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Multiclassing with UA Ranger Beast Master - Help Pweeze

So...the thread title says it all. I'm kind of in a unoptimized pickle. I went beast master because it made since RP wise, so I bit the bullet. I was orginalyl gonna be Hunter Ranger / Assassin Rogue.

Any thoughts?

I'm level 4.

1 level Rogue and 3 levels Ranger(Beast Master)...

  • Would prefer to stay in Ranger, Rogue or Fighter options.
  • Range Damage is my primary way to attack(I have the archery fighting style)

Any ideas are appreciated and thanks.

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Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
Kudos on picking the RP choice!

Okay, you are combining two parts that each would rather be single. Let's look at both sides.

If you want to continue beastmaster, give up the idea that your archery will be the major part of your damage. Beastmasters do not get extra attack and without that or a single attack boost like lots of sneak attack, you damage will be low compared to weapon wielders with multiple attacks. Do not waste a feat on Sharpshooter since you'll only get half the effect of everyone else. I'd probably just boost your dex at that point, though you could go crossbow expert and get two attacks with a hand crossbow. Lesser range and smaller damage die, but it's something to deliver that favored enemy damage.

Ask your DM how he plans to handle beast advancement when multiclassing. Mearls has said that multiclass pass happens later than the first UA draft for playtest classes and this is very clear in the Companion Bond feature where you advance your beast on page 6. Your proficiency will go up no matter what, but general consensus I've seen is that the rest go up with Ranger levels, not character levels. If that's the case you're pretty much locked into taking beastmaster if you want to keep your beast relevant.

Ranger 4 is an ASI. Ranger 5 you get coordinated attack, which is an extra beast attack in place of extra attack. Ranger 6 your favored enemy damage bonus increases to +4, which your beast shares. More ranger levels also advance your ranger casting.

If you want to try to stay archery prime, I'm probably recommend going straight rogue. You're so far away from extra attack from another class that you would need to ake a single attack work. This is a little bit stronger arguement for crossbow expect,a nd it's for the same reason rogues like duel wielding - with only one attack a miss means no sneak attack that round, but with two attacks if either hits you're doing the majority of your damage for the round.

On the other hand, unless your DM is supremely generous in beast advancement you have a little pet that won't keep up. (If he is super generous and puts it to class level, you're golden because you'll be getting the biggest part from beastmaster for free. You might want to go to ranger 5 or 6 as I mentioned above, but then don't look back.) Oh, and while you beast might not be great shakes, it does count as an ally if you need to get an ally within 5' for your sneak attack. Good if you are missing advantage.

While the fighter is an excellent chassis, you've set yourself on the path to a single attack weapon-wielder, and for that you really need to boost your SA. If you go the extra attack route at this late point you wouldn't get it until 9th. Most others would have it at 5th and would getting closer to another boost in some way at 11th.

Good luck.


First Post
I would ask your DM if you can drop the level of Rogue for a level of Fighter or Barbarian.

Either one would give you access to extra attack after 5 levels and proficiency in Constitution saving throws. To help you maintain Hunters Mark.

Fighter is the only way you are going to be decent at ranged if you want a beast companion. Barbarian would make you pretty fierce in melee and you can Rage while wearing medium armor.

@Blue Wow great and thorough comment, it's very appreciated.

As of current, I believe my DM would be on the generous side. I.E. My beast keeps leveling as I do.

I think stopping the ranger levels around 5 - 7 is my best bet.

Level 5:
-Cordinated Attack - Reaction Attack for my beast
-Level 2 Spells

Level 6:
-Greater Favored Enemy

Level 7:
-Beast’s Defense - Advantage on ST's for my beast

Once I switch back to rogue, I'm not ssure which Archetype is the best to go for. What your opinion Blue?

And, I get my first ASI/feat at next level. What do you recommend?

@Vulf Thanks for your comment as well, that would be interesting but my needs to stay part rouge. He's their for being stealthy and smart.
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You don't need to be a Rogue to be stealthy and smart, just... be stealth and smart. You won't have Expertise, which'll hurt a bit, but eh.


