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My Campaign World


Hello everyone. I just started a new 3.5 campaign and thought I would share the world with you all.

First up is the map, it is based on the old Warhammer Fantasy one, but was redrawn by a friend of mine and then labeled by me for this world.

I may have posted this once before for an aborted campaign that never got off the ground.

Click on the link to go to a larger version of the map.

Up next the brief World view and Gazetteer...

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The known world (Shown on the map) is in the latter days of a dark age.

500 years ago the Verendi Empire ruled the world from the Iron Coast to the shores of Colwyn. Trade with the elves of the Silverwood forest and the then proud Vothic Empire was brisk and life was good.

When Emperor Serovin the 3rd took the throne he was to be the last of the Verendish Emperors. He went to war with the Solani to the south, launching campaign after campaign, but was never able to establish an permanent foothold on their lands.

It was at this time that the Council of One Thousand Churches devised a plan to destroy the Solani once and for all, when the Knights of Caralon learned of the plan they and the Duke of Caralon protested. This resulted in a brief but brutal crusade against Caralon that saw every man, woman and child killed and the Caraligian knightly order hunted and executed. To this day their abandoned precptories dot the known world.

With the crusade completed the leaders of the churches called down a devastating rain of fire on Solani, sorching the earth and every living thing with in it. Still Solani was not without its' retaliation and the last surviving Solani wizards shattered the land of Verendi in what has become known as the Shattering.

The Shattering broke the will of the empire, without the centre it could not hold. Demons, orcs, giants and many other beasts swelled out of their hidden places and terrorized the lands. To be sure they weren't the only ones. The humans turned on each other as a dozen leaders declared themselves the new Emperor. War, death and misery were the order of the day.

Five hundred years have passed since then. The elves have retreated into their Silverwood and welcome no men there. The great Dwarven mountain empire is shattered into isolated pockets. The human lands remain but a shadow of their former selves. Still trade exists and civilization clings to life, growing stronger every day.

The world is turning towards the light again.


Adaire – The sworn enemy of Pendria, the Duke of Adaire is a strong ally with Aquilar to the south. A rough and rocky land, farming is not easily done in Adaire. Still, the land makes for hard people who in turn make good soldiers. Those soldiers often are at odds with Pendria or fighting alongside the Aquilar Heavy Calvary against Elise. The Duke of Adaire is a hard man who looks very much like the hawk he uses as his family sigil.

Aquilar – The greatest nation in the West, the Kingdom of Aquilar styles itself as the inheritor of Imperial Verendi. A fertile and rich land, Aquilar is a strong ally of Adair and a constant enemy of Elise. Famous for their Cavaliers, the Aquilar military is not to be taken lightly. Despite this constant wars with Elise over the Plains of Plenty have prevented the King of Aquilar from establishing his own empire.

Bay of Cimtar, The – Named for the God of the Moon, Cimtar, this bay is teaming with resources and is fairly temperate in climate and weather. Protected from the Tzuni Pirates by the Corvisi Raiders, the Bay of Cimtar boasts good trade between Celina and Elise. It is also the last stretch of safe waters before the Tzuni Sea.

Bay of Serovin, The – Named for the last Emperor of Verendi, the Bay of Serovin sits over what was once Verendi itself. Created when the Solani Sorcerers extracted their revenge for the Rain of Fire, the Bay of Serovin is a dark and inhospitable place filled with monsters. Few ships dare her waters, not even the bold Tzuni Pirates will make their way here.

Belfas Bay – Named for the Imperial Verendi explorer Hugo Belfas, this northern reach of water sits off of Belfas Sound and between Beoland and the Flarn. Its' waters are choked with pack ice and icebergs, but it is also home to many pods of silver whales from which the luxurious whale fur is harvested.

Belfas Sound – A large and icy body of water, the sound is named for Imperial Verendi explorer Hugo Belfas. Its' waters are home to a large number of northern fish and whales, including the blackfish and silver whales. On the north side sits Beoland; the east is the Flarn and the south Colwyn and Blackfish Bay. Almost untraversable in the winter months, it comes alive with fishermen and whalers in the spring and summer.

