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D&D 5E MPMB's D&D 5e Character Tools

It is a shame you are unable to read the tooltips/mouseover texts. I use it as a way to communicate a lot of information with the sheet. The size of the text is not determined by my, but by your operating system/pdf viewer (and I have no idea how to change it). The tooltips are dynamic, they tell you what skill proficiencies you get and from what source, how many ability score increases you get and the source, the sources of the proficiencies with armor and weapons, the total average amount of hp your classes, levels and stats give you, the starting equipment, etc. etc. For the "Class", "Race", "Background" and Weapon fields the tooltips also give a lot of information on how you should enter the text and what will happen if you do.

There is no reset function for the Bluetext fields, but you can edit them each individually after pressing on the "Modifiers" button.

But in short for how to enter stuff:
All fields auto-recognize typed stuff, so you don't have to use the drop-down box if you don't want to. You could just as easily type "Master criminal" as your background and you'll get all the features of a "Criminal".
Changing the field values:
Weapons, Race & Background can be changed and all their features will be removed without problems. This does not work for Class however. With classes you can only add a subclass at a later time, but changing the class or subclass will leave some residual stuff from the former class interfering with the sheet.
Entering a Class is done by typing in the class name with the name of the subclass if you have one. Alternatively, you can also use just the name of the subclass. So you can type "Rogue (Assassin)" or just "Assassin".
If you are entering a character with a single class, you should put the class in the class field and the levels in the level field (so don't type "Battle Master 5" in the Class field if that is your only class, just type "Battle Master" in the Class field and "5" in the level field).
If you are entering a character with multiple classes you should put the level for each class right after the class. For example: "Fighter 2, Rogue 3", or "Illusionist 3, Light Domain Cleric 8". The first class in the line is seen as the class you started level 1 with for determining hp, save/armor/weapon/skill proficiencies, starting equipment, etc. etc.

In the Bluetext fields you can also add the 3-letter abbreviation of a stat. That way the modifier of that stat is added instead of a fixed number.

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I have not used Java in many years, sorry, tried

"\n " +, the New Line, I tried to use PDF Pro 10 program for formatting the Lines, but it was no help

I know we are not to use the words verbatim from the books, so I can see the description " I cast..." being a way to rewrite the description

I hope that some of it was useful

Rogue is missing

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Hi Athinar, thanks for all the awesome help! I haven't had the time to look at them properly (this will probably happen tomorrow), but some first thoughts:

You might be better off enclosing the code in
 tags[/B]. That way the tabs and other formatting is not altered when you post it here. Also your posts will be easier to read :)

[B]Secondly[/B], you might have noticed that all my text are from a first person perspective. I would like to continue that for the class features as well. So something like "Pick a 1st Level and a 2nd Level Spell that allows you to cast without costing you a spell slot" becomes "I can pick a 1st and 2nd level spell to cast without using a spell slot".

[B]Thirdly[/B], the idea is that every line contains only 1 sentence and that every line is preceded by three spaces (hence the [CODE]"\n   " +
for every line). In order to test that every sentence fits onto 1 line on the character sheet you will need the character sheet open (I haven't found another way to do this).

I try to avoid abbreviations and use the capitalizations as they are in the PHB (so "bonus action and Strength"), but sometimes abbreviations are necessary to make a sentence fit on one line.

Fourthly, I try to give a text that reads naturally and is less ambiguous like those in the PHB, not just keywords. So instead of something like "Gold and Time spent is halved" I would prefer "I half the gold and time necessary to copy spells of my chosen school into my spellbook"

