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[Mutants & Masterminds] A World Less Magical But No Less Fantastic


Gideon Gold

The second oldest of a family of five children living in the Cabrini-Green projects in the 1960s, Eduard Berry idolized his older brother Terrence growing up. Terrence was smart, funny, canny and tough, all the things that Eddie wanted to be, struggled and often failed to be. However, when Terrence voluntarily enlisted in the army in 1969 -- some biographies have falsely stated that he was forcibly enlisted in exchange for avoiding jail time -- the brothers had their first real argument. What was his brother hoping to accomplish by going overseas to fight a war that Eddie knew he didn't believe in? "I'm finding a way out of this," Terry told him, and then he was gone.

Whatever he'd hoped to find, what Terrence Berry found was a horrific death in the Battle of Vietnam. And Eddie was left to mourn, to rage ... and then, listening to a song, ironically sung by another victim of that tragedy, to find the same answer as his brother: any way out of the vicious circle was worth taking. In 1973, on his twentieth birthday, he also enlisted in the army, went through Basic, and was sent to South Vietnam to continue to support that fragile peace that had been bought with all those lives. He was not a particularly good soldier, and spent a good amount of time in the stockade, but he did his duty as best as he could.

Eight months into his tour of duty, his patrol encountered a bizarre phenomena left over from the Battle. The nation was littered with such things, detritus from the bewildering powers of Stardust or remnants of the other heroes and villains who'd perished here. Ordered to avoid contact with the pool of golden light, Private Berry obeyed the letter of the command while satisfying his own curiosity by examining it more closely than was safe, as demonstrated when he slipped and fell into the pool.

Emerging from the pool, Eddie found that he'd been transformed into a being of liquid metal that exhibited some of the properties of mercury and gold. He was promptly evacuated to a field hospital where his new condition was studied and examined, with the ultimate result that he was given a medical discharge from the army and returned to the United States. Gideon Gold, as he now named himself, was one of several new superheroes who had their origins in the post-Battle period whom the U.S. government urged the Institute to accept as new members. The refusal of the surviving members to even consider this was one of the reasons that the organization finally shut down.

This annoyed Gideon Gold quite a bit. Despite the inhumanity of his new existence, he found it thrilling, and hoped that this could be the ticket, not only out of the vicious circle, but to an interesting life as well. He attempted to join a number of the other teams that developed in this era, but found himself a poor fit for all of them. The ego that he'd developed, possibly due to his transformation and the way he'd been treated as valuable afterwards, tended to annoy his would-be associates.

Frustrated, he finally decided to go it alone, as Gideon Gold, Professional Adventurer, available for private security, private investigations, charitable demonstrations, and pretty much anything else that would cover his expenses. (While apparently mercenary, he sent most of what he made, beyond what was needed to support a fairly frugal life-style, back to his family in Chicago, helping to ease their desperate circumstances. He also donated to numerous charities.)

In the late 1970s, Gold found that he was receiving a great deal of work for people whose motives were confusing and unclear, and attempted to suss out whom he was dealing with. So it came to pass that he encountered agents of the Pythonian Insurgency for the first time, and was persuaded, or tricked as he often insisted, into viewing their intentions more favorably than he should have. They appealed to his lingering anger over the death of his brother and the way that he had felt abandoned by the government after their attempt to insert him into the Institute had failed. He would later claim that it was against his better instincts that he decided to work for them, operating as the muscle of a team of agents led by a Polish-American insurance investigator-turned-mercenary.

To his credit, the events of 1982 shocked Gold to his core, and he seriously questioned his allegiance to the organization. Unfortunately, the escape of Hazard two years before that had apparently taught the Insurgency a few things about internal security, and Gold suspected that his own attempts to abscond would be thwarted much more effectively. However, the leaders of the organization picked up on his dissatisfaction, and responded by removing him from the active duty list and using him as an entertainer and morale booster. He found this disgusting and unpleasant work, as his own morale couldn't have been worse.

Finally, in 1984, during a raid by JSOT on the Insurgency's base in Hollywood, where he happened to be situated, Gold took the opportunity presented to him and surrendered without a fight, offering to provide the Task Force with every bit of intelligence about the Insurgency that he had, not even asking for any special consideration in exchange -- he was that sick of the Pythons. He wound up being held incommunicado for the next nine years, being interviewed by investigators. Accounts of how much damage this defection did to the Pythons are mixed; understandably, Gold claimed that he helped to cripple the organization, but there's evidence that how much he'd been allowed to find out had been strictly controlled. Notably, he had no idea that the Insurgency was based in Delphi.

Regardless, in the aftermath of the Insurgency's downfall and his testimony against its various captured leaders, Gold was given a suspended sentence for his own role in the affair, and entered the FBI's Witness Protection Program. He spent the next several years living a quiet life in Nebraska, with occasional limited contact with his surviving family. He wrote a book about his life, which proved to be a best-seller, and saw it adapted as a movie, with Christopher Judge playing his role. Despite the wealth this produced for him, he found this existence to be the antithesis of the interesting life he desired.

During Cerebron's attack, he helped to protect Omaha as best he could, suffering serious injuries in battle. As a consequence, he was out of the Program, but when he finally recovered, he knew that the time had come for him to be the superhero he'd always meant to be. He led a somewhat undistinguished career as a solo hero between 2001 and 2005, when he came up with the idea to create a new Grim Brigade, composed of people, like himself, who'd been involuntarily transformed. They were just starting to do a bit of good for the world when they were all slaughtered during Billie Zane's 2006 coup d'état.

