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My wishlist to improve DDI


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I have two big items on my wishlist to improve DDI:

1. Charbuilder should allow me to create "custom rules" so that I can add feats, items, races, etc from 3PP. This would increase sales of these products and give WOTC some goodwill.

1a. Or allow 3PP to create XML "packs". Maybe they must be registered with WOTC or something to prevent abuse of some kind, and maybe WoTC can sell the packs and get a small piece of the sale.

2. An API to export Monster/Item/Power stats requires login to DDI, and has a standardized XML for use in 3PP or fan software products.
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1. Charbuilder should allow me to create "custom rules" so that I can add feats, items, races, etc from 3PP. This would increase sales of these products and give WOTC some goodwill.
I agree, with a caveat. I think they should go for stability over flexibility. Let them allow custom bits that fit the rules of existing WotC 4E parts. Too often char builder programs lose a lot of use because they try to fit everything and the kitchen sink in, and cause the program to have issues.

1a. Or allow 3PP to create XML "packs". Maybe they must be registered with WOTC or something to prevent abuse of some kind, and maybe WoTC can sell the packs and get a small piece of the sale.
I like the idea (although XML might be too limiting), but think it is unlikely. WotC would probably want their programmers to create them so they work and they are unlikely to want to deal with workload issues. They need a decent fee from 3rd parties to hire more peopel, and I doubt the few 3rd partiesw doing 4E would be willing to go for it.


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2. An API to export Monster/Item/Power stats requires login to DDI, and has a standardized XML for use in 3PP or fan software products.

As awesome as that would be, and no doubt it would be awesome, I can see a reason not to do that as well. Just as PDF sales let books get shared across the filesharing networks, someone doing an XML dump of the entire compendium would also be able to share that as easily. That said, I still think WotC should do it, but I can see why they might not want to.


2. An API to export Monster/Item/Power stats requires login to DDI, and has a standardized XML for use in 3PP or fan software products.
This already exists, to a degree. While it isn't a published standard, there are a fair bit of AJAX XML & XHTML snippets that are used by the compendium. I wasn't really happy with the compendium UI, so I created a desktop application that I actually use for accessing the compendium. It uses the XML & XHTML "standards" established by WotC to parse the compendium data and has been fairly robust across several versions of the compendium.


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I have been thinking of posting a thread just like this for the past few weeks. Just haven't got around to it, glad someone else did. Thanks

I would love to see WotC actually leverage the digital nature of the DDI for everything it is worth. Instead of just what they have at the moment, which is basically just books in electronic format on the web. And this shouldn't be all that difficult, a decent web guy should be able to do most of it pretty easily.

1. Fix up their stupid website. Seriously, the DnD website is one of the worst websites out there. If you want to actually find something specific, good luck. They need to throw it away and start again. This is alot of work, so I can see why they haven't done it, but the state of their current website is pretty embarrassing.

2. HTML versions of Dragon and Dungeon Articles. Why do I need to download pdfs to read the articles? Let me read them on the web, in my browser as "normal" webpages.

3. Collect columns of Dragon and Dungeon together. Eg, so I can easily go through and read all the "Ruling Skill Challenge" articles without the hassle of tracking each one down in each following Dungeon Issue. And update the individual articles so they match the final "published" version. Can't see why this is so difficult.

4. Hyperlink the pdfs. (Not sure this can be done, but you can do it in Word, why not pdf?). So, I can click on the title of an adventure / article from the Table of Contents, and it takes me to that page in the pdf. Then at the end, there is another link to go back to the ToC. Also, in Dungeon, it would be great to, as you read through the adventure, when it says "Run Tactical Encounter X", click that link to take you to the page with Tactical Encounter X, and then another link at the end to go back to the adventure.

I find it so frustrating that they haven't already done these! They seem like no-brainers to me, and so very easy to implement, I can't understand why they haven't done them. It seems like WotC have no idea at all about the internet and digital media. It's almost like someone in management just recently heard about the internet, and that there is all this money to be made from it, so decided they had better get in on it. The rest of the company think you just need to put anything on the internet, and it will make money. Sorry, doesn't work like that anymore (if it ever did). You need content that is not just "books in electronic form" but that actually leverages the digital nature of the data so everyone gains.

