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my lucky thingamabob


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i have noticed several folks on the board metion their "lucky dice"

do you have a lucky, special or significant piece of game releted paraphenalia?

if so, what?

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I definitely have "lucky" dice. What really makes them lucky is that I have been lucky for being able to keep them without losing them over the past 20 years.

Anyway, all my gaming cohorts know about them, and I threaten to use them sometimes, but only rarely do - for the dramatic effect. - You know, like when it comes time to use that arrow of slaying, knowing that if you don't hit, your party's probably doomed.

The results are no more lucky that any other dice roll I'm sure...
But definitely more dramatic and memorable:D !

Not to highjack the thread or anything, but I would appreciate hearing from anyone who uses software for die rolls - and why they do it. I messed around with the die roller from the old Core Rules 2.0 last night and genrated some WAY above average charachter stats...

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I have lucky dice for certain things. I have a set that worked only for an old character. I have a set that I use when I DM. Currently and for about the past 7 months I've been using my hodge podge collection of dice, dice that used to part of full sets but have lost some members.


If you get a chance, pick up a HackMaster Player's Guide and take a look the the appendix on Dice. It's got all kinds of stuff about "lucky" dice, and is a riot...


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BigFreekinGoblinoid said:

Not to highjack the thread or anything, but I would appreciate hearing from anyone who uses software for die rolls - and why they do it.

we use software die rollers in my group, because we are spread all around america, with one in the u.k.....they were written by the same guy who wrote the "wizard tome generator" that recieved some attention here a few weeks back, and they seem to work well....he is defending his phd this week, but when i talk to him next i will ask permission to post the downlaoding site.


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well, I don't have a set of lucky dice but I know someone who does.

It is a set of black and white speckled dice with red numbers.

Generally the D20 will NEVER roll below 15. Of course there is the occasional 1 or 2 but that is pretty rare.

My party and I don't think the player bought weighted dice but they are REALLY lucky.


First Post
lucky? maybe not.

While I don't specifically have a set of "lucky dice", I do have a bit of a ritual for each new game I play. I won't go into the details, I do buy new dice for each game. I have my dice for DnD, when I started Star Wars I bought new dice for that. Spy craft.....New dice , CoC..... new dice etc. It's sort of a superstitious/luck kind of thing. I goes back to my 40K days and having separate dice for each army. And yes, I have hundreds of dice packed away in various bags and boxes in my studio. I'm a freak about it !!!!! Is there counciling available for my compusive die hording???? :(

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