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D&D 5E MPMB's D&D 5e Character Tools

AcrobatReader 11.0.17
My computer's specs are pretty good: 3.8GHz quad core, 16GB RAM, so shouldn't be an issue there.

I am trying to generate a spell sheet for a LVL 1 Ranger & LVL 2 Circle of the Moon Druid.

Should the sheet remain unresponsive during the entire generation?
Hi capn_track, I have some unfortunate new for you. Yes, the spell sheet generation does take so long, even with your admittedly very good computer specs. And yes, Acrobat will be unresponsive during the whole generation process, which will take several minutes or, if you are generating a very long sheet or have a lot of pages in your document, up to an hour. The problem lies with the JavaScript base of Adobe Acrobat. It has been such a common thing for people to ask, that I have included it in the FAQ. If you don't mind, I would continue with the answer I gave in the FAQ:

FAQ said:
Unfortunately the automatic generation of a spell sheet can take a very long time because it uses some functions in Adobe Acrobat that have a time-out event in them, meaning that Acrobat is waiting on itself constantly, slowing down the whole. This is not something I can change as far as I know. The amount of time it takes to generate depends on the amount of spells that will be put on the spell sheet and does not seem to be affected by the systems performance much (i.e. older systems and newer systems will run it just about as fast). Thus, it can easily take over an hour to generate a spell sheet that contains all the cleric spells.
If you are concerned that your Adobe Acrobat is frozen, simply take a look and see if the process is still using CPU (with Task Manager for example). If the program stays at 0% or close to 0% CPU usage, than it is probably frozen. If it still using your CPU, than you will have to wait a bit longer.

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First Post
OK. If it is supposed to remain unresponsive during the entire operation, then why does it only remain unresponsive for about 30 seconds, and then no sheet is generated?

OK. If it is supposed to remain unresponsive during the entire operation, then why does it only remain unresponsive for about 30 seconds, and then no sheet is generated?
Ah sorry, I missed the part where nothing is happening after you select to generate the sheet. Could you send me a copy of your sheet, then I can see what is going wrong and what bugs I have to fix to get it working. Sorry for the inconvenience!

You can either upload it somewhere and send me a link (via PM if you want) or you can email me at Flapkan(AT)gmail.com

I was able to fix the bugs that capn_tack brought to light. Thanks for reporting them @capn_tack! This brings the Character Record Sheet to version v12.34.

Changelog for MPMB's Character Record Sheet v12.34 (10 October 2016):

  • Fixed a bug where casting classes were already included in the spell generation process even when they did not yet have access to spells (i.e. Ranger and Paladin level 1) (thanks capn_tack for reporting);
  • Fixed a bug where if the first class to generate a spell sheet for has no spells selected, it caused the whole spell sheet generation to fail (thanks capn_tack for reporting);
  • Fix for (sub)classes with the Potent Spellcasting feature.

Looking for the original Printer Friendly version with the artwork of the Wizards of the Coast official character sheet (Click here for the preview)?
Become a patron on Patreon, and you will get the Character Record Sheet, Spell Sheets per Class, and Adventure Logsheet with the WotC design!
Last edited:

Is it possible to integrate the adventures of middleearth handbook?
You will have to explain a bit further. First of, what is "the adventures of middleearth handbook", and what does it contain?

Unfortunately I don't have time to convert every resource for use with my Character Sheet. So as a rule I stick with the official stuff and on occasion the stuff from Unearthed Arcana or something else my group wants to try.

If you want to add something to the automation of the sheet, you are in luck, because the JavaScript syntax allows you to easily write these additions yourself. The syntax is written in such a way that you only need to understand the very basics of writing code. You don't need to program anything, just enter the right things in the right places and make sure that you keep the consistency of the syntax. Please take a look at section 3 of the FAQ (you can find the FAQ in the character sheet). You can find the syntax here: http://bit.ly/MPMBcoding_Syntax

I am happy to help you with checking your code, help you get any bugs out, or help you get some things working that you don't understand.


First Post
So far I've been using the sheet since April. Super happy with it as I've expressed before.

One of my characters has recently come into posession of a bag of holding, and most of my characters have a horse & cart / wagon for goods, supplies and equipment etc.

Would there be the possibility of adding an extended inventory page similar to that of the additional notes pages?

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

So far I've been using the sheet since April. Super happy with it as I've expressed before.

One of my characters has recently come into posession of a bag of holding, and most of my characters have a horse & cart / wagon for goods, supplies and equipment etc.

Would there be the possibility of adding an extended inventory page similar to that of the additional notes pages?

Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
There are currently no plans for adding any more space for equipment, as the current amount is more than plenty for most characters. In my opinion, having a whole page just with a table for equipment is overkill and not to mention a lot of work (as [MENTION=3535]Grey[/MENTION]bear_Ray pointed out). The biggest issue, however, is the problem that this will be a page with lots and lots of field on it. Currently the sheet is overloaded with fields, slowing functionality down. Adding this many more fields will only be detrimental for the overall functionality of the sheet and it will be even when the page is not shown. Thus I think the gains don't outweigh the costs.

If you want to, you can create more versions of the third page. These won't completely work, however, as they won't be able to calculate the total weight, set feats, and probably have more issues than I can think off right now. You can still try it out and see if it works for you. Simply run the code below in a JavaScript console in Acrobat or add it to the "Add Custom Script" dialogue, close the dialogue, and remove it from the dialogue before saving your document. Do NOT leave this script in the dialogue, or you will be generating an extra page every time you open your sheet, which will most likely crash Acrobat and thus render it impossible to open your character sheet ever again.

this.getTemplate("ASfront").spawn(3, true, false);

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