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{Mutants & Masterminds} United Heroes Limited Series

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Issue #7 - "Engulfing" (Continued)

Scene 3: "Beachfront Battle" - Combat Round Three

"I've got ya now, puny one!" Barracuda announced as he lunged foward and bit Iron Dragon's arm, causing the hero to scream out as the eight-inch long dagger-like teeth dug into the flesh.

(Barracuda uses Power Attack to add +3 to damage and take 3 from his attack roll, and attacks Iron Dragon (DEF 20) with his bite, hitting with 25. Iron Dragon, using Evasion, gets a Reflex save (DC 23) against the attack but fails with 18. Iron Dragon takes a Lethal Hit.)

Surge separated from Pathfinder, who wasn't proving to be worth his time. "Little birdie," he called out, "I'm going hunting!" He aimed and fired a blast of electrical energy at MorningStar, who was hit squarely in the midsection. She was knocked back by the attack, but was none the worse for wear.

"Hmm," he said, "I'll need to try harder next time."

(Surge moves 30' as a Half Action, and shoots MorningStar (DEF 21) with his Energy Blast, hitting her with 29. MorningStar does not need to make a Damage save since the damage bonus of the Energy Blast (+8) is less than her Force Field (+10).)

This one is the most dangerous, Pathfinder decided, producing his SuperX Crossbow and leveling the weapon at Surge, who was ignoring the Native American hero. Pathfinder fired a well-placed shot, but barely missed as Surge kept constantly moving.

I wonder whether the other villains are coming, Pathfinder thought. Using his super-vision, the tracker gazed toward the island castle, and spotted several of the villains gearing up to come down to the beachfront.

(Pathfinder whips out his SuperX Crossbow as a Free Action (Quick Draw). He takes a 5' step and fires the crossbow at Surge (DEF 24), missing with 14. Finally, using his Telescopic Sight, he attempts a Spot Check on the castle, and gets 25. He sees other villains getting ready for something, perhaps to join the battle.)

"That hurt... not!" MorningStar said defiantly as she blasted away at the electrical villain. Surge was covered with fiery energy, but still evaded the worst of it. Barracuda, who was still close enough to be hit by the blast, was concentrating on Iron Dragon and was caught in the flames. The Atlantean let go of Iron Dragon as he felt the pain and heat of the fire rush over him.

(MorningStar fires her area Energy Blast at Surge (DEF 24), making Barracuda a Secondary Target. She misses Surge with 8, but he is still affected as a Secondary Target of the area attack. Both Surge and Barracuda get Reflex saves (DC 18) to halve the damage. Barracuda gets 3 and Surge gets 11, so both take full effect. Barracuda gets a Damage save (DC 17) and fails with 13, so he takes a Lethal Hit. Surge uses Evasion, so he gets a Reflex save (DC 19) against the attack and succeeds with 24 for no effect.)

Looking down at his arm, Iron Dragon could see the blood seeping from his deep wounds. He almost tore my arm off, the Asian hero considered. "You shouldn't have let go," Iron Dragon declared. "It was your only chance." Iron Dragon concentrated, and his fist became as hard as iron. He struck Barracuda across the face, dropping the villain where he stood.

(Iron Dragon uses Power Attack to add +5 to damage and take 5 away from his attack roll. He attempts a Concentration check (DC 20) to activate his Strike, and succeeds with 28. Iron Dragon attacks Barracuda (DEF 15) and hits with 24. Barracuda gets a Damage save (DC 28) and fails with 7. He spends a Villain Point to re-roll and this time gets a total of 15. Barracuda takes a Stun Hit and is knocked Unconscious.)

(This ends Combat Round 3.)
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First Post
Issue #7 - "Engulfing" (Continued)

Scene 3: "Beachfront Battle" - Combat Round 4

Iron Dragon stood over the fallen Barracuda. We should take this villain back to headquarters for questioning, he thought. He might know more than the other villains about this Chaos Engine.

(Barracuda is Unconscious, so he cannot act.)

