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The Shadow

Main Town/The Yellow Rose Farmer’s Market
Monday, April 11, 2016/11 AM

The Shadow’s strike failed to free the man in the grip of this superpowered villain and the Dark Defender failed to see the flail of the tentacle that struck out at him. He grunted at the impact, but rolled with the blow, his costume absorbing some of the impact as well.

Coming up in a crouch, Shadow split his staff into two batons with a twist. He focused and suddenly the light around him and the octopus man disappeared, leaving a fifteen-foot globe of pitch blackness around the pair of struggling metas.

But Caleb was perfectly unaffected, seeing his opponent just fine in the darkness. He launched himself once again at the arm flailing about with the civilian, battering at it repeatedly with his batons in an attempt to free the man, ducking and dodging flailing tentacles.

Result: Octoman should be blinded now.

Action: Disarm attempt

versus Strength

And I’m going to spend a Hero Point just to make sure.

versus Strength (+10 if result is 10 or less)

Hero Points: 1


First Post
GM: Initiative Order
25 – Ariel (not there yet, but in flight)
24 – The Shadow
21 – Octoman
19 – Paladin, Kitsune and Death Magnet
15 – Feral
8 – Galatea

The Shadow is able to shrug off the powerful blow from the Octoman’s huge tentacle like arm…

The Paladin strikes at Death Magnet but his aim is off as the woman floats higher into the air with a mad giggle. While the dimensional warrior cannot see it, his strike does heal the limp man caught in the tentacle grip of Octoman, saving the man’s life as he was dying from internal bleeding. He is still unconscious but alive…

Kitsune’s fires a dazzling burst of energy from her strange-looking multigun but they burst off into the sky harmlessly.

Then Death Magnet opens her hand and the sharpened metal bar flies from her hand and strike the Paladin square in the chest.

Feral howls with joy saying “Aren’t you a little short to be in the SCA*?” and then launces a vicious attack again the Paladin with her elongated claw-like nails, slashing him on the shoulder!

Galatea manages to free the family and turns towards the villains. The woman with tree-like arms continue to scream, whether it is in pain or from fear it is hard to tell.

The Shadow then engulf Octoman in darkness and strikes the large tentacle holding the man a solid blow! While the Shadow felt like he was hitting wet cement with his fighting staff, Octoman yelps in sharp pain and drops the man onto the ground. He says “Hey, whos turn out the lights?

Octoman then tries to smash ineffectively at where the Shadow is but his tentacle simply strikes the ground near where the hero was standing.

GM: Finishing up Round 1,
*SCA – Society for Creative Anachronism

The Shadow makes his Toughness save no problem
Paladin needs to make two Toughness saves vs. DC 25 (from Death Magnet’s attack) and 24 (from Feral’s attack)

Round 2 Actions
The Shadow succeeded vs. Octoman and the unconsious man is now free and on the ground
Octoman missed his attack roll vs. the Shadow

Round 2 actions for the Paladin and Kitsune

As Galatea does not have any extra movement powers she can move 60ft this round and can make it to Octoman next round BUT he is in total darkness. She could instead move toward Feral (and the Paladin) but it would take her an extra round to get there so she could act in Round 4 vs. Feral).

Round 3
Ariel, with her movement is over the disaster area and with her Perception check sees lots of injured people, sees total chaos at the edge of the debris field as people trying to flee and a strange woman floating some 40 feet in the air near the center of the blast area!

The Shadow can take his action for Round 3 also (just to keep things moving)


The Shadow

Main Town/The Yellow Rose Farmer’s Market
Monday, April 11, 2016/11:01 AM

The Shadow dodged another tentacle that flailed in his direction, tucking into a roll to bring him to the side of the unconscious man that had been dropped by the mutated monstrosity. He tucked his staves away and gathered the man into his arms, and then he stepped into the darkness and disappeared.

The Shadow emerged near the medics again. “He’s very hurt,” he told the medic as he handed the man over. “If you make it into the disaster zone, be careful. There’s a fight going on. Stay well clear of ground zero.”

Caleb looked back toward the fight. His experience was taking down criminals and thugs, not metas. He hoped he was up for this. But there were others in there as well.

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]
Move: Teleport man out

Action: Hand him over to paramedics

Note: Darkness should stay there for a while. Not sure how long the rules would say. It’s Rank 2 Concealment, at 3pp buy. Rank 2 is 30 seconds, and Rank 3 is 1 minute. Was kind of hoping it lasted longer than that, but I’m cool with however the rules work on that sort of thing, since you know the system better than me.