Beoland – Land of the Vikings and their Gods, Beoland (the Verendish name for it) is a place of fjords, mountains, pine and fir forests and violence. The tall fair haired men and women who live there contest against each other, giants, other monsters and seasonally raid south to Colwyn and communities along the western side of Blackfish Bay. Fierce people with a strong warrior history, most southerners see Beolanders as little more than barbarians.

Blackfish Bay – A large south bearing bay that sits between Colwyn and the Elflands, Blackfish Bay is named for the tasty large black scaled fish that makes up a large portion of the northern diet. Many small fishing communities dot the western shore, though none exist on the eastern or elven side. Every spring the Vikings of Beoland raid south into the bay and as such the people of Blackfish Bay tend to be a taller and fairer haired lot than most Northerners.

Bone Steppes, The - The eastern part of what was Imperial Verendi, the Bone Steppes lead up to the Red Mountains. A rocky and desolate land that is plagued with wraiths, wights and other undead the victims of the Shattering. No living creatures exists here, just legions of undead.

Caralon – Once a proud and rich land Caralon is now nothing but abandoned wilds. When the Knights of Caralon stood up against Emperor Serovin and his plans to invade Solani, a crusade was called by the Council of One Thousands Churches on Caralon. Nearly every man, woman and child in the proud nation was killed and the once proud knights were destroyed. Now haunted ruins and crumbling villages dot the land. Packs of wolves and other more supernatural horrors roam the land that was once the rival to Imperial Verendi itself.

Celina – Once part of Caralon, now beholden to the Barony of Elise, the Celinans are a passionate people who treat swordsmanship as an art form. Known as Bravos, Celinan swordsman are the prize of any military that can afford to hire them, and many make their living as Sell Swords throughout the Western lands.

Colwyn – Blue banded hawks, bee hives and a fierce people of mixed Kel and Beolandish blood are the major fames of Colwyn. Resource rich and fairly isolated, Colwyn archers support the army of Pendria in their sporadic wars with Aquilar. Seasonal raids from Beoland do not prevent trade across Belfas Sound as well as to the south.

Corvis – A small island that is itself a gem of the Western World. The Corvisi are a mix blood of Celinan and Verendish, but have become their own people of which they are fiercely proud. Famous for their multi-hued wines the Corvisi are also outstanding sailors. The seas around the island are protected from piracy by the feared Corvisi Raiders, who are the mortal enemies of the Tzuni Pirates.

Elise – Once a small holding of Caralon, Elise came into its' own when the Council of One Thousand Churches called a crusade against Caralon. Joining the Imperial forces, the barony turned its' troops on the Caralingians and seized much of its lands. One of the final acts by Emperor Serovin before the Shattering was to grant full national title to Elise. Constantly at odds with Aquilar over the Plains of Plenty, Elise is a land of two classes, the very rich and the exceedingly poor.

Engleshire – Home to the Hobbit people, Engleshire is a rich and hilly land that is all but isolated by the proximity of Aquilar, the Imperial and Eagle Mountains as well as the Plains of Plenty. While a generally safe land, humanoids and other monsters are not unheard of and wolves from the Imperial Mountains often hunt in Engleshire. Neutral in almost all politics, most humans in the surrounding areas have all but forgotten the Hobbits and their lands.

Flarn, The – A dangerous and cold subarctic land of pine and fir trees, peat bogs and knolls, the Flarn boasts an economy solely of resource extraction. Whalers, lumberjacks and peat farmers all send their resources south via Belfas Sound and ports in Colwyn (where many of the laborers hail from) and has only one city, the wooden port of Ig.

Iron Coast, The – A land ruled by mercenary lords and bandit kings, the Iron Coast is a place for those who wish to earn money by the sword or to live without questions of their pasts. Sitting on the north side of the Solani Gulf, the Iron Coast is almost always in a state of constant warfare, either amongst themselves or against invading Orcish tribes from Ushak. The largest city on the coast is Seawall.

Kandar – Whispers of dark-haired women and towers of spider-haunted mystery are the legend of the Kandarians. Demon worship and human sacrifice are the crimes of which they are accused. Few will venture to this place: although the promises of magic beyond any known in the north often can be tempting, these secrets are not without a price.