"Don't be so smug, Iron Dragon," Surge warned as he sped to Barracuda's side. The villain blasted Iron Dragon in the back of the head, electrifying the Asian hero's entire body. Iron Dragon cried out and dropped to the sand.

Surge, seeing that Barracuda wasn't going anywhere soon, made for a bluff near the beach.

(Surge moves 30' to Barracuda's side and fires his Energy Blast at Iron Dragon (DEF 20), hitting with 27. Using Move-By Attack, Surge continues running another 15'. Iron Dragon, using Evasion, gets a Reflex save (DC 17) against the attack, and rolls a 1, getting a total of 5. Iron Dragon is Disabled and takes a Lethal Hit.)

Seeing Iron Dragon fall, Pathfinder rushed to his ally's side. He took a shot at the departing Surge, but barely missed as the villain turned a corner around a sandy bluff. Examining Iron Dragon, Pathfinder wasn't sure his friend was alive until Iron Dragon opened his eyes.

"Can you move?" Pathfinder asked.

"Why?" Iron Dragon replied.

"There are more coming," Pathfinder revealed. "We'd better go back to base."

(Pathfinder moves 30' to Iron Dragon's side as a Half Action. He fires a shot at Surge (DEF 24) and misses with 21.)

MorningStar, who had also arrived at Iron Dragon's side, overheard Pathfinder's remark. "I'll start the hydrofoil," she announced. "We need to get out of here!" She quickly made her way into the cockpit and started the engines. "Come on!"

(As her action, MorningStar flies to the hyrdrofoil and starts the engines.)

Iron Dragon stood and, with Pathfinder helping him, made it to the hydrofoil.

"I can only hope that our friends found something on the other side of that gate," Iron Dragon said, looking back at the beach as the hydrofoil sped away.

(Iron Dragon can only take Half Actions since he's Disabled. He moves 30' toward the hydrofoil.)

(This ends the combat.)

This Ends Issue #7, "Engulfing"
Watch for Issue #8, "Blazing", Coming Soon!


First Post
Issue #8 - "Blazing"

Scene 1: "The Ways of Pandemonium"

The Scoundrel looked over the incredible scene in front of him. Colors swirled and patterns smoothly morphed right before his eyes. The only thing he could really count on was the ground directly beneath his feet, and perhaps a solid path that led into the great nothingness beyond. "Amazing," he said.

Seraphim flew into view. "Indeed," he replied. "Pandemonium is not a place many mortals ever see. Angels are not very familiar with this place either. I cannot say I quite understand what is going on around us."

"You're not alone," Electrostatic said, cruising up the path to where he could be seen by his allies. "This place is crazy. I ran down this path, and it goes on forever."

The angelic hero flapped his wings and soared around the immediate area, but really didn't seem like he was getting very far from Electrostatic and the Scoundrel. "Very odd," he noted. "The basic laws of physics do not seem to apply here."

The Scoundrel was amused by the moving lights and patterns, but tried to focus on what was real and ignore what was not.

Seraphim was not at all concerned about being confused, since he was empowered with the ability to pierce illusions and visual effects. "I shall scout ahead and see what lies there." He took off, leaving Electrostatic and the Scoundrel to their own devices.

"What now?" Electrostatic asked. "I guess we should start walking."

"No sense in standing here," his secretive companion replied. "Must be something around here. I doubt the bad guys would have just come here for the hell of it."

"Y'know," Electrostatic said, "That reminds me. Maybe we should make sure our powers work here." He fired a blast of electricity into the air, and it traveled a good distance before evaporating into nothingness. He also enveloped himself in energy, proving that his energy field was also operational.

"I don't really have any powers to speak of," the Scoundrel said. "Just these revolvers and my mask." He cooked off a few rounds from his guns, but the shots' sounds were somewhat muffled, and the bullets seemed to slow down as they went further from the firer. "Interesting."

"Wonder what happens if we step off this path," Electrostatic said as he raised one foot off the side of the path. Beneath him was a rainbow-hued abyss.

The Scoundrel, with a reaction as quick as anything Electrostatic might be able to muster, grabbed his companion's shoulder. "No way," he cautioned. "Let's not play around."

