Pathfinder 1E Mynhear's Bane

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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
The battle rages, a desperate give and take between the Heroes of the Ha'Gruut and Varithian's Villains. The Villains make the best use of the elements, turning the terrain and the very weather into foes near as powerful as they themselves, but the Heroes give a good accounting of themselves. Injuries most grievous are inflicted upon both sides. Boulders and bolts fly through the air; some are turned aside by the bitter wind, others fly true to their targets.

In the end, the Heroes are battered and bruised - some near unto death, in fact - but they emerge victorious. Melisande takes the great blade Winterbite, now invested with the spirits of both the dragon Mynhear and the Ha'Gruut chieftain Kalinn Ari, and drives it through the chest of the Clan's villain and deep into the granite of the mountainside. Both the corpse and the blade undergo a miraculous transformation, dark gray creeping up from the snow, through body and blade, until the entire grim scene is a granite memorial to the Ha'Gruut triumph.

The Heroes return to the village, and are greeted with rousing cheers only slightly muted by the Clan's mourning of their fallen leader. They are hardy folk, well accustomed to the harsh life of the Seithr Barbarian and not given to displays of sadness.

A brief ceremony combining both the funeral of Kalinn and the defeat of Varithian marks the end of the Heroes' sojourn in the upper reaches of the Seithr, and they return once more to Venza to tell their tales - or not, as they wish.

[sblock=OOC]Here is the somewhat lackluster end of the longest adventure in LPF History (I think). The three main characters ended up leveling a few times due to TXP. I'll post the final numbers in the opening post of the thread, along with a screenshot of the spreadsheet and a listing of the loot.

I thank you all for playing, and apologize once more for the snafus and delays![/sblock]

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Right - it's gotta stay in place to ensure Varithian doesn't rise again. Unless some enterprising soul wants to write an adventure about what happens when a greedy bunch of adventurers comes and pulls the sword from the Giant Lich's stones...

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