Pendria – Ruled by the Queen of Pendria, this windswept and rainy nation is poor to say the least. If not for the support of Colwyn, the Pendrian people would starve. In return Pendria provides a strong barrier to the greed of the Southern nations.

Plains of Plenty, The – Sweeping grasslands and home to many free farming communities, the Plains of Plenty are the breadbasket for the West. Many times Aquilar and Elise have gone to war over the fertile lands and sown nothing but blood. The Free City of Kestle is the only major settlement of the Plains and sits at the edge of Tengle Bay.

Shattered Shore, The - The western part of what was Imperial Verendi, the Shattered Shore is now a broken land of impressive mesas rising out of the Bay of Serovin. Plagued by monsters it is home to no known communities, though there are the ruins of many Imperial cities therein.

Silverwood, The – Last home of the Elves of Gildoras, the Silverwood is not a place for any but those the elves will allow. Patrolled by the Silverwood Rangers, the forest is plagued by monsters and other fell creatures, though rumours say that a beautiful Elven city sits on the lake in its centre.

Solani Gulf, The – Now a cold and storm wracked body of water, the Solani Gulf was once a gentle and serene place. That was before the Rain of Fire and the Shattering. Now a hiding place of Tzuni pirates and dangerous sea monsters, only those not desperate enough to venture over the Red Mountains sail into the Gulf. Most stop at Seawall and journey overland into the Iron Coast.

Solani Wastes, The – Once known as the Solani Empire, it is now a devastated land that is arid and hot: a pseudo desert. Formerly a rich land of rainforests and rivers, it was wiped clean in the Rain of Fire. Home now to countless scores of monsters and haunted old Solani ruins, it is not a place for casual travelers. It is also rumored to be home to an evil Lich that was once a powerful Solani Sorcerer.

Straits of Magadon, The – Named for the Verendish Captain that first navigated them with the explorer Belfas, the Straits of Magadon are the gateway to Belfas Sound. A dangerous place with many icebergs, underwater mountains and other hazards to shipping, most vessels avoid this entrance, instead landing in Colwyn and shipping via land.

Sumner - The only surviving part of Verendi not reduced to waste in the Shattering, mostly due to its elevated position in the mountains and foothills, Sumner is a dark and mysterious place. Ruled by the Count of Sumner it is a land of hard mountain villages and a moderate port on the Bay of Serovin. Packs of wolves that fear no man roam the nights as well as other fell beasts, ensuring that only those who need to be in Sumner are.

Tengle Bay – Laying between the lands of Caralon, Elise, Aquilar and Adaire, Tengle Bay is a rich body of water that supports life on its shores admirably. Plenty of fish fill her and the waters remain temperate for most of the year. At her start sits the Free City of Kestle, doorway to the Plains of Plenty.

Tin Hills, The – Home of the Tin Hill Gnomes, the legends of wonderful machines and strange creations are well known across the lands. The Gnomes themselves often travel out to the human lands to trade clocks and other such devices, but the protection of the Silverwood and the Veldt keeps outsiders out. Even the Vothic tribes leave the Gnomes in peace, for fear of their strange devices.

Tzuni Sea, The – The large southern sea is home to pirates, countless islands and archipelagos that make for excellent pirate hiding spots. With trades routes overland though the Solani Wastes no longer an option, voyage through the Tzuni Sea is only for the bravest merchants of the south.

Ushak – A harsh and unforgiving land covered in marshes and scrub, Ushak is the home of countless Orcish tribes. Situated on the Solani Gulf and with the Dragonspine Mountains at its back, Ushaki tribes constantly raid into the Iron Coast and even range sometimes over the Red Mountains into the Veldt.

Veldt, The – Home to the Shilo Horse Nomads, and the only known place where Centaur tribes still exist, these elevated mountain plains are renowned for their beauty and sweeping majesty. The Shilo trade with the Gnomes to the north and the Elves in the Silverwood, and Orcs from Ushak raid over the Red Mountains with some regularity. Giants from the Dragonspines are not unheard of either.