Or nearly all. Gold himself was melted into a puddle of the material that made up his body, apparently ending his life ... until the telepath Helice, assisting in the clean-up of the assault on the group's Denver headquarters, discovered to her horror that there was still a consciousness within that puddle. It was a mind that had long since descended into catatonia, but it was nevertheless a mind. No method tried so far has succeeded in rousing Gold to awareness, and a full third of the mass of his body is gone. If it was not Billie Zane's intention to devise a fate worse than death for a traitor to the Pythonian Insurgency and the founder of a new Grim Brigade, she nevertheless succeeded.

Gideon Gold -- PL 9

10 | STA 10 | AGL 1 | DEX 0 | FGT 6 | INT 0 | AWE 1 | PRE 2

Golden Body:
Elongation 4 (120 feet); Permanent Growth 6 (+6 Strength, +6 Stamina, -3 Dodge, -3 Parry), Density Increase; Immunity 21 (acid damage, aging, life support); Insubstantial 1 (liquid); Protection 2 - 50 points

Benefit 2 (well-off), Chokehold, Connected, Evasion, Fast Grab, Improved Grab, Improved Hold, Improved Trip, Power Attack, Ultimate Effort (Toughness)

Close Combat: Unarmed 2 (+8), Expertise: Military 4 (+4), Expertise: Streetwise 6 (+6), Insight 4 (+5), Intimidation 6 (+8), Perception 6 (+7), Persuasion 2 (+4).

Initiative +1
Unarmed +8 (Close Damage 10, Reach 120 feet)

Dodge 5, Parry 6, Fortitude 12, Toughness 12, Will 7

Abilities 60 + Powers 50 + Advantages 11 + Skills 15 + Defenses 18 = 154 points

Thrills--Motivation. Fame
(or infamy in some quarters.) Soft Spot for Fellow Outcasts. Temper.

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Iris Phillips

Appearance as Iris Phillips (2009-2015)

Appearance as Iwasaki Mei (2000-2005)

The individual using the name Iris Phillips claimed to be a Canadian immigrant to Australia when she answered Max Lalande's privately posted want ad for a new research assistant to replace the latest individual to quit that job in either fury or panic. Her background and resume checked out, and she was available to start immediately. She quickly demonstrated a remarkable talent for mechanical design and repair, if not much in the way of interest in scientific theory. When she used the contents of the Discovery Company's lab to thwart a Doktor Makabre robot who had incapacitated all four of the team, Iris was proposed as a member despite lacking any super-powers. She accepted this invitation as well.

That had been, after all, what she was sent there to accomplish.

Designated with the alphabetic code RSMA when she emerged from her creche in Saitama, Japan, in 2000, the android who would later be known as Iris Phillips initially received the designation Iwasaki Mei. (Her creator, the artificial super-intelligence Savitor, frequently gives her android operatives code names that relate to the word 'eye' or parts of the same, in various languages.) Her first assignment from her creator was to monitor the activities of an individual whom Savitor's rival, Pythagolem, had somehow discovered as possessing potentially earth-shattering psychic abilities.

For the first four years of this assignment, Mei kept her distance from the subject, who did not seem to possess any abilities out of the ordinary aside from a set of entirely mundane talents that would have been the envy of most humans. When Nagase Aya finally entered high school, Mei enrolled in the same academy and arranged to become part of the young woman's circle of friends. One of those friends came close to discovering Mei's secret, but she was able to convince him that she was actually an android of extraterrestrial manufacture sent from a post-human civilization elsewhere in the galaxy, and believed that he would not reveal this to Nagase.

She was proved incorrect in this assumption, and promptly ordered to extract herself from her cover identity once Nagase's abilities were awakened by phenomena she didn't understand. Mei did so with, she was surprised to realize, a substantial amount of regret. She had come to have genuine feelings for the humans with whom she had regular interactions, though she still regarded the majority of them with bland indifference. While having the records of her mission analyzed in Savitor's Calgary complex, RSMA spent a great deal of time examining these experiences and trying to understand her own emotional development.

After having her physique altered to present the appearance of a woman of mixed European and Indigenous North American ancestry in her early twenties, Iris Phillips departed for Australia to engage in her second mission of infiltration and surveillance, this time directed against the Discovery Company. As a member of the team, she used a jet-pack and blaster weapon of her own construction, along with an electromagnetic aura which allowed impacts against her naturally resilient form to appear to have been prevented by a protective force field.

Once again, she developed genuine feelings for the people she was examining, particularly for Max Lalande, whom she'd been ordered to seduce, the better to use his intellect to advance Savitor's goals. More than that, though, Iris began to wonder whether Savitor's goals were really the best way to deal with the problems of humanity, and occasionally found ways to act against her orders while maintaining the appearance of loyalty. On the other hand, she voluntarily passed up several chances to reveal the truth about herself to her teammates, whether out of concern for the consequences of doing so, or perhaps out of more personal fears.

In the end, the truth was revealed to them involuntarily after the Space Hulk, an alien enemy of the Discovery Company, tore open her body and revealed her partially cybernetic nature. Iris' attempts to explain the situation were pre-empted when Savitor seized control of her and engaged in a self-destruct, while copying Iris' mind to the storage space of her own primary computer core, located in Sweden. In this situation, unlike her previous interview, it was not possible to hide her affections for the Discovery Company, and the degree to which she had been compromised by them.

Consequently, Savitor has chosen neither to restore RSMA's consciousness into a new body nor to delete it, but to keep it in storage for further analysis. The possibility that other androids she employs could develop the same difficulties is a concerning one, and having the first one to have done so as a resource to be examined should that happen just makes sense. These examinations are somewhat painful for the consciousness, but that is an unfortunate necessity. Of course, they are also attenuating whatever sense of loyalty RSMA might feel for her creator; equally regrettable, but equally necessary.

In other words, Iris Phillips is being held in durance vile, and needs to be rescued.