Seraphim returned from his scouting mission. "There appears to be some kind of golden disc up ahead, and it is connected to the end of his pathway. I am not certain as to the distance, but perhaps we should go there."

"Did you see the villains?" Electrostatic asked.

"Strangely, no," Seraphim replied.

"All right," the Scoundrel said. "We're hoofin' it."


Electrostatic and the Scoundrel stood on a golden disc, which was spinning in place. To say they stood on it is a little misleading -- there was a very thin force field coating the disc, and the heroes stood on the force field. Had they been standing on the disc itself, they would likely have been thrown instantly from its surface.

"Goofy," the Scoundrel said. He looked back at the path, and it crumbled to dust. "A little setback."

Electrostatic looked as well, and saw their only escape route disintegrate. "What the hell?"

"Our mission here is to find out what the villains are after and to stop them," Seraphim stated. "Though I must admit I am as confused as the two of you."

"The baddies must've known where they were going," the Scoundrel pointed out. "Mana, the sorceress, she can teleport them around here most likely."

"Wow," Electrostatic replied. "We'll never find them!"

"Have faith," Seraphim said. "I shall scout around a little more, and I will discover more about our surroundings." With that, he took flight and disappeared from view.

"I wonder if he ever gets tired of flapping those wings," the Scoundrel wondered aloud.


Seraphim crossed through some purple clouds, and hit a floating stone wall just beyond the clouds. Since he had not anticipated the wall being there, he was struck unaware, and hurtled through the colors and the patterns, until he struck a hard surface.

Where am I? he wondered. He stood up, none the worse for wear, and tried to gauge his surroundings. The angel stood on a vast platform, and high above him was a maze of stone walls, floating amidst the clouds. How odd, he thought.

He was alone on the platform, and could not see the end of it from where he stood. Seraphim flapped his wings, but felt pain as he did. Examining them, he determined that one of them was broken. He laid hands on the wing, and it was quickly repaired. When he was satisfied that he could safely fly again, he took off and made a circuit of the platform.

I had better fly the others over here, he realized. It is best that we do not become separated.

He flew back to the spinning golden disc, and spotted his companions.

"Thought you might not becoming back," the Scoundrel remarked.

"I found another platform," Seraphim revealed. "There's no way for the two of you to walk there; I have not seen any more walkways. I think I should fly you over there."

"Is there anything of interest there?" Electrostatic asked. "I mean, is there any reason we should be there instead of here? One crazy place is just like another here, at least so far."

"You will see," Seraphim said as he landed.

He flew them to the large platform, and the two heroes new to the place were astounded by its size.

"Wow," Electrostatic said. "I know I'm saying that a lot, but..."

"What's that?" the Scoundrel said, pointing upward at the maze floating above them.

"I am not entirely certain," Seraphim replied. "I can tell you that it is made of stone, as I unfortunately ran into it."

Something flashed on the other side of the platform. Immediately, Seraphim took to the air to get a better look at it. He soared above the platform and spotted someone walking on the surface below. "Hello!" he called out to the figure. He decided to fly closer to get a better look.

It was a woman, and she was dressed in a most interesting manner. She had white hair, but was otherwise quite attractive.

"Who are you?" he asked the woman.

She smiled, revealing sharp canines. "Your friends know who I am, at least the lightning fellow does." She licked her lips.

Electrostatic and the Scoundrel, who had been steadily approaching behind Seraphim, where now within visual range.

"I have found a woman," Seraphim called out to them. "She says she knows you, Electrostatic."

The electric hero paused as he recognized the Duchess. "That's no woman," he said. "That's a vampire!"

Watch for Scene 2, Coming Soon!


First Post
Editorial Note

Because I would like to finish this Limited Series sometime during my lifespan, I have decided to shorten its run from 12 'issues' to 10. This means that, after the current issue, there will be only two more.

Now back to our regularly scheduled programming.

UH Editor


First Post
Issue #8 - "Blazing" (Continued)

Scene 2: "Friendly Fire"

The heroes surrounded the Duchess, who seemed confused and in some disarray.

"I... Where am I?" she asked.

"What sort of ruse is this, villainess?" Seraphim asked.