Vothia – A once proud empire that spanned hundreds of leagues, the Vothians have completely reverted to tribal barbarianism. They shun outsiders and are exceptionally violent. Still, the ancient ruins of the Vothic Empire (and her legendary treasures) are often enough to tempt the bold to dare her lands.

White Sea, The – A large and cold sea, the White Sea is so named for the vast amount of pack ice and icebergs that cover it most of the winter. Further to the south it remains more ice free but no less cold. Filled with fish, fairly void of island and pirates, the White Sea is a harsh and stormy place in the summer months and a frozen death trap in the winter.


Comments and questions welcome :)


First Post
Nice map!

The overall background is very solid and your friend definately deserves an A+ for his map drawing skills. If I were you, I would start to focus more on the localsetting of the campaign than world details. Where in this world do u plan on having the PCs start, and at what level?


Thanks for the kind words :)

The PCs started in the city of Seawall, which is just at the foot of the mountains that run along the Bone Steppes. The city is more towards the Iron Coast. It is a city built, like Gondor, into the side of a mountain face. It also has a massive wall that makes a protected harbour to keep pirates out, hence the name.

They are lvl 1 right now and the party is as follows.

A Dwarven Knight (PH2) who is on a quest to find one of his people's lost cities, home of the legendary Forge of Fury (gonna expand and use that adventure)

A monk who has traveled from the far east with a bag of cherry tree seeds and speaks only the old Verendish language.

A wizard who is obssessed with gaining as much power as he can, but has no moral compass (neutral... think Raistlin BEFORE his trial)

A rogue who worked with pirates and was recently a prisoner of the City Guard (Seawall really hates pirates, there is no higher crime).

3 mercenary swords for higher, a blase Aquilaran, a friendly Ellisian and a dusky haired Kandarian ex-slave girl.

And lastly a northern druid, from Adaire, who was part of a group of bandits who have scattered to the four winds with death sentences from the Duke of Adaire.

The first adventure saw them all sort of congreate, after the Monk rescued the pirate/rogue from the city dungeons and the Dwarf recruited them all to join him in his quest.

The have rented passage on a boat up the Solani Gulf to Ushak, where he believes the lost dwarven city is, but they have yet to get out of harbour.

That won't happen, they will be caught by the city and then given a task in exchange for their freedom. Find Crow Island, the hiding place of the dread pirate captain Black Peter. They will of course have a small contingent of city guards with them on this quest.

I am working out the details of Crow Island, but it will have an ancient temple from before the Shattering that is now overrun with a weird Fishman race that I saw in a Conan comic one time.

Should be fun stuff. :)

Oh and there is a metaplot to the whole campaign if you (or anyone else) is interested in knowing more. :)


AslanC said:
I'll take it that no one is interested then. Oh well ... moving on :)
Just keep posting. People will notice. Also, try a little more formatting. It'd be nice to have gazetteer entries bolded, for instance. Breaks up the hugeblockoftext.


Seems I am not getting notification emails here... hmmmm...

As for the formatting et al, I will be uploading a new map, made with Hexmapper, that I am quite proud of. Also this will involve a new Gaz, which I will try to make sure is more formated :)


First Post
I like what I have seen so far. My only complaint is that the whole Solani-Verndi thing and "rain of fire" is a little bit too similar to the Oeridian-Suloise war and the "rain of colorless fire" from the Greyhawksetting. Other than that, I like everything.


Rhun said:
I like what I have seen so far. My only complaint is that the whole Solani-Verndi thing and "rain of fire" is a little bit too similar to the Oeridian-Suloise war and the "rain of colorless fire" from the Greyhawksetting. Other than that, I like everything.

Actually that is one of the main things I liked about Greyhawk and outright lifted it for this world. Cause I like it :)

I should mention that I am not trying to make some original world, but a world that can be fun for my players.

I actually once thought about cherry picking all fantasy worlds and just taking what I liked (the Pomarj, Waterdeep, Rivendale, etc...) but felt that might be a bit weird.

Anyways, moving forward hexmap is coming soon :)

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