the parent dialogue include a Unearthed Arcana source like "UA:RnR" that introduces new ranger subclasses, the classes & archetypes dialogue will put these new subclasses in the included sections, while still having all the subclasses you previously excluded in the excluded section. Another thing that might be going wrong, but I doubt it, is that you close the dialogue with either the "cancel" button or red X on the top, which would cause your changes not to be applied.

4) When you select the option to "Import Directly from PDF" you are supposed to see the dialogue that reads "Add a JavaScript file to your Acrobat installation or use the Console". The first paragraph of that dialogue is <snip>... From your reaction I get the idea that you didn't read this far, so that is why I posted it again. I hope this explains it. If however I am wrong and the dialogue is not showing correctly, please let me know and we can find the bug that is causing this issue.

1) Odd. The JavaScript window for MPMB only extends about 2/3 across the screen but the label is removed from the left-most button.

2) I'll try to reproduce this later (likely tomorrow or Monday).

3) I'll upload some screen shots. It's really easy to see on mine since I added all sources to be included and then removed only the PHB Ranger (just to make doubly-sure that it picks up the UA Ranger Revised). I go into classes, click on the PHB Ranger, hit remove, go through the dialog because I wanted to remove an expandable node (Ranger instead of one of its sub-entries), hit apply - then, if I go back in, the excluded side is blank and the PHB Ranger is back on the included side. I'll upload some screen shots later (again likely tomorrow or Monday).

4) Thanks. Now I feel sheepish. Somehow I managed to miss that top text in the grey section (only seeing the title and the white section). After going through Adobe's hassles (can't save directly into that folder and can't save with .js extension (both silently failed which is ultra-annoying)), everything now appears to work fine (haven't tested as I don't need to import anything right now (I used the deprecated method the one time I had to do it so far)).

5) One other "bug" that I'm guessing is a limitation on Adobe (at least Reader) is that the dialog windows don't scale based on Windows Display/Text Size settings (I have my laptop set at 125%)). I think I've only ever hit one other application that didn't scale properly.

Your sheet is the only reason I've used Acrobat Reader in the last few years (every other PDF I've tried works in PDF X-Change correctly even if it claims to be "Acrobat-only"). I'm pretty sure the issue with PDF X-Change is not-quite-fully compatible JavaScript support (it certainly supports a fair bit of Acrobat JavaScript but gives a couple of errors when trying to open your sheet). This is not a bug report or a request to support PDF X-Change (I know how much work it can be to support multiple applications that mostly but not exactly support the same features) - it's just a comment that I'm willing to run a program I don't like to use your sheet. Yours is by far the best PDF sheet I've seen (though I do prefer ForgedAnvil's Excel sheet for what it supports but he has said he will not support Unearthed Arcana which is becoming a deal-breaker for me).
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First Post
I started making my own automated character sheet. I thought I did a pretty decent job, until I found yours... blew mine straight out of the water. Amazing work!

I'd like to make a few requests/suggestions:

1. I find it by far more intuitive to order the skills by the associated ability score, instead of straight alphabetic sort. It'd be great to have this ordering as an option.

2. On the spell sheet, space can become scarce for certain classes. I'd love to be able to remove the first spell level divider (usually the one for Cantrips).

3. A small tweak: MPMB uses the variant encumbrance rules by default, instead of the basic rule. This has confused almost all of my players... Perhaps it'd be better to default to the more standard rule?

4. Most classes will have more than 6 actions from early on, but much fewer bonus actions and reactions. If the actions box is to remain useful, maybe the normal actions should get 2 columns. Alternatively, don't mark the columns as normal/bonus/reaction. Instead, allow each action to be marked as one of the 3 categories.

Hope you'd implement them eventually. Either way, thanks!

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