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My group needs to feel pain

Nine Hands

Tom Cashel said:
Want them to feel pain?

Run City of the Spider Queen.

Yes, I playtested this and kicked the crap out of the party. To this day they are still afraid of the Abyssal Ghouls (which where way more powerful in the playtest).

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Put them up against a copy of the party and use the same tactics. Course this might start making them do other things that will piss you off. =op

Here's my evil rat-bastard tactic +9.

Have them go through a grid of large pillars seperated by 10' wide corridors. It should look something like this.

oxxooxxooxxooxxo x=pillar
ooooooooooooooo o=road

But much bigger.
Now put in a group of horse archers. As long as the archers have the middle of their movement with Line of Sight on the party, they can make a full attack, their beginning and end can be nearly anywhere. With your party's tactics, they're going to split up at their different rates of speed and tactic strong points to better attack the enemy. With everybody split up, you call in the heavy lancers. To make it even more fun, have the entire operation quarterbacked by a Flying, Invisable Wizard with a Message spell to the troops.

Horse Archer
Human Ftr 6
Str 14
Dex 15+1
Con 13
Int 12
Wis 10
Cha 8

HP 6d10+6
AC 18=10+3+5 (Breastplate)

1Mounted Combat
1Mounted Archery
1Point Blank Shot
2Rapid Shot
3Precise Shot
4Weapon Focus: Composite Longbow
6Weapon Spec: Composite Longbow
6 Feat of Choice

Handle Animal +5
Ride +11

Composite Longbow w/+2 Arrows.
+11/6 or 9/9/4, 1d8+4, 3x crit, 110 ft range.
+1 to atk and +3 to dmg within 30'

You get the idea.
The Lancers should be 6th as well, as you'll want a lot of them. The Wizard can be whatever level you want, but he should be low enough that he can't take the party on on his own.

gunter uxbridge

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Give them a taste of their own medicine....such as....

The PCs are walking down a long corridor, and they can see in the mist ahead several vague humanoid shapes coming toward them. As they get closer, they can make out more detail...hmmm...they appear to be armed...one of them is scuttling about, but they ARE advancing. Once they come into the light, the PCs see that they are looking at...THEMSELVES!

Throw a fight at them that pits them against their exact evil alignment doubles. Same stats, skills, spells, equipment and most importantly...tactics. :) Have the baddies burst apart in a gout of light when they are killed (as much to keep the PCs from looting copies of all of their equipment than anything else.) Of course, the PCs might disappear too if they fall below -10 HP (who's going to resurect you NOW!).

Looking for a sure fire way to put the fear of God into a group of PCs??? Well...this is it. It also has the added advantage of putting them on an exactly even playing field with their adversary.


What your characters need to encounter is an evil clown...just kidding :)

You might thinking about investing in Ghostwalk (should be out soon). Let the dice fall where they may...then you can say, 'When you wake up....'

If you just want them to get spanked, a little jaunt into Ravenloft might be order.


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There's a non-drastic deed that could well make the samurai a little more cautious in future. Assume that his enemies have heard about him, and now go about with great big traps readied for his charge. When he charges - splat! Falls in a hole, enemies start dropping rocks on him or just laugh. Take him out of the fight, possibly torture him a little bit, but make it clear that his tactic is no longer valid.

That said, in the very first 3e adventure I ran I threw the 2-member party against a 10th-level vampire sorceress. Horrible, horrible things ensued. The only reason there was a campaign afterwards was because she didn't take them seriously and then someone else came along.

National Acrobat

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If you want them to feel pain I second the motion for City of the Spider Queen. My group didn't know that much pain either. Now that I am running that campaign, things have changed....


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feel pain.....
Each hp they take, thow a thumbtack at them.

1) take the kid gloves off. the players aren't your children. the game thrives on survival.
2) think of Dark Sun, if you ever ran it, it was merciless. Do the same.
3) Make your villians ruthless. if they are murderers, make sure they have hostages and are NOT afraid to kill them.
4) make 1 encounter that will trounce them if they don't parlay. don't kill them, just humiliate them. IE trounced and hung up on trees as an example for those who dare to come after El Badboy. Heck, cut off an arm, or a leg, or some other misc body part.

suggestions on low level creatures with high success rate.
1) giant ants and normal ants and a whole lot of broken jars of honey over sleeping pcs, most likely delivered by quicklings.
2) glue/tanglefoot essense the swords to their sheaths, loosen bow strings or damage them deliberately.
3) get 10 level 1 sorcerers or wizzies. They are trying to join a guild and in order to do so, they have to prove to the guild that they can work together. The harder the target, the better the chance of winning the guild's approval.

Voidrunner's Codex

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