Lastly, the subclassfeatures are named that because the main class needs a placeholder for where the features of the subclass fit in chronologically. So for the main class you can call the things "spell mastery" and "signature spell", but for subclasses you will always need to use something that is already defined in the main class. Subclass features will overwrite the things with identical names in the main class. If there is nothing with an identical name in the main class, the subclass feature will be ignored. So this would be something akin to:

		name: "Cleric",
		source: ["P", 56],
		primaryAbility: "\n \u2022Cleric: Wisdom;",
		abilitySave: 5,
		prereqs: "\n \u2022Cleric: Wisdom 13;",
		improvements: [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5],
		die: 8,
		saves: ["Wis", "Cha"],
		skills: ["\n\nCleric: Choose two from History, Insight, Medicine, Persuasion, and Religion."],
		armor: [[true, true, false, true], [true, true, false, true]],
		weapons: [[true, false]],
		equipment: "Cleric starting equipment:\n \u2022 A mace -or- a warhammer (if proficient);\n \u2022 Scale mail -or- leather armor -or- chain mail (if proficient);\n \u2022 A light crossbow and 20 bolts -or- any simple weapon;\n \u2022 A priest's pack -or- an explorer's pack;\n \u2022 A shield and a holy symbol.\n\nAlternatively, choose 5d4 \xD7 10 gp worth of starting equipment instead of both the class' and the background's starting equipment.",
		subclasses: ["Divine Domain", ["death domain", "knowledge domain", "life domain", "light domain", "nature domain", "tempest domain", "trickery domain", "war domain"]],
		attacks: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
		features: {
			"spellcasting": {
				name: "Spellcasting",
				source: ["P", 58],
				minlevel: 1,
				description: "\n   " + "I can cast prepared Cleric cantrips\/spells using Wisdom as my spellcasting ability" + "\n   " + "I can use a holy symbol as a spellcasting focus" + "\n   " + "I can cast Cleric spells I have prepared as a ritual if that spell has the ritual tag",
			"subclassfeature1": {
				name: "Divine Domain",
				source: ["P", 58],
				minlevel: 1,
				description: "\n   " + "Choose a Domain related to your deity and put it in the \"Class\" field on the first page" + "\n   " + "Choose either the Death, Life, Light, Nature, Tempest, Trickery, or War Domain",
			"subclassfeature1.1": {
				name: "",
				minlevel: 1,
			"channel divinity": {
				name: "Channel Divinity",
				source: ["P", 58],
				minlevel: 2,
				description: "\n   " + "I can channel divine energy to cause an effect; the save for this is my cleric spell DC",
				usages: [0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3],
				recovery: "short rest"
			"turn undead": {
				name: "Channel Divinity: Turn Undead",
				source: ["P", 59],
				minlevel: 2,
				description: "\n   " + "As an action, all undead within 30 ft that can see/hear me must make a Wisdom Save" + "\n   " + "If failed, it is turned for 1 minute or until it takes damage" + "\n   " + "Turned: move away, never within 30 ft of me, no reactions or actions other than Dash",
			"subclassfeature2": {
				name: "",
				minlevel: 2
			"destroy undead": {
				name: "Destroy Undead",
				source: ["P", 59],
				minlevel: 5,
				additional: ["", "", "", "", "CR \u00BD or lower", "CR \u00BD or lower", "CR \u00BD or lower", "CR 1 or lower", "CR 1 or lower", "CR 1 or lower", "CR 2 or lower", "CR 2 or lower", "CR 2 or lower", "CR 3 or lower", "CR 3 or lower", "CR 3 or lower", "CR 4 or lower", "CR 4 or lower", "CR 4 or lower", "CR 4 or lower"],
				description: "\n   " + "An undead of the CR above that fails its save when I use Turn Undead is destroyed"
			"subclassfeature6": {
				name: "",
				minlevel: 6
			"subclassfeature8": {
				name: "",
				minlevel: 8
			"divine intervention": {
				name: "Divine Intervention",
				source: ["P", 59],
				minlevel: 10,
				additional: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "10% chance", "11% chance", "12% chance", "13% chance", "14% chance", "15% chance", "16% chance", "17% chance", "18% chance", "19% chance", "100% chance"],
				usages: 1,
				recovery: "long rest",
				description: "\n   " + "As an action, I can implore my deity for help (the DM determines the form of help)" + "\n   " + "Without intervention I can try again after a long rest, otherwise I have to wait a week"
			"subclassfeature17": {
				name: "",
				minlevel: 17

and the subclass will look like:

	"knowledge domain": {
		subname: "Knowledge Domain",
		features: {
			"subclassfeature1": {
				name: "Blessings of Knowledge",
				source: ["P", 59],
				minlevel: 1,
				description: "\n   " + "I learn two languages and gain proficiency and expertise with two skills" + "\n   " + "I can choose from the following: Arcana, History, Nature, or Religion",
				skills: "\n\nKnowledge Domain: Choose two from Arcana, History, Nature, and Religion. You also gain expertise with these skills.",
				eval: "AddLanguage(\"+2 from Knowledge Domain\")",
				removeeval: "RemoveLanguage(\"+2 from Knowledge Domain\")",
			"subclassfeature2": {
				name: "Channel Divinity: Knowledge of Ages",
				source: ["P", 59],
				minlevel: 2,
				description: "\n   " + "As an action, I gain proficiency with a chosen skill or tool for 10 minutes",

Hope this helps/clears things up for you. And all these comments doesn't mean I don't appreciate the help, I just want to have one style in the presentation of the class features in the sheet.

Noah Ivaldi

First Post
Headbomb: I appreciate your input, even if I don't end up using the spell sheet generator. Good job, man.

Others: Let's not get too worked up and attack Headbomb, guys. He made a suggestion. Yeah, it isn't likely to come out just the way that he'd like to see it very soon, but it's just a suggested feature. A large part of why this char sheet is so good is that MPMB is taking and implementing suggestions so well. Give Headbomb some credit; don't call him lazy.

MPMB: I'll proofread all of the classes. I'll volunteer to do . . . What's the hardest? Warlock, right? Actually, probably Sorcerer. Well, no, maybe not . . . I mean, Cleric, Druid, and Wizard are pretty verbose, but you are clearly already in the works on Cleric, and that should provide a good base for the others . . . Well, pick a class or two, and you can volun-tell me to do them.

Anyone: Have you looked at my Wild Shape Sheet, yet? I added a key to make it more easily read. I put it in the Senses/Proficiencies box on my current document. I'm going to add a little more info before updating it here. Did anyone notice any errors for me to fix before I do that, though? Once it's done, maybe MPMB can include it as auto-filled information for most druids, then Circle of the Moon druids can have their own sheet(s), which I may or may not help with at some point. Again, I contend that, if someone really wants to open up the can of worms that is Circle of the Moon, that person should really have the monster manual in his/her lap for the whole game.


First Post
On Character sheet v6.91, the personality traits section is not recognizing that I have selected the Outlander / Exile or Outcast background. I copy/pasted some text in before realizing the button existed. When I caught up on the changelog and realized this was a feature, I clicked the button. I got the option to reset the boxes, and I got another option that states "No background entry has been detected on the first page". After resetting the fields I still get the "no background entry has been detected..." error. I opened a new blank sheet and the feature seems to work fine. Not sure what I broke by pasting text in.

My apologies if this has already been addressed. I searched, but did not find any pertinent results.


On Character sheet v6.91, the personality traits section is not recognizing that I have selected the Outlander / Exile or Outcast background. I copy/pasted some text in before realizing the button existed. When I caught up on the changelog and realized this was a feature, I clicked the button. I got the option to reset the boxes, and I got another option that states "No background entry has been detected on the first page". After resetting the fields I still get the "no background entry has been detected..."

Delete everything in "personality traits section", Select the "blank" entry for both backgrounds and then reselect the background entries and then personality traits, that worked for me


First Post
I really like how this sheet looks and the way its setup except the fact that its only form fill-able. I'd love a completely blank version of this because I do alot of editing on my sheets during the course of a game so its just easier for me to have a blank sheet and fill it in with pencil vs filling one in with the computer and have to re-print a new sheet when typed portions of the sheet are permanently changed. I tried doing what you told der_kluge to do to clear the auto-filled numbers but nothing happens when I press the extra features button. :s

Edit: Nevermind, I clicked the print button and it gave the option to clear all the filled portions of the sheet.
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