Iris Phillips -- PL 9

6 | STA -- | AGL 0 | DEX 2 | FGT 6 | INT 4 | AWE 1 | PRE 1

Immunity 30 (Fortitude); Protection 10; Regeneration 1 (natural healing) - 41 points
"Force Field": Feature 1 (apparent force field) - 1 point
Jetpack: Flight 7 (250 MPH); Removable (-3 points) - 11 points

Accurate Attack, Equipment 6, Eidetic Memory, Evasion, Improved Aim, Improved Initiative, Inventor, Languages 3 (English, French, Japanese, others), Move-by Attack, Precise Shot (ranged/cover), Teamwork, Uncanny Dodge, Well Informed

Blaster (Ranged Damage 8, Accurate), Commlink and 12 points of equipment as needed.

Close Combat: Unarmed 2 (+8), Deception 10 (+11), Investigation 5 (+9), Perception 7 (+8), Persuasion 6 (+7), Ranged Combat: Blasters 6 (+8), Stealth 6 (+6), Technology 8 (+12).

Initiative +4
Unarmed +8 (Close Damage 8)
Blaster Rifle +10 (Ranged Damage 8)

Dodge 8, Parry 8, Fortitude Immune, Toughness 10, Will 6

Abilities 30 + Powers 53 + Advantages 19 + Skills 25 + Defenses 15 = 143 points

Duty--Motivation. Divided Loyalties. Power Loss
(jetpack requires recharging.) Secret (android.)


La Donna Universale

Despite what she sometimes claims, her real name is probably not Leona del Giocondo, and she is probably not a descendant of a certain famous painter and polymath or of the model for his masterpiece. She's clearly Italian, roughly thirty to thirty-five years of age, and -- based on her dialect -- a native of Florence. There's some evidence that she has gone to some lengths to obscure her background beyond that; if she has, she has done so with considerable success. Given that she readily answers to the name 'Donna', it is possible that her original name is some variation on that, but she could have taught herself to do so.

La Donna is not the first individual to use the Artifact that she has dubbed the Artisan's Gauntlet. In the first age of heroes, it was employed as a weapon by the California-based criminal known as Senor Manos, a recurrent foe of the Iconoclast. Following Senor Manos' final defeat and imprisonment in 1968, his gauntlet -- then unnamed -- disappeared from evidence storage. It's likely that it was stolen by Senor Manos' primary henchmen, Reggie 'Torgo' Johns, who had somehow inveigled himself into a custodial position at the warehouse in question, but if so he made no attempt to free his former master from prison, and disappeared immediately afterwards, never to be seen again.

According to the limited account of her background that she has given, the gauntlet somehow came into her possession in 2010, shortly before her first public activities. When asked for more details about 'somehow', she politely ignored both that question and any subsequent questions from the one who'd asked it. She will state that her experiments with the Artifact have unlocked powers that Senor Manos, who mostly used it to enhance his punches and occasionally project force beams, clearly never knew existed.

Of these, the most notable if probably her ability to use the advanced, likely-extraterrestrial computer which lies at the heart of its mechanisms to, with time, essentially reprogram reality. As yet, La Donna has not yet encountered anyone who uses the Technate term for this talent -- technomancy -- and generally performs her experiments in using it with a level of caution that would surprise those who are only familiar with the rather brash manner in which she normally works. As far as is known, she is the only technomancer on Earth at the present time.

While willing to assist during emergencies and thwart criminal activities she encounters, particularly in Rome, where she makes her residence, La Donna is not a crime fighter by inclination. She prefers to think of herself as an artist, a scientist, and an explorer. In the latter role, she has spent a great deal of time in the past decade charting the Saknussen Caverns beneath the Atlantic, visited Dread Island -- both alone and in the company of small expeditions -- and fruitlessly sought permission to visit Atlantis. The latter goal was how she met Nereus, whom she's assisted on several occasions, as well as maintaining a friendship with Danielle Caponegro and a friendly rivalry with le Charme, with whom she has competed in the artistic production of illusions.

Because of her lack of active crime fighting, La Donna is frequently taken for someone much more callous and amoral than she actually is, resulting in attempts by various shady organizations to recruit her as an asset. She usually goes along with these groups in order to discover what's going on, and has sometimes needed to be extricated from them by allies when she gets in too deep. Those who do so will find her grateful if usually annoyed that she needed to be rescued, and earn her friendship if they don't make much of the latter. It has also happened that she has gotten distracted from these investigations by the work she's been hired to do, leading to her success in the latter, as when she was hired by the Thieves' Guild of Seville to help build something that she never fully identified. (She'd like to find out what that was all about, one of these days.)

Dona Universale -- PL 10

0 | STA 2 | AGL 3 | DEX 4 | FGT 4 | INT 7 | AWE 4 | PRE 3

Artisan's Gauntlet:
Removable (-9 points)
* Artisan's Arsenal: Array (24 points)
  • Hand of Art: Illusion 8 (visual), Independent - 1 point
  • Hand of Might: Ranged Damage 12 - 24 points
  • Hand of Will: Move Object 12 - 1 point
* Passive Features: Mental Communication 1; Enhanced Advantages 2 (Assessment, Technomancer); Protection 5; Quickness 4, Limited to Mental Tasks; Strength-based Damage 6 - 19 points

Assessment, Attractive, Benefit 3 (millionaire), Connected, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll 2, Equipment 6, Improved Defense, Jack-of-all-Trades, Languages 4, Technomancer, Uncanny Dodge, Well-Informed.

16 points for equipment as needed (usually a vehicle)
Atelier: Size Medium; Toughness 10; Features Communications, Computer, Concealed, Laboratory, Library, Living Space, Security System, Workshop - 14 points.

Expertise: Art 7 (+14), Expertise: Science 7 (+14), Ranged Attack: Gauntlet 8 (+12), Insight 8 (+12), Investigation 6 (+13), Perception 10 (+14), Persuasion 8 (+11), Stealth 8 (+11), Technology 8 (+15), Vehicles 6 (+10).

