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I allow multi-classing as is. However I include the following new feat:

With this feat a character’s class features are treated as being of a higher level in two selected base classes. Both classes gain a class feature level bonus equal to half the other class’s level up to a max of double its level. Example: a fighter 4/wizard 4 character would have the class features of a fighter 6/wizard 6 but in all other ways it is considered an 8th level character (f4/w4). This feat may be taken multiple times, selecting other classes to gain the bonus.

I also use fractional BAB and as noted in another post base saves are equal to 1/2 your level period.

So a 2/2 fighter/wizard with this feat
Would be:
+3 BAB
+2 base saves
have 2d4 + 2d10 HP
have 3rd level class features in both classes.

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Cross Training

I do love fractional BAB & saves, so good call their. I guess your design is a bit of hybrid of pre-set, non-class depdendent save progression while also retaining class-based BAB. I think that's a good call because BAB and spells seem to be the basic trade-off of class choice in 3.x D&D. Good stuff.

In my system, I think I will use your pre-set save progression of 1/2 (like 4E), but I will give each class one of the the four save feats (+2 fort, +2 ref, +2 will, or +1 to all three) to give a bit more flavo and variability. Also, allowing, for example to have a +12 rather than a +10 base bonus at level 20 is more in-line with the current scale of things and I don't really want to gimp high saves so much. I'm inclined to stay this should only happen at first level and not be overpowered with multiclassing. I mean, I thought this was also a bit of a fix to saves of ridiculously multiclassed characters.

So, maybe the feat looks something like this:
You are well trained in two paths despite your broad interests.
BENEFIT: The character’s class features are treated as being of a higher level in two selected base classes. Both classes gain a class feature level bonus equal to half the other class’s level up to a max of double its level. This feat does NOT grant additional class features; it allows abilities and class features based off of level to continue to progress (ex: Rogue's Uncanny Dodge, Wizard's Familar advancement, Cleric's domain power & turning, Fighter's feat access, Druid or Ranger's Animal Companion, etc).
Example: a fighter 4/wizard 4 character would have the class features of a fighter 6/wizard 6 but in all other ways it is considered an 8th level character (f4/w4). This feat may be taken multiple times, selecting other classes to gain the bonus.


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I allow them to gain new class features.

If you are a 4/4 Fighter/Wizard you would be considered 6/6 for class features. Which would grant 2 additional levels of class features for both the Fighter portion and Wizard portion. So, you would gains fighter feat and you would have enhanced spell casting, familiar advancement and a wizard feat.

This gives a mechanical reason to actually multi-class as a spellcaster. Is this 4/4 Fighter/Wizard as powerful as an 8th level wizard or an 8th level fighter? Debatable. The fighter has his armor and ability to fight better and the wizard has a whole spell level better than the multiclassed guy.

With this rule in effect I have outright banned PrCs. Because anything you can make with a hybridized PrC you can do with simply multi-classing the PHB classes with this feat. PrCs were meant to be something the DM developed for their campaign and they simply blossomed into a metagame nightmare, that is why I allow this feat. I do allow some of the class features from PrCs to be developed into feats or what have you so that if you really want to play that dwarven defender or whatever it can be done. Honestly though no one has needed to do that.


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Okay, you're final caveat of "No Prestige classes" is needed if it is going to actually grant extra class features. If somone said "PHB classes only" for a campaign, you version would be fine. And I'm a lover of half-caster, gish builds (as you can see from the Bladesinger in my name) so it would be useful there.

The version I noted that allows increases and improved access without any new features is probably better for normal play that includes PrCs. It's a good alternative to that whole slew of dual class feats, Devoted Performer, Daring Outlaw, etc. I'd take this feat for Bladesinger-Paladin of Freedom, and maybe also Paladoin of Freedom-Wizard and Wizard-Bladesinger; it would boost my Bladesong Style Int to AC, Smite Evil damage, Paladin spells caster level, turning undead. If I took the feats to include Wizard, it would sure help my arcane caster level a lot, but I think I variant-traded my familiar for Focused Specialist.


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Yes I have a no PrC, no Alignment, no XP penalty for multi-classing rule.

A barbarian/monk is fine and so is a paladin/druid.


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Have you seen the Pathfinder way of handling multiclassing penalties and favored classes? They don't give any multiclassing penalties. However, for each level you take in a favored class of yours, you get either +1 HP or +1 skill point (character's choice). It reinforces having more levels in your favored class, rather than punishing you for multiclassing a lot.

I also recently adopted a "No Alignments" rule in my campaign. However, I haven't had enough experience IG yet to comment really. The intent is to promote more drama and less viewing of alignment like a stat to be min-maxed. Another beef was removing Paly's "Detect Evil"; horrible for roleplaying. I see the good-evil way of looking at things to just be so childish, dichotomizing, dualistic; it's like the game mechanic of having alignments promotes simple and unadvanced thinking and punishes or ignores more develop thought and moral dilemmas.

I don't quite agree with your "No Prestige Classes" rule. I've played with some friends DMing and they also like to introduce fairly conservative rules like that and it really gets under my skin- especially caveats aren't made to support one build or another in core/base classes only. I could see why you'd make that multiclassing +half/ +half class feature feat you did in that situation.
With character level based unilateral progress of saves (like 1/2), multiclassing and splashing does get better and more power-moderated. I'd like more rules and mechanics like that allow flavor or themes or unique mechanics that other classes bring without the composite, frankenstein feel these odd pieces can seem to take on. If there were unilaterial BAB and Saves, the problem then would be front-loaded class features.

What are the most common class features to splash into (say 1 to 3 levels in):
- 2 Monk: Monk AC and Evasion and Unarmed Strike & two feats
- 2 Paladin: Divine Grace
- 1 Rogue: +1d6 sneak attack and trapfinding
- 3 Spellsword: 15% Ignore ASF, channel spell 2/day, bonus feat
- 1 Barbarian: Rage and Fast Movement (VERY common)
- 3 Swashbuckler: Weapon Finesse and Insightful Strike
- 2 Ranger: Track and TWF or Rapid Shot
- 1 Cleric: Turning charges & two domains mainly for the domain powers
- 1 Wizard: Scribe Scroll, can twink more spell completion items, Familiar


First Post
Well this feat does not prevent in for 2 and out. I think it makes characters more viable for being good at two classes. It would require taking the feat 3 times to be good at three classes.

Consider a 12th level character -> 4/4/4 fighter/wizard/rogue

If the first feat the character took fighter and wizard allowing them to apply 1/2 their wizard levels to their fighter levels and 1/2 their fighter levels to their wizard levels.
Then they would have to take rogue and fighter and rogue and wizard to get the level bonuses all around. Not a horrible way to spend three feats for a 12th level character but it definitely favors just doing two classes.

Point being dipping in a class is fine so far as it was in 3.5. This added feat does not make class dipping any more powerful.

Voidrunner's Codex

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