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My Worst Day Ever.


Folks, I have had to do some rough things in my law enforcement job over the last decade, but today was close to the breaking point.

I have had to work fatal collisions. I have had to try to comfort a woman who's husband had just shot himself. She kept asking if he was going to be Ok, and I had to keep spouting non-commital statements because even though I knew he was already gone, in my State only the coroner can pronounce someone dead. I have had to do many things like these, and some affect me more than others, but today I had to take a woman's 18 month old grandchild away because of a court order from another county, and give the little girl to her step-grandmother.

Maybe it was best for the child, I have no way of knowing, but that did NOT make it easier to take the child from her grandmother. I do know that it does not involve abuse, because our social services was called by the step-grandmother, and the caseworker refused to issue a report of neglect or abuse. I get the feeling that the step grandmother twisted the court system in her nome county to get the result that she wanted. Makes me a bit sick to my stomach. I've been doing this job for a long time, and I'm not a fool. I'm certain that there is more to the story that I don't know, but it was really hard to pick up that frightened, crying child and carry her away from her grandmother. I wouldn't be surprised if she is afraid of uniformed police officers for the rest of her life.

I got into this career to help people and make a positive impact in my community, but sometimes it seems that 80% of my job is bringing misery to someone.

Sorry about the bringdown, but I just felt the need to vent about something that really got through my armor today. :(

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Thornir Alekeg

Sorry to hear this. Too bad those vests only protect the heart from physical wounds. In the end You did what you were required to, and I'm sure you did it with as much sensitivity as you could given the situation.

I would imagine that most aspects of law enforcement have a down side. For each crime committed, each accident, there are victims. Try not to focus on the pain you find in your daily encounters, try instead to focus on what measures of good, however small they might be, come from them instead. Remember that you really are helping people just by doing your job.

And when you are sure that your job is really bad, you can check out this show on the Discovery Channel and see what else you could be doing.

Dirty Jobs


I, too, must express my sympathies. I don't know what I would do if anyone came to take my son. That's just heartwrenching. :(

I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe. - Dalai Lama


Lhorgrim, I'm sorry to hear about your rough times right now. I know that lot of times Police get a lot of bad press for what does go wrong, and not nearly enough notice about what goes right, when police do help people, and sometimes even for times they help people without even realizing it (preventive action and the like).

Just keep the faith, and remember that there are a LOT of people out there who are grateful you're doing the job that you are.


First Post
You have taken on a difficult job and have been given more than your fair share of responsibility today.

You have shouldered this responsibility with as much grace as could be expected, and then some.

You have tried your best to bring some order to society and to allow for comfort in a time of tragedy.

You have been forced to witness some of the saddest aspects of humanity, yet you have not collapsed.

You are a stronger person than I. I salute you for it.

If you have a chance, listen to Aaron Copland's Fanfare for the Common Man -- accept this as a gift from me to you.

Pax tecum.


First Post
My dad was a state trooper for MANY years, retired 2 years ago so I know what you mean... he had some very rough days... Most people don't believe the media BS that seems to portray every cop as a bad cop or abuser or anything like that... 99.9% of cops I've ever met and know are great guys doing their job like you...

It's a tough job, one that I would never be able to do... so kudos to you.


Liquid Awesome
Keep the faith, Lhorgrim. And know that, whether we take the time to say it or not, there are a lot of people out here who really appreciate what you do.


Thanks to everyone for your support.

I have taken some time, after coming home from work, and I'm starting to get back to normal. Because my own son is close to the age of the little girl I had to take away today, I think I had some empathy overload.

I appreciate all of the great responses. I hope to get to meet some of you at GenCon this month, and I'll be sure to thank you in person. I think that a vacation and my first trip to GenCon will go a long way toward resetting my perspective.

Thanks again,

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