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D&D 5E My 1st Homebrew



Well...after playing D&D for 30 years and running rpg modules for friends for about 10 years I finally decded that I would come up with my own place for adventure and do it myself for a change.

I've written a page up on each of the villages and towns with prominent NPC details and other interesting things that might be around. All scribbled in pencil in a sketchbook.

I also sketched out 8 XP Levels worth of encounters, dungeons, caves, places to go have fun.

All worked out using the new Monster Manual. Which was great and really helpful.

It was easy peasy from the rules side of things. D&D 5th Edition I think is a very good system for fueling imagination. Well done Mike Mearls and co. I was skeptical during playtest but I really like what you came up with in the end. Finding monsters to use is great and the bounded accuracy means I can use the lower HD ones again and again...I think of the encounter more than the maths. Nice.

Anyway, to sign off on this I thought I might share the names of some of my towns and villages with you...nick them if you likes 'em...I probably did from somewhere even if I don't know it!

Ironforge - Dwarven keep and mining community.
Nettlebed - Gnome village amongst the bracken. Complete with tinkers workshops.
Dogthorpe - Halfling farming settlement in the woods. Gypsy caravan type affair.
The Mumbles - a community in the woods/forest.
Easthaven - a seaside village.
Fogdown Isle - a small island community.
Anton's Gout - a small town, split amongst a series of small islets.
Amblewood - a fortified settlement and farming village.
Horsleydown - a town with a castle and spanning a river.
Badger's Mount - it's a keep on a hill.
Fourwinds - a hamlet with a water wheel.
Eastbrook - a little village.
The Devil's Elbow - A lighthouse built on a strange rock.
Runestone - a fortified town with an unusual feature.
Cresthill Point - a seaside village.
Fools March - The great toll bridge.
Bald Knob - a little hamlet.
Rookridge - home of Sir John Fenwick, esteemed adventurer.
Thangannus Manufinnel - a tree top Elven community.
Breakneck Falls - a small village. Home to Fergus Finley's school of wizardry.
Dragon's Hollow - a community living amongst the bones of a giant ancient dragon corpse.
Foulwind Point - a small town. An outpost and defensive settlement in the wilderness.
Whiteridge - Home to the Inn on the Edge, overhanging the cliffs at the waterfall.
Mumpbeak - small community and trading post. Home to the famous Mumpbeak brewery.
Skipdale Pond - Home to adventure! Built around "the mousehole"...dungeon entrance.

:) It's all very 'Fablesque' and probably not for everyone but I enjoyed writing up all the interesting shopkeeper and such for them all. Anyway, point being...5th Edition seemed like a good choice to have a go at being more creative and stepping outside of the comfort zone of modules.

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"All scribbled in pencil in a sketchbook."

The old-fashioned way, I love it! I have countless notebooks, mainly small and medium moleskines, that I scribble notes in, anything from work stuff to shopping lists to writing stuff and D&D campaign ideas. But I have long since made the laptop my main notebook, but I miss the days of a scribbled in notebook being my sole source of campaign ideas.

Anyhow, welcome to the joys of world building. To be honest, it is my favorite part of D&D - at least equal to playing itself. A warning though, it is extremely addictive. But I sense you've found that out already!

I remember my homebrew D&D campaign, back when 3e was published. I traced a very rough map on a piece of paper and simply decided: "Humans go there, Dwarves there, Elves there. And there's a big cosmopolitan city in the middle. That's all I really need."

Years later, I have written hundreds of pages about the setting, which no longer has anything to do with D&D, and I'm completing a novel.


[MENTION=6693779]RevTurkey[/MENTION] thanks for sharing your names of the locales. Names can inspire entire adventures. Much appreciated, have fun!


Well...after playing D&D for 30 years and running rpg modules for friends for about 10 years I finally decded that I would come up with my own place for adventure and do it myself for a change.
Congratulations! It's a big leap, and it looks like you've gone full bore and put together something amazing.

Dogthorpe - Halfling farming settlement in the woods. Gypsy caravan type affair.
The Mumbles - a community in the woods/forest.
Anton's Gout - a small town, split amongst a series of small islets.
Horsleydown - a town with a castle and spanning a river.
Bald Knob - a little hamlet.
Mumpbeak - small community and trading post. Home to the famous Mumpbeak brewery.
All the settlements have great names, but these ones are my favorites. They have a delightful, small-town charm. They feel like real village names because they have some character, and they sound like there's a good story behind each one.



Hey thanks everyone :) yes it is fun, hard work but fun.

