• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

MSH: The New Avengers


Forming the Team II

Scene 1: The Circus Has Come to Town
Scene 2: A Perspective From the Cheap Seats
Scene 3: Welcome and Support
Scene 4: Who Wants to Be a Boy Scout
Scene 5: We are Men, Manly Men, in Tights. Looking for Wrongs to Right.
Scene 6: Interesting People
Scene 7: He's a What?
Scene 8: The Coming of the Demon

Scene: 1 Location: Avenger's Island (Museum Overlook)Date: 09:00 on Saturday, February 2nd, 1999

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Thunder & Lightning

Scene 1: Don't You Just Love Paperwork
Scene 2: Simply Electrifying!
Scene 3: Standoff
Scene 4: We Deliver in 30 Minutes or Less
Scene 5: At Home
Scene 6: The Demon Comes A Calling

Scene: 1 Location: Chase National BankDate: 10:00 on Monday, February 5th, 1999
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The Roster

Here will go MSH character sheets for the starting characters. Improvements will be noted as we go along in GM's notes and changed here.

Active Members

Justice (US) Powers: Telekinesis/Telepathy - Eric
Behemoth (EN) Powers: Demonic Powers - Chris
Inertia (CA) Powers: Kinetic Control - Michael
Force (US) Powers: Powered Armor - Rick
Cheshire (US) Powers: Invisibility - Jill
Masada (IS) Powers: Growth/Density Control - Bob
Icicle (US) Powers: Ice Control/Generation - NPC
Tigra (US) Powers: Super Senses, Super Dexterity, Claws - NPC

Reserve Members

Firestar (US) Powers: Microwave Generation/Control - NPC
Black Knight (EN) Powers: Flying Horse, Ebony Blade - NPC
Photon (US) Powers: Energy Generation/Control - NPC
Onyx (US/Japan) Powers: Martial Arts - NPC


Fighting: Good (10)
Agility: Excellent (20)
Strength: Excellent (20)
Endurance: Remarkable (30)
Reason: Good (10)
Intuition: Incredible (40)
Psyche: Amazing (50)

Health: 80
Karma: 100
Resources: Incredible (40)
Popularity: 25

Skills: Astronomy, Computers, Martial Arts A, Leadership

Telekinesis (Monstrous): Vance has the ability to use his telekinesis with brute force, but also with delicate control.
Force Bolt(Amazing):
Telepathy (Remarkable):
Telepathic Stun Bolt (Remarkable):
Mind Link
Mental Probe (Good):
Telepathic Invisibility (Excellent): Vance is able to make him disappear from people's minds near him. This does not work on mechanical devices or anyone with a psi-screen higher than excellent.
Telepathic Skill Mastery (Excellent): Vance has the ability to reach out with his telepathy and use reason based skills from people that know him within 4 areas of him.
Telepathic Language Skills (Excellent): Vance can use his telepathy to temporarily learn languages by pulling it from people's mind. It goes away after the end of the current scene. The person he pulls the language from, usually has a major migrane once he is done.
Psi-Screen (Amazing):
Precognition (Uncontrollable): This is a GM's plot device. It is totally uncontrollable.
Postcognition (Good): Subject is limited to seeing images limited to the sites within 10 feet of the hero.

History: Vance Astrovik was a latent mutant telekinetic who would have probably never realized his powers if not for the fact that he was visited by a future version of himself. Major Vance Astro of the Guardians Of The Galaxy had decided to warn young Vance not to become an astronaut like he had and the psychic backlash of meeting his future self activated his latent telekinetic abilities. Vance soon ran away to develop and learn more about his powers. Of course, he wanted to escape the abuse of his father as well.

In an attempt to evade a private detective that his parents had hired to find him, Vance became a wrestler in the Unlimited Class Wrestling Federation under the alias of Mangling John Mahoney. While most of his opponents had superhuman strength, Vance used his telekinetic bolts to knock down opponents. While wrestling, he teamed up with the Thing, who was doing some serious soul-searching of his own. The Thing eventually convinced Vance to return to his parents, and his mother assured him that his father was attending a therapy program.