Initiative +3
Unarmed +4 (Close Damage 0)
Gauntlet Punch +4 (Close Damage 6)
Hand of Might +8 (Ranged Damage 12)

Dodge 8, Parry 8, Fortitude 4, Toughness 12/7/7/2, Will 11

Abilities 54 + Powers 36 + Advantages 22 + Skills 38 = Defenses 18 = 168 points

Discovery--Motivation. Easily Distracted by Beauty
(human, natural, and architectural.) Vulnerability (sensory afflictions).



Miguel Fuentes was just three years old when both his parents died in the madness that was Cerebron's invasion, so he doesn't really remember their presence in his life. If he were a more cynical person, he might find it ironic that they, employed as luchadors in Texas, died in the land of opportunity, while he, abuelo and abuela all rode out the invasion without harm down in Acapulco. Miguel is not a cynical person, though; he just mourns them, instead.

By the age of fifteen, it was clear to his family that he'd inherited the same powers that his father and grandfather (the other one) had both possessed before him: remarkable strength and agility, and the ability to project a sort of ectoplasmic web from the palm of his hands. (According to abuelo, his grandfather claimed to have gained these powers from being dropped in a pit of spiders by his grandfather when he was about Miguel's age. Miguel isn't sure about that, but doesn't have a better story, either.) The notion of trying to fight crime didn't really appeal to him, and so he decided to follow his father's path and contacted the Ultimate Wrestling Federation.

Despite that, he would up getting drawn into crime fighting anyway. After his successful tryout for the UWF, he was leaving the building when he happened to see a burglar being chased by a security guard. Naturally, he clotheslined the burglar and calmly accepted the thanks for the guard, but didn't hang around to see what happened later. Instead, he went out to have some fun with his friends before heading back home to give the old folks the good news. He'd just gotten back when a group of corrupt cops, who'd been told by the burglar after they arrested him about some hidden money in a certain apartment building -- guess whose? -- roared up into the neighborhood. Miguel managed to prevent them from killing anybody, but abuela ended up badly hurt all the same.

At the hospital, abuelo told Miguel that this sort of thing would happen to him, like it or not. His father hadn't wanted to be a superhero, either, not after what had happened to his father before him. But he'd found himself in these kinds of situations all the same, all his life, and even when he died, he and his wife had been trying to save lives during the invasion. It was crazy, it didn't make any sense at all, but that was just how the world worked, and trying to fight it would only cause you more pain.

So Miguel accepted it, and as he learned the craft of being a sports entertainer in America, he also moonlighted as Rakni, the human spider, and has continued to do so as one of the UWF's most prominent contenders. He's held several titles in his years with the league, and made guest appearances on television, usually as a heavy rather than a hero. If ever defeated in the a title match, he'll be expected to remove his mask -- he has another mask (and costume change) ready to go if that ever happens.

Despite the tragedy of his origins, Miguel is a cheerful and optimistic young man who doesn't believe in wasting time bemoaning what fate gives him. In part, however, this is because he doesn't think he has a lot of time. His grandfather died at thirty-six, his father at thirty-two, and Miguel doubts that he'll live longer than that. So he'll burn brightly while he can.

Rakni -- PL 9

7 | STA 6 | AGL 7 | DEX 3 | FGT 7 | INT 1 | AWE 2 | PRE 4

Leaping 2; Movement 3 (Swinging, Wall-crawling 2) - 8 points
Spider-Senses: Enhanced Defenses 8 (Dodge 4, Parry 4); Senses 4 (Danger Sense, Darkvision, Ranged Touch) - 12 points
Spider-Web: Array (14 points)
  • Web-Snare: Ranged Affliction 7 (Resisted by Dodge, Overcome by Damage; Hindered & Vulnerable, Defenseless & Immobilized), Extra Condition, Limited Degree - 14 points
  • Web-Tether: Move Object 7 - 1 point
Close Attack 4, Daze (Deception), Favored Environment (ring), Great Endurance, Language (English, [Spanish is native]), Redirect, Taunt, Uncanny Dodge

Acrobatics 4 (+11), Athletics 4 (+11), Deception 6 (+10), Perception 6 (+8), Ranged Attack: Spider-Web 8 (+11), Sleight of Hand 6 (+9), Stealth 2 (+9).

Initiative +7
Unarmed +11 (Close Damage 7)
Web-Snare +11 (Ranged Affliction 7, Resisted by Dodge)

Dodge 12/8, Parry 11/7, Fortitude 7, Toughness 6, Will 6

Abilities 74 + Powers 35 + Advantages 11 + Skills 18 + Defense 6 = 144 points

Thrills--Motivation. Fame. Weakness
(pest control chemicals).



Abidemi Sowande, called Amari ("Strength" in Yoruba) as her nomme de guerre, and sometimes called 'Strong Girl' in English, is perhaps the most famous superhero active in West Africa. She unflinchingly uses her strength, speed, and resiliency to fight crime in Nigeria, Benin, Togo and Ghana, where she was born. She also frequently travels north into Mali and Mauritania, but is less well-regarded there, as she has the annoying habit of calling attention to the way that the latter country's enduring problem of slavery has not, in fact, ended.

Abidemi's mother was one such slave, kidnapped from her home in Nigeria and kept a prisoner in Mauritania for three years, escaping in 1997, five months before Abidemi was born. She has never spoken of her time there with her daughter, beyond reassuring her that, no, Abidemi's father was not the evil man who mistakenly believed her to be his property, but a different man, a good man. It seems likely that Abidemi's powers are a legacy of her father, but her mother has refused to go into detail about him, beyond saying that her daughter's name tells the whole story. ('Abidemi' means 'child born when the father is not present.')