I looked at loads of naming forums and sites so I bet I pinched a few(thanks whoever you are), I know for sure I pinched Inn and Tavern names and chopped and spliced ideas for the Npc names...there were just soooo many I needed help. I recall looking at real world place names too so it's possible that some of these towns/villages actually exist. I bought loads of map stuff from rpgnow which has been really useful. I may or may not change those maps as we play but as a starting point it saves a heap of time. As to the full setting map...I am going to create that with the players on character generation. Going to get a big dry erase hex mat and present the villages and such for them to place and build the terrain around. Something different.

...the village Mumpbeak is named after a jazz band my old piano tutor plays in!

If I get time I might post some more of my chopped and diced and glued up names for you all...might be handy for somebody (remember I nicked a fair few though)...




Well...here you go...some of the NPCs that live in my silly, cliched setting. It's more Bards Tale than Westeros for sure! Boy, there are some stupid names in there!

Pinch them and use them if you like them, I certainly nicked a few from here and there.

(Thanks to anybody who I got a name from) here are some of my butchers, bakers and common folk...

Morris Grove, Felton Cartwright, Fergus Finley, Harvey Bindle, Elvira Erbert, Cyril Morley, Tharkun Blacklock, Solomon Stilts, Myrtle Gregg, Belle Rennock, Brother Robin, Murgo Whisper, Drake Morton, Nigel Gould, Ben Finn, Digger Tick, Prudence Felton, Cornelious Grimm, Herman Peel, Barnaby Beadle, Ivora Sackworth, Amanda Grey, Logan Tyrell, Doc Skids, Fisher Flick, Hans Bowerstone, Jeremiah Felling, Clarence Milton, Ethelbert the Hobbled, Barnum Fairfax, Arthur Welley, Jack Thag, Archie McGuffin, Arken Stern, Maxley Wellow, Barry Gaskett, Griffin Smith, Nigel Ferrett, Allen Murray, Clutterbuck, Laszlo, Giles Mumpbeak, Merek Forthwind, Huxley Jones, Ned Martin, Morhir Sandis, Lendis Arvellan, Thrain Mimm, Brother Pannaran, Henneck Lysander, Bertie Brklewhyte, Dariah Badgerhedge, Grissle Thatch, Selvona Trotter, Feedle Jones, Bertha Agmoor, Willow Buttonpluck, Fowler Twark, Lamp Locke, Nithick Blackwaddle, Glinkdeedus Coghouse, Locknus Spannerspan, Katleeno Tosselfizzle, Merbuss Berryspark, Barlock Figgins, Kethykink Thistleblast, Bonklyfinkle Spypipe, Dimwin Stormgauge, Pithwin Portersprocket, Bomburr Greenrock, Naugladur, Goldus Stonebridge, Loth Greyvein, Ulric Caldwell, Brock Wilford, Willard Fosco, Vindo Ordin, Igwar Brownstone, Wilbur Oakdale, Pagan Osgood, Randale Happer, Preston Harris, Peyton White, Susis Brandywine, Crudding Bakerson, Pippa Pike, Granville Drinkwater, Roberta Bashley, Ralphus Trollreaver, Langley Wainwright, Neville Booting, Gallendor Snarke, Mordred Clayworth, Cromwell Faulkner, Dryston Leech, Blyth Millwright, Alwin Fray, Nudd Baker, Dalton Pinder, Escalibor Sandstone, Bartle Dexter, Neldavin Narwindle, Bartholomew Sigbert, Clayborne King, Bercthun Thrydulf, Walter Hain, Lorinda Bagford, Charles Tomkins, Janter Sludge, Winston Baxter, Gorelock Carnifex, Garroway Hooper, Pippi Cheerbrook, Clintwood Smith, Rand Osfrid, Farnham Saddler, Lyndon Bell, Jack Brightsmith, Barlock Drakemoor, Elvantra Baggerton, Chelton Figwall, Bronrock Wood, Avona Porterdale, Ralph Halfhedge, Vance Moore, Lorna Tolgood, Thrag Sackworth, Orchid Thorpe, Nigel White, Woodrow Burl, Culvec Drell, Baddemagus Blake, Hudson Tex, Ashlee Palmer, Malgus Madflick, Bumblebee Zaphore, Stockwell Morris, Ronan Britton, Numphkin Norton, Questing Gutterguts, Devon Bredmore, Elgaste Redfinger, Edwin Sparrowcrest, Graham Bresby, Falgor Elkenstag, Redd Bungaard, Uther Kinlain, Trenton Young, Lucifer Morgant, Avalloc Cutler, Bailey Akerley, Sterling Tondberct, Verna Lanette, Brodan Runestone, Graham Crowden (I love that actor), Gwen Ditton, Clive Swift, Rupert Scrivener, Fiona Tambling, Larry Perry, Felix Pickles, David Windton, Melinda Pond, Lex Churnside, Nigel Humphreys, Cordellia Rooper, Byron Pritchard, Sorcha Devereux, Mia Fothergill, Allen Buckley, Simon Hillvine, Homlet Ethel, Barrimore Barlow (I love Tull), Gorwen Darkpalder, Beladova Castlewight, Erasmus Reed, Ian Fishside, Lawrence Luckinbill, Bunyan Thistle, Alf Spooner, Arthur Nightingale, Royston Crowley, Rivaldo Lerwick, Robin Alderleaf, Hudley Chesterman, Morholt, Heggler Spragg, Henghist Norman, Ramsey Earconberet, Prentis Farrell, Clement Duvall, Kathyryn Silverton, Wyman Culvert, Gambon Whitetail, Grant Darkmoor, Vernon James, Wesley Clump, Krem Coppermose, Imelda Frogbottom, John Fenwick, Walton Bek, Arlen Orran, Vaas Voure, Cornell Farwalker, Dorin Flint, Daknor Ironfell, Ottik Mandrake, Orlana Moonflower, Nasuka, Ellian Mistborn, Brassica Goldleaf, Morrid Mitslan, Zook, Hern Smith, Grog Blint, Snarl Biggs, Jenkins, Wedge Biggs, Slade Trenn, Morgan Elfward, Kordek Anvilstrike, Rosque Joseph, Sidney Smalls, Glandolfin, Seraguin, Emphadrille.....phew!