Mr. Astrovik continued to abuse his son, and Vance sought refuge in a team of super heroes, the Avengers. Ironically, Vance was rejected by his idol, Captain America because of his youth. It was about this time his telepathic abilities started to show up. He helped Captain America

Finally, the scorn and abuse he received from his father became too much for Vance to handle. In a rage of anger, Vance lashed out and accidentally killed his father. Although Vance was acquitted of first degree murder, he was found guilty of negligent homicide and sent to the Vault. At the Vault, Vance earned the respect of his overseers as well as that of his fellow inmates. He was instrumental in helping solve many conflicts in the prison, and helped the guards train in super-powered combat. After he was released on parole, he has spent well over a year, helping the citizens of Liberty City clean up the mess after the Onslaught.

Personality: Vance is smart and eager. He loves to do anything with space - he even wanted to be an astronaut for a while. Now his greatest ambition is to be an Avenger - a hero in the big leagues. An earnest young man, Justice sometimes shows inexperience, but not incompetence.

Powers: Vance is a very powerful telekinetic, that rival Jean Grey of X-men fame. He has the ability to create force fields as well as telekinetically throw 2 1/2 tons around like a doll. His telepathic powers are still new to him and very weak compared to his telekinetic powers. He is still trying to cope and learn how to use them properly.




Fighting: Good (10)
Agility: Good (10)
Strength: Good (10)
Endurance: Excellent (20)
Reason: Remarkable (30)
Intuition: Good (10)
Psyche: Good (10)

Health: 50
Karma: 50
Resources: Remarkable (30)
Popularity: -5

Skills: Electronics, Tinkering, and Heir to Fortune

The Force Battlesuit: The Force armor was one of the world's most sophisticated battlesuits. It worked on the principle of force-field manipulation.

When Clay wears the battlesuit his abilities are raised to the following levels:

Fighting: +2 CS Remarkable (30)
Agility: +1 CS Excellent (20)
Strength: +3 CS Incredible (40)
Endurance: +4 CS Monstrous (75)
Health: 165

Repulsion Field (Incredible): The force field completely fills the area which Force occupies. Any solid object, such as bullets, ice, human beings, that enters the area will be repulsed 1-10 areas and sustain Incredible damage. An Amazing strength or better is required to penetrate the field. This field provides Force with Incredible protection against physical and energy attacks.

Force Blasts (Incredible): Force can generate force blasts of Incredible intensity in a 5-area range.

Flight (Incredible): Force can manipulate force fields and fly at Incredible air speeds (20 areas per round).

EMP (Amazing): The Force armor can generate an electro-magnetic pulse that dampened all electrical systems for six minutes. This affects Force's own systems, and can only be done once per hour. This pulse has a 2-area range.

Body Armor (Good): Force's metallic armor provides him with Good protection against physical and energy attacks when his force field is deactivated.

History: Clay Wilson was a cocky young man when he invented the Force armor and decided to use it for personal gain. He had a long career as a criminal that brought him into conflict against superheroes such as Sub-Mariner and Iron Man, and eventually he struck a deal with Justin Hammer; he would share half the profits of his crimes with Justin Hammer, in return for Hammer's protection and financial backing. However, as time passed, Wilson became sick in his life of crime and violence. When he confided his feelings in Justin Hammer about his feelings, the criminal businessman responded by confining him and putting a failsafe mechanism in his armor to kill him if he ever escaped.

But Force escaped anyway, and turned to Tony Stark for assistance. After Stark disabled Hammer's failsafe mechanism, Wilson surrendered the Force armor. But Hammer angered by Wilson's betrayal, sent the Beetle, Blacklash, and the Blizzard to kill him. Eventually Force defeated Blizzard in combat, and the assassins were force to retreat. To prevent Hammer from bothering Wilson again, Tony Stark staged Force's escape and accidental death.