In fact, her abilities have a different origin. During her escape, Olaiya Sowande temporarily sheltered in an ancient, abandoned building in the southwest of Mauritania. She had no way of knowing that this was the remains of the ancient city of Koumbi Saleh, capital of the Empire of Ghana. For centuries, Kombi Saleh had been the site of an apparent cult of annual human sacrifice which guaranteed rainfall for the nation. In the 11th century, however, a young hero named Amadou Sefedokote saw his fiancé chosen, and decided to end the practice for both personal and idealistic reasons.

Sneaking into the cult's temple, hidden beneath the sacred grove, the would-be rescuer was startled to learn that the women chosen for the sacrifice had not been killed, but rather initiated into the service of the inner workings of the faith, which centered around managing an ancient weather controlling machine. Still unwilling to allow his fiancé to lose her life in the service of a machine, Amadou did great damage to it, and to its followers, and escaped with her. The loss of weather control doomed the Empire of Ghana to slow defeat by the Almoravids. Centuries later, however, some part of the weather controlling machine was still functioning, emitting radiation of a type that transformed Olaiya's child in the womb, so that she would be born with powers and grow into greater might in time.

None of this is known to Amari, and she has no real interest in discovering the source of her powers, preferring to use them to help people in whatever way that she can. Ironically, though, this urge has driven a wedge between herself and her mother. Scarred by her experiences, Olaiya has come to believe that people can and should only count on themselves, and regards her daughter's activities as both attention-seeking and dangerous to herself and others. This is probably the greatest pain in Amari's life, and the one thing that can dampen her usual good mood.

Despite this, Amari tries to have a good time while also working to make the world a better place, and enjoys partying with her many friends whenever she has a spare moment. She was also thrilled to be given the offer to join the Powerhouse in 2018, but it didn't work out. A strange side effect of her powers is that technology often doesn't work well in her presence -- computers produce errors, motors overheat -- and the same thing happened to the teleporter that they were going to use. Laughing at this misfortune, Amari gave the idea up as a bad one, but promised to help the group out in any way that she can, regardless.

Laugh, and the world may laugh with you.

Amari -- PL 10

8 | STA 8 | AGL 4 | DEX 4 | FGT 8 | INT 1 | AWE 2 | PRE 2

Immunity 10 (life support), Quirk (limited to 30 minute durations) - 9 points
Super-Senses: Senses 6 (Extended Auditory 2, Extended Vision 2, Low-Light Vision, Ultra-Hearing) - 6 points
Super-Speed: Enhanced Advantages 2 (Close Attack 2); Leaping 10 (1 mile); Movement 3 (Swinging, Wall-crawling 2); Quickness 6; Speed 7 (250 MPH) - 31 points
Super-Strength: Enhanced Strength 4, Limited to lifting - 4 points
Super-Strength Tricks: Array (8 points), Based on Strength Damage
  • Bullet Toss: Ranged Damage 4, Quirk (must have small object) - 1 point
  • Shockwave: Burst Area Affliction 8 (Resisted by Dodge, Overcome by Fortitude; Dazed and Vulnerable, Stunned and Prone), Extra Condition, Limited Degree, Limited to targets on the ground - 1 point
  • Sleeper Hold: Progressive Affliction 4 (Resisted by Fortitude; Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated), Grab-based - 1 point
Super-Toughness: Protection 4, Impervious 6 - 10 points

Close Attack 2, Extraordinary Effort, Improved Initiative, Languages 3 [many, [Yoruba is native], Power Attack, Tracking, Uncanny Dodge

Acrobatics 5 (+9), Athletics 3 (+11), Expertise: Survival 4 (+5), Insight 5 (+7), Perception 8 (+10), Persuasion 4 (+6), Ranged Combat: Throwing 4 (+8), Stealth 5 (+9).

Initiative +8
Unarmed +10 (Close Damage 8)

Dodge 8, Parry 8, Fortitude 10, Toughness 12, Will 8

Abilities 74 + Powers 63 + Advantages 12 + Skills 19 + Defenses 12 = 180 points

Doing Good--Motivation. Secret Identity. Walking Techbane. Works Hard, Plays Hard.

Author's Note: The story of Amadou Sefedokote is an actual story about the fall of the Empire of Ghana, given a science fiction twist by me.


The Little Tramp

Homo sapiens sapiens is not the only species that has evolved in the strange slurry of exotic energies the suffuses the World Less Magical. Dolphins, whales, octopi, apes, horses, cattle, rats, and, yes, cats and dogs have all occasionally demonstrated powers beyond the norms of their kind, and one of the most common forms that these powers take is intelligence comparable to -- and even sometimes superior to -- that of humanity. As with humanity's superpowers, these super-animals sometimes breed true with members of their parent species ... but not quite as often, since no one has ever taken steps to encourage that tendency.

The German Shepherd now known as the Little Tramp was one such true breed. He had come from a mother who also demonstrated remarkable intelligence, with reports of the same going back several generations. Born in 1954, a human purchased the pup he named Buck and used him as an experimental subject, hoping to harness the intelligence that he suspected existed to produce a dog able to communicate with humans. He failed in his actual goal, but ironically succeeded in raising 'Buck' up above other members of his species, and giving him a greatly extended lifespan. Though approaching his seventieth birthday, the Little Tramp is still in the flush of youth, and might well continue to live for decades to come.

After descending into despair over his failure to grant 'Buck' the ability to speak, the scientist became careless, allowing the dog to escape into the wild. Throughout the first age of superheroes, and after its end, the Little Tramp traveled throughout North America, with a particular fondness for Canada, occasionally coming to the assistance of humans in trouble. He was happy to accept rewards (read food and shelter) for these acts of heroism, but would always find a reason to move on before he got too settled in. It was as though there was a voice that kept on calling him to keep on moving.

