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"My Pathfinder Spoiler" Glimpses At Pathfinder 2

Paizocon took place over the weekend. Over the event, dozens of cards with snippets from the final Pathfinder 2 rules were distributed, tagged with "#MyPathfinderSpoiler". There are too many to share here, so here's a few samples and a link to the hashtag on Twitter where you can see them all.

Paizocon took place over the weekend. Over the event, dozens of cards with snippets from the final Pathfinder 2 rules were distributed, tagged with "#MyPathfinderSpoiler". There are too many to share here, so here's a few samples and a link to the hashtag on Twitter where you can see them all.


Ben Burch


Starfinder Facts




Roll For Combat




Dustin Campbell


Dragons and Things​

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The caster-martial divide is never going to be bridged by mere tweaks, skills or otherwise.

5E conclusively proved it is possible to bridge it without destroying the soul of D&D.

I fear Paizo has missed this lesson, because I do not believe many 2019 gamers will be impressed with a game where it is only "fixed" and not fixed.
You are fear-mongering about PF2 without evidence again.

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How about you reassuring me then, instead of merely trying to dismiss my concerns by clumsily trying to paint them as FUD?
I am puzzled why this has become my responsibility to reassure you rather than your responsibility as a functional adult to back up your worries with actual evidence from PF2. It seems pretty simple. If you can't back up your post with evidence, then don't post it.


Reply with quote isn't working presently so I'll spare you a direct reply. Suffice to say that you are free to stop responding to my posts at any time you feel your puzzlement is inconveniencing you :)

In other news: my point is that I'm making it Paizo's responsibility to exhibit awareness of the fundamental and comprehensive upgrades to the D&D paradigm that 5E brought.

For bad or good (read for good) we're living in a post 5E world. I don't think things like LFQW will fly anylonger the way it did back when 3rd edition and Pathfinder 1 was new.


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I'm not sure if the PF2 = super heroes is correct. I think it just represents a different way view the fantasy genre.

Having rapidly changing to hit modifiers might be considered more 'accurate' than the bounding accuracy of 5e.

Using a book of NPC I have (Nord games to the rescue) we have a half -elf fighter who at level 1 has the following stats
Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit,range 150/600 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d8 + 3) piercing damage.

Longbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, range 150/600 ft.,one target. Hit: 9 (1d8 + 5) piercing damage.

So from a newbie to pinnacle of half elf powers the odds of hitting a target goes up 30% (1 point represents 5% on a die).
What those stat blocks don't show is that the number of attacks increase along with a lot of other combat abilities come into play.

Though I don't have a official PF2 example. We do know that allowing for perhaps 1 attribute increase from 1 to 20th level the standard half-elf state would probably look as follows

To hit Dex Mod + Level + Training
So a 1st level fighter trained with a dex of 18 would be
4 + 1 + 2 = +7 to hit
and s 20th level fighter would be that had an attribute bump
5 + 20 + 8 = +33 to hitWhich is a 130% increase (1 point represents 5% on a die).
What you don't see is that the fighter does not gain any more attacks (barring possible unknown feats I guess).

How super powered is a 130% increase compared to 30%? Perhaps not as drastic as it looks

Lets imagine a single heavily armor target with an AC of 18
A 1st level character in DnD Land will hit the target 50% of the time
But the best archers in DnD Land will now hit the target 80% of the time and get three shots at it.
A 1st level character in PF2 Land will hit the target 50% of the time on the first shot, 25% the second
But the best archers in PF2 Land will now hit the target 95% of the time, 95% on the second, and 95% on the third. (assuming that 1's always fail)

Not too different, the key difference is that experience matters in PF2. So a expert fighter in PF2 can essentially dodge the incoming arrows in PF2 better than in DnD.

Now it gets a bit tricky since different targets will have different training levels in armor.
We can take the these examples. Imaging a target dummy in plate mail (untrained), vs a wizard using mage armor (trained in unarmored), and a fighter (Legendary)

The target dummy is AC 16, the lvl 20 wizard now has AC 27, and the fighter has AC 34
95% of the time, 95% on the second, and 95% on the third. (assuming that 1's always fail)
The odds of hitting the wizard is AC 27 are 95%, 95%, 85% (He should have heightened the spell)
The odds for the fighter are 95%, 75%, 50%

Compared to 5e the archer is not much more of a super hero against a trained foe, but damn good against untrained targets.
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I will need to see more before I pay for it again. I'm talking like getting a free PDF of Quick Start Rules and a sample adventure to try.

Our group was not impressed with the Beta, and a lot would have to change before we would invest in the system.


I will need to see more before I pay for it again. I'm talking like getting a free PDF of Quick Start Rules and a sample adventure to try.

Our group was not impressed with the Beta, and a lot would have to change before we would invest in the system.

The new rules pdf will be around $9, that’s less than a lunch, and ou’ll also have all the rules published for free online in the pdr websites,but they don’t have anything like a start rules free pdf.

Green Onceler

I can appreciate that, though I would love a streamlined and easy-to-access starting point for new players and GMs.

I seem to recall, on one of the Paizocon streams, a developer mentioning that the ruleset had been designed specifically with a beginner's box release in mind.

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