For a while , Clay Wilson worked for Barstow Electronics as a researcher under the name of Clay Walker. The FBI approached Clay to testify against Hammer for immunity to past crimes using the Force armor and the Witness Protection program. He accepted this deal, and testified against Hammer, but Hammer's attorneys found a loophole within the prosecution's case. Ever since Hammer has had a standing contract out on Wilson.

With the recent death of Tony Stark during the Onslaught, Clay found himself inheriting a sizable amount of money through Tony's will. He was also given his Force suit back, as well as technological designs that were used in the Iron Man series of armors. As a condition of the will, Clay was to use the Force armor as a force for good, to battle crime. In keeping with this promise, he has joined the Mid-West Avengers.

Personality: Since his previous troubles with Justin Hammer, Clay has just been trying to seek peace and security within an electronics career. He has gotten used to looking over his shoulder, looking for people that want to collect on Hammer's contract. The recent death of Tony has left his life in upheaval. He is still trying to get used to the changes that his life has taken.

Powers: The Force armor was one of the world's most sophisticated battle suits. It worked on the principle of force-field manipulation. With the suit, Force can emit a repulsion field, in which any solid object will be repulsed away from Force. The armor had the ability to Fly, fire Force Blasts, as well as Armor to protect the wielder. The only power that Clay is reluctant to use is the EMP Pulse, as it knocks out all electrical systems, including the Armor, for a total of six minutes.

Appearance: Clay is an average man standing 6' 3", with blonde hair. He dresses very nicely, as he gets paid very well as an Avenger.






Black Knight


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In 1963, Dr. Raymond Benton, the once respected medical colleague of Dr. Strange, made a pact with an extra-dimensional demon known as Satannish. In exchange for his life essence, Satannish granted him a lifetime of power unleashed. Dr. Benton, now known as Asmodeus, attacked Dr. Strange. His first battle with Dr. Strange led to his defeat.

Dr. Benton thought long and hard about how to overcome his old foe and subject this dimension to his rule. He thought that to defeat a master of magic like Dr. Strange could only come with experience and a group of followers to back him up. He then gathered a group of followers and had them also make a pact with Satannish. These individuals became the first of the Morbanes. Once again, the group, now known as the Sons of Satannish, attacked Dr. Strange and lost.

Dr. Benton then saw the scope of what he truly needed to win. He needed a true army of disciples, then there could be no way that they could lose. Then using the Morbanes as the heads of his armies, they started recruiting acolytes of their own. These acolytes were not only trained with some minor magical skill, but with weaponry. These acolytes became known as the Demon-Warriors.

Over the years, Asmodeus' forces have grown substantially. Asmodeus has learned the secret of demon summoning from Satannish, and has taught it to his Morbanes. Now within the field, the Morbanes could call upon reinforcements from the Pits of Hell itself.


Demon is currently laid out in a two-tiered organizational structure. At the top is the Dark Hierachy, Asmodeus and his circle of Morbanes, which includes all the more powerful practitioners of the dark arts. At the bottom are the Demon-warriors and the Demon-spawn.

Asmodeus rules Demon with an iron hand. His Morbanes are his generals. Though there are some special Morbanes, that act as his true right hand. Sheath, Asmodeus' premier assassin would be a good example of this.
Those of the Demon-warriors that show true potential and skill in the dark arts are promoted to the rank of Morbane, and taught even more of the dark arts.


Asmodeus only has a few true goals on his mind. The entire subjugation of this world, then this dimension. It should be noted that he has also considered subjugating Satannish himself. But until they can amass the power that is needed for this grand plans. They shall continue to collect artifacts of mystical origins and destroy anyone who stands in their way.


Asmodeus: The head of Demon. Asmodeus oversees all Demon operations, as well as being the direct contact with the extra-dimensional entity known as Satannish.