"What?" the vampire asked, looking up at her would-be foes. "What am I doing here? With you?"

Electrostatic fired up his fists with electrical power. "I say we dust her!"

"Hold on," the Scoundrel cautioned.

The Duchess did not seem in any shape to fight. "I am not your enemy," she stated. "Not now, anyway."

"What does that mean?" the Scoundrel demanded.

"Something repelled me from the... from our objective."

"Perhaps you should submit to being our captive, just to be on the safe side," Seraphim suggested.

"I have no need for you!" the vampire screamed. "The others will succeed where I have failed. You have no chance, heroes!"

The Duchess bared her claws and gave the heroes an angry look, her eyes blazing with rage.

The heroes backed up in response to the Duchess' new attitude.

"I told you we should dust her," Electrostatic said. He enveloped himself in electrical energy for defensive purposes.

"You have no chance, Duchess," Seraphim warned. "There are three of us. Surely you see that this is unwinnable."

(Seraphim attempts to Intimidate the Duchess. His Intimidate check is a total of 22 against a DC of 23 -- the Duchess has a Wisdom bonus of +7 and Mental Protection +6 giving the DC number. The Intimidate check fails.)

"You don't scare me, winged one!" the Duchess called out.

She looked around at her potential foes, and realized that it was futile to fight them. "I don't have time for this," she said, and became gaseous. "You'll never stop us, fools."

The Duchess floated away, and the heroes, thinking themselves powerless to stop her, let her go.

"That was weird," Electrostatic said. "I wonder why she got teleported here."

"Indeed," Seraphim replied. "It is most curious. When I arrived at the gate, I saw three other villains: Fang, Mana, and Lodestone. I wonder where they might be."

The Scoundrel looked up at the maze floating above them. "What's that in the center of the maze?"

"Hmm... I didn't see that before," Seraphim answered.

Something spherical glowed in the center of the maze, floating in the air along with the rest of the maze.

"I'll go have a look," the angelic hero said and took off, flapping his wings as hard as possible to get some lift. Flying in Pandemonium was more difficult than on Earth for some reason. Perhaps it was the denser air, or maybe something beyond normal physics.

He arrived at the yellow glowing sphere, but did not notice anything notable about the object.

"I have no idea what this is, or what it means," Seraphim called out to his allies.

"Touch it," Electrostatic called out.

"Very well," Seraphim replied, first activating his force field. He reached out with an outstretched hand, and, when he touched the energy sphere, felt power course through him, a feeling unlike anything he had felt before. Seraphim pulled away before anything happened, but felt as if he was about to slip away, perhaps to be transported somewhere else.

"Everything OK?" the Scoundrel asked.

"Yes," Seraphim responded. "Something was about to happen. I'm not sure what. Almost like I was going to be transported somewhere."

Electrostatic caught something out of the corner of his eye, and turned away from his leader to see three people running down a path that was being formed as they moved.

One of the people was dressed in a yellow bodysuit with a helmet. Another was a bald, barechested, African-American who flew above his companions. The third was female, dressed in wild colors and with crazy hair.

"Uh oh," Electrostatic said. "More guests."

The Scoundrel turned to see what Electrostatic was talking about. "Who are these people?" he asked.

"OK," the man dressed in yellow said. "I guess there's more of them than we thought."

The bald man flew toward Electrostatic and the Scoundrel. "No time like the present," he said. "I hope you boys like pain!"

"Yeah," the woman replied. "I sure hope they do!"

When the man in yellow and his female companion stepped onto the huge platform, they split up, trying to flank Electrostatic and the Scoundrel.

The flying man spotted Seraphim near the energy sphere. "Heads up," he said. "Here's another one."

Electrostatic and the Scoundrel retreated, and Seraphim, spotting the flying man, assumed a defensive position.

"Hey now," Electrostatic said. "Just who the hell are you anyway?"

"Not that it matters," the man in yellow replied. "I'm Acrobat Ace, and my friend here is Sam Wylde. The flying guy is Puncture Proof. We're here to kick your butts!"

Watch for Scene 3, Coming Soon!
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