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My Ultimate BBEG: Tadasi


First Post
This contains campaign-specific flavor, but here goes. I'd enjoy any comments on it: mechanics, flavor, anything.

Long ago, before time itself seemed to warp itself into existence, the Material Plane and all of its coexisting planes were forged into existence. But, before Life was able to come down upon it, and spring forth all that was good and grand in the world, there was a battle: a Great Celestial and a Great Demon fought over the land. For the most part, armed with the Scythe, the Celestial was stronger and from the injuries it caused the Demon came disease, pestilence, and all manner of ill things. It was that Scythe that cut the Gash, splitting the Material Plane into its component parts.

But the Demon grew desperate, and began to drain the world of its energies before any life could be established. The Celestial had no choice, and opening a Gate to the Nine Hells, smote the Demon and sunk him into the darkness. The Celestial bound the Demon’s spirit to the Hells, forever sealing it there. However, before the Demon was slain, it spat up its child: A demonic beast known as Tadasi.

There was silence for many thousands of years; Tadasi seemed to have vanished from the world at large. Life was allowed to be established, and the Deities spread their influence. The Great Celestial drifted into memory, and faded away, it seemed. He was ashamed of the wounds he had caused the world; the Gash forever dooming mortal kinds from ever realizing the scope of which they lived.

Then, some five thousand years ago, Tadasi appeared with a great army. Over the world his armies spread and pillaged, consuming and destroying all the good that stood in their way. The most powerful races of the planet, the dragons, giants, and many others fell to the might of Tadasi. And he remained unchallenged.

However, the Deities learned of the plight which had fallen upon the world, and they themselves decided to fight against the forces of Tadasi. The battle was grave and long, but they learned that despite their near infinite powers, they could not harm Tadasi. He was effectively invincible against them.

They met, and decided that the only way to defeat Tadasi was not to slay him, but to seal him into everlasting sleep. A powerful sleep if you were, a spell that could keep him harmless for the rest of eternity. However, one of the many Powers, Mercy, had begged them to be a bit merciful upon Tadasi: that he might be allowed to awaken in the future, if given the proper (if however remote) circumstances. Five Keys would be made, and allowed to take a humanoid form, and they must be brought together, in order for Tadasi to awake, though they were instructed never to manifest during the same generation. As well, if they were to die in attempting this spell, they planned for the Great Celestial –long forgotten by the mortal races—to take over, granting spells as though he were the deities, so that the mortal kind would never know of their passing.

Tadasi caught word of this, and decided to eradicate the meddling deities once and for all.
He defeated the weaker deities by sheer force, and against the might of Pelor, Buhamut, Tiamat, and the other more well-known deities, he unleashed the void. In their dying breaths, they whispered unknown powers, and managed to bind him into unending slumber, and locked him some three miles beneath the world in a place called Antélemar. They then passed on.

However, something happened that they did not intend: Tadasi, though in sleep, was still fully capable of using several of his special powers. In fact, he found a way to get cults and many evil things to worship him. They plotted, and soon it was learned by them and others that four of the Five Keys had been corrupted when they were used to bind Tadasi into sleep: they now sought to awaken him.

Time came that the Four manifested themselves at the same time, and, knowing the fate the world would befall, and knowing that only human-kind could stand to defeat Tadasi should he awaken, the Fifth Key merged with a human child.

Now the time for Tadasi to reawaken is near, and soon he shall spread his darkness across the land as he had in times long ago: the only hope is in the mortal races, who remain ignorant of his existence . . .

Gargantuan Dragon
Hit Dice: 60d12+1380+900 (3,000hp)*
Initiative: +11 (+3 dex, +8 Supreme Initiative)
Speed: 60ft., Fly 300ft. (poor), Swim 60ft., Climb 60ft., Burrow 60ft.
AC: 48 (-2 size, +6 dex, +4 haste, +20 natural, +12 insight, +1 dodge), Touch 31, Flatfoot 43
Base Attack Bonus: +60/+90
Attacks: 2 claws +78, 2 Wings +76, 4 Tentacles +76, Tail Slap +76
Damage: Claw 4d6+18, Wing 3d6+9, Tentacle 2d8+9, Tail Slap 5d8+27
Face/Reach: 20ft./10ft.
Special Attacks: Spells, Psionics, Spell-like abilities, Psi-like Abilites, Void
Special Qualities: Blindsight 300ft., Mettle, Improved Evasion, Regeneration 30, DR 25/epic, DR 10/--, Possession, Unholy Toughness, Aura of Utter Corruption, Invulnerability, SR 35, PR 35, Minions, Immune to Mind-Affecting Effects, Dual Actions
Saves: Fort +60, Ref +43, Will +55
Abilities: Str 46, Dex 22, Con 56, Int 46, Wis 46, Cha 46
Skills:** Bluff +81, Concentration +86, Decipher Script +81, Diplomacy +81, Knowledge (Religion) +81, Knowledge (Arcana) +81, Knowledge (Nobility and Royalty) +81, Knowledge (Architecture) +81 , Knowledge (Dungeoneering) +81, Knowledge (Geography) +81, Knowledge (History) +81, Knowledge (Local) +81, Knowledge (Nature) +81, Knowledge (The Planes) +81, Gather Information +81, Intimidate +81, Listen +81, Sense Motive +81, Spot +81, Use Magic Device +81
Feats: Power Climb, Improved Initiative, Supreme Initiative, Dodge, Leadership, Epic Leadership, Legendary Commander, Multiattack, Sudden Quicken, Sudden Maximize
CR: 40 - 45
Items: Belt of Magnificence +6, Cloak of Resistance +5

A massive squid-headed beast of muscle, claw, and wing stands before you. He glows with a black aura, and beneath his large eyes lie malice few are comparable to.