Sheath: Asmodeus' premier demonic assassin. Sheath has the ability to create swords out of mid-air and send them unerringly to strike down his targets.

Morbanes: The Morbanes are the backbone of the organization, and seem to be comprised of Demon-warriors that have proven themselves in one respect or another, most likely in their skill with the black arts. Morbanes are most commonly seen in a traditional cape and cowl, and are usually armed with a Soul Gem and a magical Wand of Satannish.

The Soul Gem is embedded into their foreheads upon induction into the Morbanes, and seems to be a source of power. Their wands also seem to be magically enhanced.

Often, Morbanes will be seen with summoned demons to assist them in their objectives, and to protect them from attacks. These demons vary as well, but seem to be more animalistic than humanoid in nature.

Morbanes are able to work together with other Morbanes to increase their cooperative power. Important missions are usually led by three Morbanes, who will combine their powers to take out any formidable opposition. They are very dangerous, and very devious.

Demon-warriors: The standard shock troops of the organization. When a Demon-Warrior shows exemplary talent or magical skill, he is promoted to the rank of Morbane.

Demon-spawn: The true demons from the Pits of Hell. They vary in size and power, but exist as tools when needed.

GM's Note: Demon is based upon an organization from Hero Games of the same name. I am changing the background a bit to make it fit in more with the Marvel Universe.


Superteam Liasons

A special branch of the O&T division is the Superteam Liaisons - agents who are assigned to a particular team of heroes as their liaison to the Guard and the U.S. government. In exchange for a team accepting a liaison, the Guard offers them training, access to many of its databases and services, and sometimes even financial support. The team, in turn, is expected to keep their Liaison informed about what they are doing, villains they encounter, unusual technologies they acquire, and so forth. Not all superhero teams have an SL, but those who do speak highly of their Liaisons, who often go into battle right beside the teams, despite their lack of superpowers.

The goals of the Guard can be divided into two broad groups: overall goals, the ones that the public knows about; and the more covert, factional goals of various groups within the Guard who try to advance their own agendas.

The publicly-known goals of the Guard are not very different from those of any law enforcement agency. The Guard wants to enforce the laws it was designed to enforce, which is to say, they want to put super-villains behind bars. Most Guard agents are strongly devoted to this goal, and the desire to protect innocent American citizens from which it grows. More than one Guard agent has willingly given his life to protect the people of the United States.

In order to put super-humans in one of the Stronghold-class prisons , though, the Guard needs funding, equipment, weapons, and many other things. It has to engage in the year-in, year-out battle for funding on Capitol Hill, and is constantly struggling to justify its budget with successes in the field and the lab. Then it has to turn that funding into working weapons, functioning facilities, and well-trained agents. All of this puts a tremendous strain on the organization, particularly because it is so often in the media spotlight.

Once one gets beneath the surface, however, numerous other goals, sometimes conflicting ones, present themselves. Like any organization, the Guard is prone to a certain amount of factionalism and internal politics, and each faction or power group has its own priorities. Some of the other factions in the Guard include groups that want to expand the Guard's role to deal with some kinds of non-superhuman criminal activity (such as drug smuggling), groups that want the Guard to lobby Congress to be converted into a full-fledged national police force (to take the place of all such local forces), and groups with strong opinions about various aspects of Guard life, such as which types of blasters are best in which situation. Debates among these groups often rage in e-mail messages, informal newsletters, and discussions over coffee after a long day's work.


Attebury Proving Grounds: Based just south of Indianapolis on the closed Army base of Fort Atterbury, this facility is where new weapons and gear are tested before being issued to the Guard Agents.

Liberty Island Facility: Based on the Island of the Statue of Liberty, a high tech base has been established there as a Regional Command Center for the entire East Coast of the United States of America.

White River Station: Based in Indianapolis, this station serves as the Regional Command Center for the Mid-West.