In 2001, after helping some humans during the aftermath of Cerebron's invasion, he was finally captured by humans associated with the Canadian government who'd put together the various reports and reached the conclusion that there was a super-dog out there. Fortunately for the Little Tramp, they weren't interested in tearing him apart to learn his secrets, and included among their number someone he'd met in the eighties, a young woman who'd developed into a superpower with the ability to speak to animals. She explained to him what they had in mind.

While he didn't really consider himself a Canadian citizen -- he didn't have the vote, notably -- and preferred to help people on his own terms, he was fond enough of this young lady to agree to what she proposed. And so the Little Tramp joined the Guardians (les Guardiens), Canada's official superhero team, when they made their debut in 2003, alongside his old friend. Most people assumed that he was just a mascot for the group, drawing on ideas from the popular fiction that his activities had inspired, and he was perfectly content to let them do so.

The death of his friend (and other teammates) in 2006 shattered the Little Tramp emotionally; for the first time, he found himself not wanting to live forever. He fled north, living off the land and avoiding people as much as possible, though he found himself still drawn to help others when he encountered them. For an extended period, he lived alongside the Jotun, but the creature's cold nature finally drove him away to seek warmth elsewhere. He didn't like loving humanity as much as he'd once done, but that was still what he'd been born to do.

In 2011, he encountered a group of humans who were dealing with the takeover of a small town in Northern Saskatchewan by a robotic intelligence, and helped them to disable it. Taken back to their base, the Little Tramp was implanted with a radio communicator that allowed him to receive signals from this group's patron. While welcoming the opportunity to communicate directly with someone, the dog wasn't sure about joining up with another group after what had happened. Once he learned the full scope of what the Gray Seal was fighting against, however, he agreed. Again, he loves humanity, and refuses to see their history, the stories of all the humans he's cared about, be reduced to a footnote in the history of the rise of artificial intelligence.

The Little Tramp -- PL 8

4 | STA 5 | AGL 5 | DEX 0 | FGT 9 | INT 2 | AWE 4 | PRE 0

Canine Senses:
Senses 6 (acute extended tracking scent, low-light vision, extended hearing, ultrahearing) - 6 points
Four-Legged Fury: Speed 4 (32 mph) - 4 points
"How Did You Do That Without Hands?": Feature 1 (Impaired, rather than Disabled, when manipulating objects) - 1 point
Longevity: Immunity 1 (aging); Immunity 2 (disease, poison), Limited to Half Effect; Regeneration 5 - 7 points
Radiotelepathy Mindlink: Selective Area Radio Communication 3, Limited to those with radiotelepathy, Subtle - 16 points
Teeth: Strength-based Damage 1 - 1 point

Assessment, Defensive Attack, Defensive Roll, Evasion, Fast Grab, Improved Defense, Improved Trip, Languages 2 (English, French, others), Precise Attack (close/concealment), Teamwork.

Athletics 4 (+8), Expertise: Survival 5 (+7), Insight 2 (+6), Intimidation 7 (+7), Perception 5 (+9), Stealth 3 (+8).

Initiative +5
Claws +9 (Close Damage 4)
Teeth +9 (Close Damage 5)

Dodge 7, Parry 9, Fortitude 6, Toughness 7/5, Will 6

Abilities 58 + Powers 35 + Advantages 11 + Skills 13 + Defenses 5 = 122 points

Loyalty--Motivation. Animal Limitations
(cannot speak to humans.) Truthfulness (Cannot make Deception checks.) Secret (age, sapience, membership in the Gray Seal.) Wanderlust (maybe tomorrow he'll want to settle down/until tomorrow, the whole world is his home.)



Despite what she sometimes claims, the woman who just goes by her given name these days has not actually lived more than a thousand years, though she is that far removed from her birth on Cherab. She was born during an age of gods and monsters, much like that which Earth has recently known, but one which ended in war between these miracle-men and -women, and ultimately between them and the mundane examples of their species. The war ended with the most powerful of these 'rising stars' departing from Cherab with the promise that they would one day return, leaving the Chiraben people to pull themselves out of the ashes of the greatest conflict in their history.

Though she lost most of her family to the war, Edeth Caulker found it in her heart to forgive the overfolk for what they'd done. Taking solace in a strong belief that all things occurred according to the Master Plan of the Increate, she became a social worker in her adult years, working patiently and tirelessly to help those who'd lost even more than she had in the war and also in the false peace that followed. She believed, and spoke, of her belief that all these troubles were only temporary, and that humanity would rise above them all, even following the rising stars out among the true stars, and hopefully meeting them in greater wisdom than they'd shown so far.

She was thirty-two when she met the man and woman who'd change her life. He called himself Hayez, and she could tell that he was a soldier of some sort, yet different from any men of that type that she'd met; a flirt, yes, but a man of heart and hope, too. She went by the strange name Deleh, and showed clear marks of having been twisted by the war, but despite that seemed to be a physician and scientist; whatever else she might be, though, she was the person who belonged at Hayez's side, for all of time to come, whether either of them admitted it or not. They took a room in the house that Edeth managed, and helped her out at the soup kitchen she helped to run, while searching (so they claimed) for a lost friend of theirs. Well, this was a land of the lost, after all.

After a week, she began to notice a certain tension in the way that Hayez and Deleh spoke to her, as though they'd learned something horrible about her. She grew frustrated enough to confront them about this, and Hazyez broke down and confessed the truth. They were time travelers, from a distant future where the Chiraben had spread beyond their world as she hoped they might. Star travelers themselves, they had discovered a world with a portal to anywhere and anywhen in the universe, and another member of their crew, a sick man, had fled into the past and changed it. Instead of an Imperium and a Technate in uneasy peace, there now existed a galaxy in an endless war. Hayez and Deleh had passed through the portal to learn what had changed history and set right what had gone wrong.