But I think WotC is slowly getting there. I want them to continue to focus on the things that are DnD specific. Forget about VTT's and character Visualizers. Buy, beg, borrow, license or steal those from people / companies that are already doing them (and doing them well) and have them working already, and focus on the things that other companies can't do because they are DnD specific.

The Compendium, Character Builder and Monster Builder are massive steps in this right direction. It would be good if the Character Builder could except custom rules / feats / powers / items a bit easier. It would be ideal if 3pp's could release their race / class / other crunch in both pdf and xml(?) format for easy importing into the character builder. But I mostly DM, so I don't really care about the character builder much.

What I do really care about is the monster builder. I would love to see two significant upgrades, both which really shouldn't be all that far away.

1. Encounter Builder. A way to take the monsters I build / customize and build an encounter, and print them out nicely formatted on a single (or 2 for a large encounter) page(s). Ideally, you would be able to drag individual monster stat blocks around (to tweak the formatting) just as you can on the character sheets.

2. Easy import of Custom / 3pp Monsters. A way to easily import custom monsters into the monster / encounter builder that saves me from typing them all in by hand. This way, when Goodman Games releases their next Critter Cache, not only do you get a pdf, you also get a second file that is formatted so that you can easily add (with just a couple of clicks) the monsters to the Monster Builder so I can start building my encounters with them. Not sure if the current GSL allows this, but at the very least, this functionality would allow me to easily greatly expand the selection of monsters by adding the multitude of fan created content out there.

Whew, that ended up being much longer than I thought. Now I know why I have been hesitant to start this thread, but hopefully, WotC are learning, and we start to see DDI really leveraging digital media.


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A dungeon/map builder using all the tiles WotC is putting out. They have a very outdated version on their site (at least I couldnt find a current version).


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This already exists, to a degree. While it isn't a published standard, there are a fair bit of AJAX XML & XHTML snippets that are used by the compendium. I wasn't really happy with the compendium UI, so I created a desktop application that I actually use for accessing the compendium. It uses the XML & XHTML "standards" established by WotC to parse the compendium data and has been fairly robust across several versions of the compendium.
It sort of exists, yes. I can already access the individual monsters and view the HTML via an app that I wrote, but it only returns HTML.

If it returned XML that defined the DATA and not just the markup, then it would be really valuable.

My app is/was designed to allow me to export the monster into the tokens i use in my 4e MapTools game. I can parse the HTML with using regular expressions and extract things I need, but if they update the HTML at all (and they have now... twice) it breaks the regex parser.

Also, parsing the Powers and Auras is tricky, especially when you are trying to extract the data from each. Take a look at a Goblin Warrior (easy), Death Knight (not so easy) and the Beholder (OMG..) and let me know how easy it would be to write an HTML parser to extract all the necessary power elements out and actually get usable data.

They are already doing it with their CharBuilder, and I imagine that Monster builder has stuctured data or at least a object model to work with.

I just wish they would open it up for guys like me who want to use it, but not to make a buck or usurp their IP.


I crit!
A dungeon/map builder using all the tiles WotC is putting out. They have a very outdated version on their site (at least I couldnt find a current version).

Do you mean the 'Dungeon Tile Mapper'?

The latest version can be had from the yahoo group though they seem to have started on something else called PyMapper.


First Post
2. An API to export Monster/Item/Power stats requires login to DDI, and has a standardized XML for use in 3PP or fan software products.
Man, I don't really care about an XML standard. I just want them to change the monster builder so people can import and export custom monsters--That way, a 3pp can create their monsters with the monster builders and make them available to DDI subscribers. That seems like a win-win situation for WotC, the 3pp, and their customer, and it can't require much work from WotC software developers.


1. Charbuilder should allow me to create "custom rules" so that I can add feats, items, races, etc from 3PP. This would increase sales of these products and give WOTC some goodwill.
I don't think WotC wants any third party-publishers to "steal" a share of their cake.

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