Guard Agents: These individuals make the rank and file of Guard. These are the people that put their lives on the line by facing the super-villains every day. These are the members of Guard that heroes will deal with on an almost every day basis.

Lieutenant Charlene White: The head of the Atterbury Proving Grounds facility based on the former Army Base Fort Atterbury.

Lieutenant Olivia Harris: The head of the East Coast Containment Facility, Lt. Olivia Harris has perhaps the highest stress position of all the Guard Agents. It is her job to make sure that captured super-villains remain so, and must constantly watch out from "visits" from her prisoner's "friends".

Captain Raven Darkholme: Raven Darkholme is Major Cooper's second-in-command over Freedom Force.

Captain John McGrath: John McGrath is Regional Commander of the East Coast region of the Guard, based on Liberty Island.

Major Valerie Cooper: Val Cooper was the Mutant-Affairs Advisor to the President of the United States and the National Security Council. She has recently been accepted to Guard with the rank of Major, as the New Commander of Freedom Force. She previously managed the government-sanctioned mutant groups of the original Freedom Force and X-Factor.

Colonel Nicholas Fury: Former Executive Director of SHIELD, Colonel Fury has recently been appointed by President Hawthorne to lead the GUARD as the new Director of Operations.


The Guard uses hundreds of different pieces of equipment, weapons, and vehicles. Most of it is standard law enforcement equipment used by many different organizations - shotgun microphones, handcuffs, tear gas and similar weapons, and micro-electronic listening devices, just to name a few. However there are some types of equipment, particularly weapons, which are unique to the Guard; a few of these are described below. Most of these items are designed and built by Stark/Fujikawa International. When Fujikawa took over Stark Internatioal, the Guard took a chance on it and was handsomely rewarded with a quality line of advanced weapons and equipment custom-designed by Stark/Fujikawa International. The close relationship between the Guard and Stark/Fujikawa has continued to this day.


G7 Blaster Pistol: The G7, known as the "Battle Ace" pistol is the standard sidearm of Guard Agents. It is a particle-beam weapon which fires a concentrated blast of energy. The blast is not affected by gravity or wind, making it much easier to aim than a bullet. The energy pack (called a "juice pack") powering the G7 is good for 12 shots; most agents carry at least one extra juice pack if not two.

G12 Assault Rifle: The G12 is the standard assault rifle of the Guard, and is based upon the same technology as the G7. It is capable of automatic fire. Its energy pack carries 30 shots worth of juice.

G14 Sniper Rifle: The G14 variant of the G12 is designed for use by snipers. It is extremely long and heavy, making it an impractical weapon for actual combat situations. However, its length, coupled with its precision aiming technology, give it pinpoint accuracy up to 1,000 yards.

G30 Suppressor Rifle: The G30 Suppressor is one of the Guard's most unusual weapons. It projects a beam of as-yet not fully understood extra-dimensional energy which has the effect of sapping Movement Powers. It has a total of 32 shots worth of energy in each juice pack. Guard scientists working with Stark/Fujikawa researchers, hope to be able to adapt this unusual form of energy for weapons which will drain other superpowers.

G33x Nullifier Rifle: The G33X Nullifier still only exists as a prototype, but promises to be an impressive addition to the Guard arsenal. The size of a large assault rifle, the G33X Nullifier is a weapon which neutralizes a paranormal's offensive powers. Different versions of the Nullifier exist for the different manifestation of paranormal powers (by SFX). Guard scientists have prototypes for use against cold/ice, electricity, heat/fire, kinetic, and sonic powers. Each different version is designated by the appropriate letter (e.g. the G33Xc would work against cold/ice powers). Currently, this weapon is highly unreliable and doesn't carry enough of a battery capacity (only carrying 5 shots) to be truly useful in the field, but initial tests have been promising.

G8x Stun Pistol: The G8X Stun Pistol is an experimental weapon, meant to bypass armor and other defenses to render a target unconscious in a quick, efficient manner. The current prototype is faring well in tests.