Tadasi is an ancient evil, a scourge that few can come close to rivaling in his destructive power.

Tadasi is very aware of his capabilities and near invulnerability, and he makes full use of his minions to acquire anything he wants.

Spells: As cast by a 20th level Wizard, except that he prepares like a Cleric (he has free access to spells; he need only prepare them). DC 25 + spell level. Tadasi has nearly every spell conceivable within his knowledge, and unlike a normal Wizard, he does not need a spellbook to memorize spells, although he must still prepare them ahead of time, like a Cleric

Psionics: As manifested by a 17th level Psion. Base DC 25. Tadasi has a power point reserve of 377 power points.
Powers Known: Tadasi has the unusual ability to manifest psionic powers as a Warmage casts spells. See Warmage; Complete Arcane, except that he uses the Wilder/Psion list.

Spell-like Abilities (sp): At Will –Haste, Scry, Shield, Mage Armor, Greater Invisibility, Restoration, Mass Suggestion, Tongues; 3/day—Domination, Telekinesis, Greater Teleport; 1/day –Heal, Harm, Power Word Kill, Time Stop; 1/week-- Wish Caster level 20th.

Psi-like Abilities (sp): 3/day –Trace Teleport, Assimilate, Psionic True Seeing, Suspend Life; 1/day –Tornado Blast

Dual Actions (ex): Due to his amazing mental capacity, Tadasi can take two rounds’ worth of actions in a single round.

Void (su): One of Tadasi’s most feared powers, the Void is a nearly inescapable weapon. Once per day, as a full round action, Tadasi can rip a void into the plane he currently resides in. This void that has been ripped into space-time consumes all. Anything that touches the void is annihilated as per the Sphere of Annihilation. Creatures within two miles of the Void must make a reflex save (DC 60) or be drawn towards it. Those on the ground that fail their save are drawn 1d4x10 feet closer to the Void. Those unlucky enough to be in the air when Tadasi unleashes the Void and fail their saves are drawn 1d20x10 feet closer. A fort save (DC 30) can halve the distance moved. Even objects are affected –only Tadasi himself is immune to the pulling powers of the Void. Creatures that fail their saving throws may attempt another each round they are subject to the Void. The void lasts until Tadasi wills it to close, and only a Wish, Miracle, or Reality Revision can close it before then.

Mettle (ex): As per the Hexblade ability; see Complete Warrior.

Improved Evasion (ex): As per the Rogue ability; see the Player’s Handbook.

Unholy Toughness (ex): Despite being a Dragon and not Undead, Tadasi possesses this special quality. Through his experimentation, he has managed to grant himself this power. He adds his charisma modifier x hit dice to his HP total.

Possession (su): Tadasi can possess others as per the rules in the Book of Vile Darkness.

Aura of Utter Corruption (su): Spreading out approximately six miles in diameter around Tadasi, the Aura of Utter Corruption is his first defense against his many foes. All mortals*** who come within those six miles must make a fort save (DC 60) or be corrupted by Tadasi’s vile spirit. Tadasi can lift and lower the Aura at will as a free action, and when he is unconscious, the aura falls and creatures do not suffer the effects. Corruption deals 20d6 damage per round spent within the Aura. It is said there are a few legendary artifacts that can grant immunity to this Aura . . .

Minions (ex): Thanks to his Leadership feats, Tadasi has 30,000 first level followers; 3,000 second level followers; 1,500 third level followers; 750 forth level followers; 375 fifth level followers; 187 sixth level followers; 93 seventh level followers; 46 eighth level followers; 23 ninth level followers; 11 tenth level followers; 5 eleventh level followers; 2 twelfth level followers; and a thirteenth level follower. As well, he has six servants of near epic level (DM can make these).

Tadasi also has the supernatural ability to alter his minions at will. He can enhance them by giving them an inherent bonus (+5 bonus) in up to two stats, give them templates with a level adjustment of no higher than +8, can possess them without a need for will saves, and can allow them to freely operate within his Aura of Utter Corruption without fear of them dying.

Regeneration (ex)****: No form of attack deals lethal damage to Tadasi. He regenerates even if he fails a saving throw against a disintegrate spell or a death effect. If Tadasi fails his save against a spell or effect that would kill him instantly (such as those mentioned above), the spell or effect instead deals nonlethal damage equal to his full normal hit points +10 (or 3010 hp). Tadasi is immune to effects that produce incurable or bleeding wounds, such as mummy rot, a sword with the wounding special ability, or a clay golem’s cursed wound ability.

Tadasi can be slain only by raising his nonlethal damage total to his full normal hit points +10 (or 3010 hit points) and using a Wish or Reality Revision to keep him dead. A Miracle cannot slay Tadasi.

Invulnerability (ex): Tadasi is immune to all attacks, spells, spell-like abilities, psi-like abilities, psionics, and supernatural attacks from any immortal or supernaturally powerful creature. Ordinarily, this means that Tadasi does not fear death because, thanks to his Aura of Utter Corruption, no mortal (the only that can deal any sort of damage to Tadasi) can survive combat with him for long.

*Tadasi has maximum hit points per hit dice.
**All skills are class skills for Tadasi
***A “mortal” race would be anything with one or fewer racial HD, or that dies of age. The DM is free to decide what is and is not considered “mortal.”
****This regeneration is exactly like the Tarrasque’s, except that Tadasi heals 30 points per round instead of 40.

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