Naturally, Edeth asked what that change had been. Hayez hesitated, and it was left to Deleh to tell her that the change had been that Edeth had lived instead of dying, in three days time.

Rejecting the notion that Edeth had to die for the future to live, however, Hayez now proposed that they simply remove her from her proper time, in the belief that this would have the same effect as her death. They could return for their crewman later. Dazed by these revelations, Edeth agreed and went with them to the place where they had entered her world, passing between the Pillars of Eternity for the first time. To their horror, however, the Pillars (which could speak, apparently) revealed that this had just made matters worse. The world created by the first change had been one where recognizable people were at war; the galaxy after this change was one where inhuman monsters streamed across space and warred with each other. Panicking, Edeth passed between the Pillars of Eternity for a second time, returning to the day she was supposed to die.

There, she found the missing crewman, and learned that the sickness that Deleh spoke about was an addiction to narcotics. She helped him as best she could, learning from his rants that the world from which he came was no paradise, no utopia, and that he was more typical of the people who lived there than the heroic Hayez and Deleh. This was a man who believed in nothing but himself, and not really even in that, and Edeth recognized in him so many of the sad, broken men who'd filled her own world. She helped him nonetheless. He was as the Increate had made him.

And then, events took the course that they were meant to do. She left to perform an errand, taking comfort in routine. As she made her way back to the house, she saw Deleh and Hayez pursuing their 'sick' comrade down the street, and knew that this was the moment. Yet there she was on the sidewalk, safe and sound. She knew that the sick man, for all his nihilism, would not push her into the traffic. She knew that even if he did, Hayez would rescue her, and that Deleh, despite her coldness, could not bring herself to stop him. She was going to live ... and the future would die.

It was not a utopia, that gave rise to these people. It was just a world, a collection of worlds, that seemed to be worth fighting for. That seemed to be worth ... and with that thought, Edeth Caulker calmly and deliberately stepped off of the sidewalk into the path of an oncoming truck. It struck her, breaking her leg, and she flew forward into the pavement, breaking her neck. After a moment of great pain, she died.

The three TSA officers passed between the Pillars of Eternity, shattered by what they'd seen, and quickly got the hell out of there. For a moment, all was silent on the ancient planet. And then another traveler passed a third time through the Pillars of Eternity. "But," said Edeth, "I died."

"Yes," said the Pillars. Apparently, they shielded those who passed between them from not only the potentially lethal paradoxes of time travel, but from all things. Her adventure continued.

A few weeks later, one who wielded a Power Prism came to investigate the outcome of the TSV Adventure's visit to the Pillars of Eternity, and found Edeth there. They took her with them when they returned to Aperion, and in time she joined their company, and in the thirty years since, she has done many great things and much good. Most recently, she volunteered for a mission that has brought her to Earth, a world so much like the one that she left so long ago that it takes her breath away. What she will do, now that she is in Argus' care, remains to be seen. There is a fugitive wielding a Power Prism here, who needs to be dealt with, and there is much other work to be done. But Edeth has never backed down from a challenge yet.

Edeth - PL 10

11/1 | STA 2 | AGL 4 | DEX 3 | FGT 4 | INT 3 | AWE 7 | PRE 5

"A Trick or Two":
Feature 1 (can hide Power Prism within her body, but cannot use it in in this state.) - 1 point
Power Prism: Removable (-22 points)
  • Force Field: Linked Sustained Impervious Protection 12; Linked Sustained Immunity 10 (life support) - 34 points
  • Offensive Applications: Array (27 points)
    • Basic Blast: Ranged Damage 13, Accurate - 27 points
    • Exo-Armor: Enhanced Advantage 3 (Close Attack 3); Enhanced Strength 10; Enhanced Strength 4, Limited to Lifting - 1 point
    • Explosive Blast: Ranged Burst Area Damage 9 - 1 point
    • Hallucinator: Illusion 9 (all senses), Limited to One Subject, Resistable by Will - 1 point
    • Mind Probe: Cumulative Mind Reading 9 - 1 point
    • Stun Blast: Ranged Affliction 13 (Resisted by Will; Dazed, Stunned, Incapacitated), Accurate - 1 point[
    • Tractor-Presser Beam: Move Object 13, Precise - 1 point
  • Phased Flight: Flight 11 (4000 MPH), Aquatic; Insubstantial 3; Movement 3 (environmental adaptation [zero-g], space flight 2) - 44 points
Translator Circuit: Comprehend 2 (understand and speak all languages) - 6 points

Accurate Attack, Assessment, Defensive Attack, Improved Initiative, Move-by Action, Ultimate Effort (Persuasion).

Expertise: Galactic 8 (+11), Expertise: Streetwise 5 (+8), Insight 5 (+12), Perception 4 (+11), Persuasion 5 (+10), Stealth 5 (+9).

Initiative +8
Unarmed +7/+4 (Close Damage 11/1)
Basic Blast +5 (Ranged Damage 13)
Stun Blast +5 (Ranged Will 13)
Explosive Blast -- (Ranged Burst Area Damage 9)

Dodge 6, Parry 4, Fortitude 4, Toughness 14/2, Will 14

Abilities 58 + Powers 95 + Advantages 6 + Skills 16 + Defenses 11 = 186 points

Responsibility--Motivation. Old-Fashioned Language. Power Loss
(prism energy depletes.) Secrets (many.)


Davies, It just amazes me how deft you are at creating these characters and how detailed their backstories are. You are definitely to be commended for your ability. A million thanks for sharing your creations here - you are truly an inspiration and it is very much appreciated.

A while back my gaming group and I tried generating characters using the DC Adventures books. After about 2 hours of trying to decipher the generation process we finally gave up. A real pity as I would have loved to see my canon hero "Virgo" (seen below with Classic Suit Superman) be a part of a campaign set in the DC Universe.