Restraint Technology

Most of the restraining devices used by the Guard are standard police equipment, or reinforced versions of the same. However, due to the nature of its mission, the Guard often needs specialized restraints. Some of the most common include:

Weakness Cuffs: These high-tech handcuffs completely immobilize the hands and emit energy which saps the wearer's Strength.

Anti-Psionic Hood: This device, used to restrain mentalists, is a hood interwoven with fibers which inhibit mental powers. Not only does the hood block the mentalist's line of sight entirely, but it makes his powers much more difficult to use.


All Guard agents are issued protective gear. This includes a suit of flex-mesh armor made from high-tech polymers which are lighter and stronger then Kevlar (and whose structure and creation are well-kept Guard secrets). Accompanying the armor is a helmet which provides not only protection, but a wide range of sensory and communication equipment as well. Guard Armor is the envy of the armed forces and many other organizations; the Guard is often pressured by Congress to release the secret of its construction, but so far has been able to avoid having to do this.

GPE3 Guard Armor: This type of armor has been in service since the beginning of Guard. Most agents consider it very bulky and hate wearing it. But they also realize that it may save their lives.

GPE4X Guard Booster Armor: This is the replacement for the older armor GPE3 Guard Armor. It is currently in the experimental stage and only being used in the Indianapolis area. The new set of armor adds synthetic musculature and servos to increase the wearer's physical strength. The armor has the same protection as the GPE3 armor, but the GPE4X Booster Armor adds to the wearer's Strength.

GPE5X Undercover Armor: This is another experimental armor being tested in the Indianapolis area. The armor is meant to look like a normal street clothes so an agent can investigate with a greater degree of protection. Guard scientists are trying to determine a way to protect the head while being unobvious, but their personal force fields aren't working properly.


Guard Sampling Recorder: This piece of equipment is still in the experimental stages, undergoing testing in Indianapolis. The device is used to measure paranormal powers in the field. The recorder not only records the use of a paranormal power on video and audio tracks, it also measures the relative "output" of that power, so that data can be cross-referenced with other paranormals to determine an approximate power level.


Unlike so many of the super-villains that they hunt, Guard agents usually can't fly under their own power. Instead, they have to rely on vehicles to get them anywhere they need to be as fast as possible. Some of the more common vehicles in the Guard's fleet include:

GTV-24 Mini-Sub: The GTV-24 Mini-Sub is the Guard Equivalent of a fighter jet under water. They are small enough to be carried alongside carriers and the like. There aren't many of the GTV-24's overall, since aquatic combat is uncommon for the Guard.

GTV-47X Jet Pack: The GTX-47X is the Guard's newest experimental personal jet pack. It is designed to fit on the back of any standard Guard armor, providing them with Flight The Jet Pack is only capable of about one hour of flight before it needs to be recharged. Many Guard Agents are still wary of strapping raw jet thrusters onto their back and soaring through the air, so field testing is going slowly since the GTV-47X has been classified as a highly dangerous experimental "aircraft".

GTV-88 Motorcycle: The GTV-88 is a motorcycle used by individual agents. It uses a specially-designed engine and unique fuel mixture (called "Hyperfuel") to attain speeds greater than those attainable by civilian motorcycles. (If ordinary fuel is used to power the GTV-88, reduce its move from 60 to 48.) It can be fitted with a sidecar to carry a second agent.

GTV-94 Taskwagon: The Taskwagon is the workhouse of the Guard's ground fleet. Approximately twenty feet in length and well-armored, it is capable of carrying up to eight agents and their equipment (or ten agents in extremely cramped conditions). Additionally, it contains advanced scanning and sensory equipment, a satellite linking the on-board computers tp the Guard's base computers, and charging stations for juice packs. It runs best on Hyperfuel; if ordinary fuel is used, reduce its move from 48 to 36.