No seriously, ask if you can swap Rogue for Bard. Bard gets Expertise just the same, plus all that party support they get can also be used on your Pet. Even if you don't have great Charisma, none of your support spells care about that, and you can go Valor to still get Extra attack and other archer-y stuff.


First Post
+1 for Valor Bard. You get better slot progression, an extra skill, expertise, bonus action Inspiration and extra attack for 6 levels. Even 1 level dip gives you 4 prepared spells and ritual caster, so you'll have useful features right away.


Ravenous Bugblatter Beast of Traal
@Blue Wow great and thorough comment, it's very appreciated.

As of current, I believe my DM would be on the generous side. I.E. My beast keeps leveling as I do.

I think stopping the ranger levels around 5 - 7 is my best bet.

Level 5:
-Cordinated Attack - Reaction Attack for my beast
-Level 2 Spells

Level 6:
-Greater Favored Enemy

Level 7:
-Beast’s Defense - Advantage on ST's for my beast

Once I switch back to rogue, I'm not ssure which Archetype is the best to go for. What your opinion Blue?

And, I get my first ASI/feat at next level. What do you recommend?

If your DM gives you beast progression with character levels then you've got the right idea - get it a bit more buffs and then enjoy another class while the beast keeps growing.

Just looking at what you get at 3rd - the next subclass feature isn't until 9th, and that's 16th for you if you take Ranger up to 7th first.

As a side note, if you do take ranger up to 7th, might as well go 8th for an ASI (which your beast also gets) and you also get Fleet of Foot which helps you stay out of melee range.

I know you were originally looking at Assassin, but there's a lot of overlap with some of the signature assassin features, such as advantage on the first round. Being able to crit if you surprise depends on your party and tactics since that isn't initiative dependent but usually stealth and circumstance.

Thief doesn't seem to really bring you much for your theme, though it's a decent subclass.

Arcane Trickster could be nice if it gave you buffs for your beast, but with the exception of one spell in your initial, all the rest need to be enchantment or illusion. Also many of the spells are saves so you need a decent Int.

SCAG gives us the Mastermind, which you'd have to figure out if that fits this character's style. It gives the ability to do the help action as a bonus action at 30' - for the times you are that close it can boost your beast or any other ally. Decent if you don't have anything competing for your bonus action like Fleet of Foot or Crossbow Expert.

SCAG also has Swashbuckler. But it's a lot more melee focused. Well, Rakish Audacity can add CHR to init to boost it further, if you have a good CHR, but considering how good you are at that already that doesn't seem compelling.

Lastly is Inquisitive from The UA Gothic Heroes. It has some ability to gain SA even without an ally, but you always have your beast and focus fire makes sense.

I went into this level of detail because none really jump out and yell "PICK ME". There are a number of solid choices, go for whatever fits your character the most.

As for an ASI, it's hard to go wrong with +2 DEX for your first. Bonus to hit, damage, AC, and initiative. Plus a common save, mostly against damage. I've mentioned Crossbow expert but that might be more worthwhile when you up your SA more to make sure you land at least one blow. Though if you fight favored enemies a lot maybe it's worth it now. Sharpshooter you probably won't want because it become counter-productive at higher levels: you don't want to miss and lose all your SA. It's other bonuses don't suck though (no disadvantage at long range plus ignoring 1/2 and 3/4 cover).

Other options, though more situational so probably for later.
  • Lucky is always fun, and gains utility at later levels to help land SA and not lose it. Plus it's very good defensively, especially at avoiding crits.
  • If you have an odd dex, any of the +1 dex half feats will raise your modifier and give you something.
  • If you have a good CHR (min 13), Inspiring Leader can help you, your party, and your beast with temp HPs once a short rest.
  • Mobile gives you more speed to kite, the ability to ignore difficult terrain on a round you use dash (and Ranger 8 would give you Dash as a bonus action), and the ability to disengage and move if you make a melee attack if some comes up to you.
  • Alert feat means you will always go first - advantage, high dex and +5 from alert. But you probably already go first almost all of the time anyway.
  • Healer can let you use a Healer's Kit to heal wounds (each creature only once per rest), and the Thief subclass lets you use an item as a bonus action so you can do it in addition to your normal stuff. But it doesn't scale.

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