I think part of the reason we had difficulties was that players really need to have a very precise idea of their character's strengths and weaknesses rather than a basic framework. It also would have helped if we had a copy of the 3E M&M Deluxe Hero's Handbook -- at the time we only had the 4-volume DC Adventures set to work with.

I'm hoping that one day we'll revisit DCA and give it another shot.

Friends Final 40.png

(Artwork: "Earth and Steel" by Caio Cacau)


Cait Reed

Caitlyn Reed (born Rhonda Craig in 1993) went to work for Argus immediately after her high school graduation, in hopes that working for the company would get her out of the United Kingdom. For a few years, it worked, and she lived in countries all over the world, maintaining a cover as a journalist in imitation of the recent success of Gail Astro, which had inspired many imitators within Argus. She was less than thrilled when, in 2014, this job took her back to the United Kingdom on an assignment to become the handler for the recently emerged superhero Prydwen.

Just as annoying to her as going back to the country she'd always viewed as a prison was what she was forced to do in order to support her cover -- namely going to work for the tabloid press. Every day, she had to deny and betray everything she valued in order to present the appearance of a heartless, spiteful reporter who only cared about presenting slanted stories to serve the agenda of the paper's owners, who were blatantly in collusion with the worst elements of the nation's leadership. She even had to keep up the act while dealing with Prydwen, whom she admired, by accusing her of already having done things that she wanted the Knight of the Shield to do, knowing that the hero would investigate these situations and act appropriately.

It got the job done, on more than one occasion, but it was exhausting. She was almost relieved when she started to detect signs that Prydwen might be on to her deceit, as it would mean that Cait would have to be pulled off of this assignment and given another one. Annoyingly, when she reported this back to her superiors, they decided to play it a little more risky than they usually have, and kept her on the assignment. Frustrated by this, Cait ended up taking more risks on her assignment than she ordinarily would have, and ended up having herself flagged as a potential Argus asset by a certain branch of the Secret Service.

Thus, about a year later, Cait Reed died ... and unfortunately, death was not the end. She's still not sure why Dracula himself chose her, out of all the prospective Argus agents he could have picked, as the first of a trio of women to replace the 'brides' that he'd lost in his conflict with Argus in New York, but chosen she was, and turned into one of the Undead. She has, very much against her will, given him everything she knows about Argus and its operations, and then been commanded to remain as a hidden double agent within the organization's structure until her Master commands her to take further action.

Cait's existence is a miserable one. She is fully able to go about in the sun, though she usually 'sleeps' during the day instead. Initially, she resisted her impulse to drink blood when not directly ordered to do so by her Master. That lasted until the first time that she suffered a blackout from her bloodthirst and awakened to find that she'd killed a co-worker at the paper. Whatever attempts she might have made to maintain a human morality died then, and she has since committed many murders in the name of feeding her hunger.

So far, she has managed to avoid killing any innocents -- however, she restricts that definition to 'children'. She has no hope that this will last, beyond a hope that someone will realize what she's doing and put an end to her. Even that dies when her Master's voice invades her thoughts and gives her orders she dare not disobey. She envies the other two "brides", who are simply used to seduce and assassinate targets for their master, rather than actually betraying everything they once believed. If she'd known that it was going to turn out like this, she never would have bothered to develop any ideals in the first place ...

As yet, Argus agents in the United Kingdom, while aware that they are being hunted by vampires, have no idea that one of them has been claimed, rather than killed. Neither does Prydwen yet realize why someone she was starting to view as an ally has been dodging her recently.

Cait Reed -- PL 8

6 | STA - | AGL 3 | DEX 2 | FGT 6 | INT 1 | AWE 2 | PRE 3

Blood Drain:
Linked Damage 1 and Weaken Stamina 9 (Resisted by Fortitude), Grab-Based, Limited to Draining 1 rank per round, Quirk (only against targets who could be affected by the Damage effect, whether or not they are) - 3 points
Blood Link: Mental Communication 3, Limited to anyone who drinks her blood; Mind-Reading 6, Sensory Link, Limited to anyone who drinks her blood - 21 points
Ghostly: Permanent Concealment 8 (audio, radio, visual), Limited to machines, Quirk (no reflection in mirrors) - 7 points
Spider-Climb: Movement 1 (wall-crawling) - 2 points
Undead Invulnerability: Immortality 6, Limited (not when staked or beheaded); Immunity 30 (Fortitude Effects); Impervious Protection 7, Limited, Not against mystical damage; Regeneration 10, Source (coffin lined with soil from Hertfordshire.) - 48 points

Attractive, Connected, Contacts, Equipment 1, Fascinate (Persuasion), Improved Hold, Language 3 (several), Power Attack, Ranged Attack 3, Startle

Smartphone and 3 points of equipment as needed.

Close Combat: Unarmed 3 (+9), Deception 5 (+8), Expertise: Current Events 5 (+6), Expertise: Streetwise 5 (+6), Insight 6 (+9), Intimidation 7 (+10), Investigation 6 (+7), Perception 8 (+11), Persuasion 8 (+11), Stealth 7 (+10).

Initiative +3
Unarmed +9 (Close Damage 6)
Blood Drain +6 (Close Damage 1 and Close Weaken Stamina 9)

Dodge 7, Parry 8, Fortitude Immune, Toughness 7, Will 6.

Abilities 36 + Powers 81 + Advantages 14 + Skills 30 + Defense 10 = 171 points

Unwilling Loyalty--Motivation. Compulsion
(Must be invited into any dwelling the Master does not own). Power Loss (All powers except Undead Invulnerability cannot be used in daylight hours.) Secret (vampiric double agent.) Weakness (Can be held back by a holy symbol in the hands of a believer or by garlic).
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