Here is a brief outline of some encounters I wrote up. My group will only have two characters btw so had to tailor the dangers down...anyway...for better or worse, here are my little vignettes (can I use that word? Lol.)....

1st Level...

The local alchemist has had an accident in his lab and has created Gray Ooze.

Whilst travelling and camping in some ruins a rust monster feasts on the party gear.

The group gets joined by a shapechanging demon on the road.

2nd Level...

A local has been murdered and dragged off to a local crypt. A little dungeon.

Travelling through farmland the party is stalked and attacked by a Scarecrow.

Strange happenings up at the old henge stones.

3rd Level...

A brutish thug is throwing their weight around in town and needs stopping.

The local apothecary asks for help to get some mushrooms from the myconids.

A local property developer needs help clearing evil spirits from an old ruin.

An orc warband conducts a raid upon the village.

A wilderness encounter with a Dire Wolf and cubs (using normal Wolf stats).

Level 4...

The local miller has been bitten by a Werewolf and has become a recluse.

An attack by a Vine Blight and it's minions in woodland.

After earlier being given a reward of local tasty jam, some giant wasps attack.

The town watch ask for help in conducting a raid on a smuggler's pirate lair.

An ambush by Kobolds.

An overturned transport of wizard's Golem parts leads to a mob of Crawling hands.

An Earthquake opens up a tunnel that leads to ruins in the underdark.

5th Level...

Strange foul vapours in the morning mist. Crops die as a Mummy rises from it's tomb.

Shipwreck! Explorers from overseas, beastly Lizardmen crash on the coast.

At a coastal village, a Chuul has made the journey up from the deep.

Trouble at the local brewery.

6th Level

The party discover an Ankheg nest on their travels.

A large number of goblinoid raiders have taken up residence in a nearby ruined keep.

7th Level...

A local farmer digs up a long buried Troll.

A visiting Gladiator challenges the players to a duel.

Something has happened at the rubbish dump as a Shambling Mound makes a nuisance of itself.

Bandits are robbing travellers at an old bridge.

Whilst in the wilds, a Hill Giant objects to the groups choice of campsite.

A Night Hag kidnaps a young child, our heroes run to the rescue.

A young boy reads a magic book of necromancy.......Zombies!

The party witness the murder of a foul villain who swears vengeance and returns.

8th Level...

The Mousehole. An ancient dungeon set in the middle of a town. A medusa awaits.


First Post
Wow. I love those mini-adventures. I love them a lot. I have ran many campaigns but they were always very open-ended story driven campaigns. I am running my first true sandbox campaign and I would love to steal some of these and dot my map with all these fun and interesting hooks.

Good Job Dude!



Hey no worries, use away! I am not claiming complete originality or anything...I've read too many bits and pieces over the years that some of this stuff can't be all mine...but some of it is for sure. For example...the Troll being dug up by a farmer....Clive Barker's Book of Blood. Great little story in there that I remember. :)

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