Additionally, Taskwagons have a modular construction that allows them to be converted for specialized uses, though this usually entails the loss of some passenger capacity. Common conversions include Combat (adds a blaster in a roof-mounted turret, two forward-launched missiles and extra armor; reduces passenger capacity to five); Crime Investigation (adds a criminalistics laboratory; reduces passenger capacity to three); and Medical (converts Taskwagon into a large, advanced ambulance; reduces passenger capacity to three).

GTV-107 SP Helicopter: More than one super-villain has surrendered when confronted with the power of the SP Helicopter, the Guard's armored gunship. Sporting machine guns, missiles, and non-lethal blasters, the SP is able to take on even the most powerful superhumans. In addition to a pilot and a gunner, it can carry up to three Guard agents and their equipment. Its sensory equipment includes infrared detection devices and radar.

GTV-122 Air Transport: This VTOL aircraft is the airborne equivalent of the Taskwagon. Its purpose is not speed or combat, but rather the transportation of agents and cargo. It can carry up to thirty fully-equipped Guard agents. If Guard agents from Los Angeles need to investigate a crime in the Nevada desert, the GTV-122 is how they'll get there.

GTV-199 Supersonic Transport: The GTV-199 is similar to SHIELD's Quicksilver Jet in most respects. It is a high-speed combat aircraft which can carry up to 12 Guard Operatives with full gear, and supplants the GTV-122 Air Transport when conflict is a possibility.

The Prisons

Stronghold-class Prisons are the largest and most expensive prison specifically designed to hold paranormals. Two facilities currently exist. The Vault located in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado has been in operation since April 20th, 1988. Stronghold has just started construction in the Arizona Desert. Currently it is one of Guard's highest priorities to get the Stronghold Prison to full functionality.

Both of these prisons were designed to hold some of the most dangerous criminals that the world has ever known. These villains whose powers are dependent on mechanical or other devices are generally penned in normal, maximum security jails. But iron bars alone do not hold a paranormal who can simply melt them. Specially treated alloys, energy fields, and the like are needed to contain these felons. Attempts at rehabilitation are made but there usually been a high failure rate if not backed up by successful methods of neutralizing the paranormal's power, either permanently (which has very rarely succeeded) or through a weapon or device that can render him helpless of he should ever return to villainy. This is crafted from a thorough research and understanding of the peculiar energy patterns and make-up of the individual (Yup, it's got to suck when the authorities catalog your susceptibilities, vulnerabilities, and power limitations).

Treatment & Facilities

While this sort of program suggests a very expensive treatment for the benefit of one person, there are amazing breakthroughs in scientific knowledge that have been made by the study of captured paranormals. If it weren't for pesky things like human rights and jail breaks, the prisoners would never be set free!

Some villains are actually victims of their own powers, unbalanced by the traumatic energies and physical reactions within them. Such cases have been treated, more often with doses or variations of mutaphetamine, a drug developed by Dr. Franck in later years. After close study and thorough evaluations by skilled psychologists, these hopefully cured paranormals are returned to society.


All the Stronghold facilities have an administrative staff of fourteen people, a research team of twenty-five, medical and support of eighteen, twenty guards, ten fully-trained combat specialists, ten Guardsmen, and a super-armored hero in charge of security; Guardsman is responsible for the security of the Vault prison in the Colorado Mountains. A new version of the armor called Vanguard will be responsible for the security of the Stronghold facility in the Arizona Desert. Within the five underground levels are cells for up to fifty prisoners. The grounds for five miles around the prison are considered off-limits to any unauthorized personnel. The area and building structures are equipped with the latest in sensor, security, communication, and computer technologies. Escapes may seem inevitable but not because Guard doesn't try. It's not easy keeping tabs on these super-villains.

GM's Note: Guard is based upon an organization from Cybergames of the same name, published in Champions: New Millenium and the book of the same series Alliances. I am changing the background a bit to make it fit in more with the Marvel Universe.
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