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Disclaimer: there aren't intention of causing controversies about certains facts from the real life:

Using Spanish History and culture as source of inspiration for your campaings in Red Steel/Steel Coast isn't wrong, and even some Spaniards could thank, but some threats could be potentially troublemakers. A hero for a nation or group could be a monster in the eyes of others.
For example if you create a character style Simon Bolivar you could get into serious troubles. Why? Because somebody would say he was a champion of the freedom and a hero, but other person would say the opposite about him, telling about "Pasto's Black Christmas", killing prisoners even when families had payed the rescue and other genocide actions.

I suspect WotC will not want to republish "Mask of the Red Death" because even with the best intentions that age has got some dark episodes more one person wouldn't want to remember, for example about the "war" in Tasmania.

Even the term "Latinoamerica" is not "politically correct" for some people who reclaim the right term is "Hispanoamerica", "Iberoamerica" or "Southamerica". If you tell a story where the members of indepence group are the "heroes", other could tell the opposte based in Gregory the Patrician, a fogotten historical character who self-proclaim emperor but he couldn't enjoy the new independence for a long time... or a story about the indepencence were with a plot twist, the independentitas won but they asked finances to foreign banks, and now they are "slavered" by the debts. 'There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt.'

Disney's "Encanto" is a good example of how use Hispanic culture as source of inspiration. That scene of Mission Impossible 2 where there is a strange mixture of Spanish festivities the example of what you shouldn't.

Some times I suspect seriously the formians have been cancelled in 5ed because my fault, because here I said these could be used as an allegory for an army from the real world. The khaastas could be cancelled also because they are slave traffickers, a serious taboo for 5e standars.

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B/X Known World
Disclaimer: there aren't intention of causing controversies about certains facts from the real life:

Using Spanish History and culture as source of inspiration for your campaings in Red Steel/Steel Coast isn't wrong, and even some Spaniards could thank, but some threats could be potentially troublemakers. A hero for a nation or group could be a monster in the eyes of others.
For example if you create a character style Simon Bolivar you could get into serious troubles. Why? Because somebody would say he was a champion of the freedom and a hero, but other person would say the opposite about him, telling about "Pasto's Black Christmas", killing prisoners even when families had payed the rescue and other genocide actions.

I suspect WotC will not want to republish "Mask of the Red Death" because even with the best intentions that age has got some dark episodes more one person wouldn't want to remember, for example about the "war" in Tasmania.

Even the term "Latinoamerica" is not "politically correct" for some people who reclaim the right term is "Hispanoamerica", "Iberoamerica" or "Southamerica". If you tell a story where the members of indepence group are the "heroes", other could tell the opposte based in Gregory the Patrician, a fogotten historical character who self-proclaim emperor but he couldn't enjoy the new independence for a long time... or a story about the indepencence were with a plot twist, the independentitas won but they asked finances to foreign banks, and now they are "slavered" by the debts. 'There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by the sword. The other is by debt.'

Disney's "Encanto" is a good example of how use Hispanic culture as source of inspiration. That scene of Mission Impossible 2 where there is a strange mixture of Spanish festivities the example of what you shouldn't.

Some times I suspect seriously the formians have been cancelled in 5ed because my fault, because here I said these could be used as an allegory for an army from the real world. The khaastas could be cancelled also because they are slave traffickers, a serious taboo for 5e standars.
I have absolutely no problem depicting colonizers as villains and the colonized as heroes.


Lost in Dark Sun
So you've got Colonial, Inquisitorial, Renaissance, and Moorish Spain as next-door neighbors. Alongside Brazil, Portugal, Argentina, and the Republic of Texas. The world-building in Red Steel was different, I will admit that.
Which is why in my home games, I moved the Red Steel subsetting forward in the timeline to 1,350 AC, one hundred fifty years after Red Arrow Black Shield is supposed to take place as per the gazetteers.

Also replaced Hule as the geopolitical boogeyman of the region with a supercolony of hivebrood, because Red Steel is __ing (insert expletive of choice) weird.

The Glen

Which is a bit ironic because Red Steel was a retcon of Savage Coast. The whole boxed set didn't make sense; good luck making any sense out of the map of the curse in the player's guide to the write-ups of the nations in the DM's guide

I suspect WotC is hesitant about putting Mystara and even Greyhawk into the DMs Guild, because of the sensitive content. WotC already nixed Dark Sun.

I dont really blame WotC. When 5e Spelljammer came out, and the thoughtless presentation of the Hadozee slipped thru, I looked thru online Spelljammer fansites to see who the Hadozee were. I was shocked at the poor judgment at certain fansites, some overtly offensive content there. Fansites are sometimes so busy compiling content from so many different official sources, the compilers dont pause to pay attention to what it is they are actually saying, or come across as if saying. That wider online context accelerated the 5e Spelljammer insensitivity into a scandal. Then I read the 5e adventure, and it turns out to force players to commit genocide against the coded "White" Elves. Genocide, God forbid. I dont understand what WotC was thinking. This was all while WotC was officially announcing policies about cultural sensitivity.

Imagine if this mess was sitting there inside the official corporate DMs Guild.

I am unsure how WotC can accommodate irresponsible fans.

Even tho the D&D legacy content normally is culturally sensitive, from decent thoughtful authors, there are points here and there that can go wrong.

Sometimes horribly wrong. For example, even in Mystara, there is a supplement about Orcs, that explicitly identified Red Orcs as Indigenous Americans and Yellow Orcs as Mongolians. Meanwhile the "humorous" descriptions came across as overthetop racist.

If legacy content like this opens up in the DMs Guild, how is it even possible to prevent fans from going there? It was official in its day.

I wouldn't call destroying the Xaryxian empire genocide; it's self defense. They are destroying entire naughty word suns. Some sun's gotta blow up and it ain't gonna be that of the player characters.

I have absolutely no problem depicting colonizers as villains and the colonized as heroes.
Then you're basically two steps away from the "noble savage" trope. The colonizers were almost all villains, but the colonized? They're just people. Good, bad, ambivalent, apathetic. The colonizers are defined by their actions, the act of colonizing, so we can say that they are villains. The colonized simply exist, we cannot and should not ascribe a moral value to mere existence.

If you want you could say there are "red steels/savage coast" in different wildspaces, and even planar gates to go to travel to zones with vermeil and cinnabryl.

The Englishs say "don't throw stones if you live in a glass house". This means if you start to say horrible things about others, these could start to make remember certain dirty clothing about your own past.

How to explain it softly? let's say today some people start to tell certain things about the past are true fake, for example the iron maiden as a torture instrument, droit du seigneur or the chastity belt.

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