Hero Points: 1

Paladin is staggered by Death Magnet's attack, but stays on his feet.

As Death Magnet floats out of reach for the moment, he turns his attention to Feral, catching her claws on his shield, and responding with a swing of his hammer.
(He will exclude the Stormers from the effects of both his Healing Smite, and his Aura of Courage.)

(-1 on rolls due to Staggered)
Hammer Smash (DC11): 15 Hit! (Toughness DC 23)
Healing Smite (DC10): 22 (3 degrees of success)

Hero Points: 0


First Post
"Uhhh huh. That was disappointing," the Kitsune-gram commented. "Annnnnd a little embarrassing. Let me just move...a bit over..."

The image moved across the broken pavement, to get into a straight line between her real set of eyes and her target. Hopefully that'd make it easier to target the dang thing.

"Okay! One more time! With ALL MY POWER!"

Light splashed out in a dazzling, burning, cutting beam!

[roll0], base DC23, plus multiattack.

(lol, yeah, okay, I'm hero pointing that. Screw you, die roller!)


First Post
The Paladin tries to force back the villainous Feral but the mongrel woman is too fast and moves like lightning. She growls mockingly and gets ready to attack again. His strike however does manage to rejuvenate him from the damage he suffered from Death Magnetics attack.

Kitusune’s strange gun fires again and strikes Death Magnet with multiple dazzling bolts of energy, causing Death Magnet to stagger and growl in pain. The mad woman flings her arm and another metal bar slams near the ‘Kitusune’ but she is able to shrug off any damage (or at least it appears to Death Magnet that she does). Death Magnet growls “I’m going to enjoy pulling you apart one limb at a time…

Feral continues to attack Paladin but the dimutive warrior is able to hold her off with his shield. She also snarls in animal like frustration.

Galatea runs over to the screaming woman in an attempt to calm her. The woman looks into the granite like eyes of the young heroin and almost sobs “Make it stop…”. Galatea notices that the woman’s arms continue to grow, each now at least twenty feet long and in place at least five feet thick. They start grasping other vehicles and rubble, occasion flicking one away almost casually.

Ariel, still fairly high in air, comes in sight of the disaster and is shocked to see the amount of chaos and destruction in the area. She then spots a strange black dome near the middle of destructive field. She can’t really make out any details but it is very close to where a flying woman is floating in the air and less than a block away a small car is suddenly flung through the air to crash down the street. Not your typical disaster for sure…

The Shadow grabs the wounded man and steps out of the shadows just outside the destructive field where the ambulances and other emergency vehicles are gathered. As Shadow is handing off the injured man to an EMT, he notices that the man is regaining conscious when his eyes pop open revealing deep black orbs where his pupils should be. He screams “What’s happening? What is the matter with the light??

GM: Initiative Order
25 – Ariel
24 – The Shadow
21 – Octoman
19 – Paladin, Kitsune and Death Magnet
15 – Feral
8 – Galatea

Paladin missed Feral but he “healed” both of his conditions with his roll from Healing Smash.

Kitusune succeed with two degrees of success vs. Death Magnet, who failed her save by 10, two degrees of failure. She suffers a -1 to future Toughness saves and is Dazed until the end of her next turn (can only take free actions and one standard action a round). N

NOTE that Death Magnet is in the area of Paladin’s Healing strike but I will have her suffer the affects this round, but next round…

Death Magnetic uses her one standard action to attack vs. Kitsune illusion and fails to see through it. She might be a bit suspicious but right now she still thinks it “real”.

Feral misses Paladin

Galatea can make a Persuasion or some similar check to try and calm the frightened woman if she would like too

Ariel can now see the disaster area and the battle. She need to use a move action to get to the fight.

The Shadow grabs the somewhat recovering man and re-appears outside the disaster area.

Octoman is still in the darkness. I need to re-read the duration to figure it out but for now he is still in the dark.

Actions for Ariel, Paladin, Kitusune and Galatea for Round 3?

Then Actions for Ariel and the Shadow for round 4??

Paladin swings again at Feral, "Hold still, why din ye."

NOTE that Paladin excluded the Stormers from the effect of his magic (the ones he can see, Feral and Death Magnet).

Hammer Smash vs. Feral (DC21): 7 (natural 1)
Healing Smite (DC10): 25 (four degrees of success). Excluding Feral and Death Magnet from the effect.

Voidrunner's Codex

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