Myth Drannor info


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I'm planning an adventure that will take place in the area of myth drannor. Does anyone recommend any good source material/adventures based on Myth Drannor? Thoughts and suggestions are most welcome!

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Gregor said:
Here is a link to the old 2nd Ed. Myth Drannor TSR book. It has lots of good info for you to extract some adventure ideas from.


I would have to second Gregor's suggested link. I printed it out with a color laser and found it to be a great supplement to the table top Pool of Radiance game - which btw is absolutely awfully organized and not consistent at all.

There is a smattering in the FRCS and if not actually using the FR supplemental 3E adventure, it still may be worth picking up to get an idea of general conversions (or at least the frequency and power level of randomly encountered monsters).


Gregor said:
Here is a link to the old 2nd Ed. Myth Drannor TSR book. It has lots of good info for you to extract some adventure ideas from.


I would have to second Gregor's suggested link. I printed it out with a color laser and found it to be a great supplement to the table top Pool of Radiance game - which btw is absolutely awfully organized and not consistent at all.

There is a smattering in the FRCS and if not actually using the FR supplemental 3E adventure, it still may be worth picking up to get an idea of general conversions (or at least the frequency and power level of randomly encountered monsters).

Tom Cashel

First Post
If you're interested in spending a little cash, you must get the 2E boxed set Ruins of Myth Drannor...poster maps, adventures, detailed info, all you need to adventure in the ruins.

Here's one Ebay auction; do a search for "Ruins of Myth Drannor" to find more.

Or you could buy Ruins of Myth Drannor from or as a downloadable PDF. (You can also get Ruins of Undermountain and Ruins of Undermountain 2: The Deep Levels. Freebies: The three Dungeon Crawl expansions are free on WOTC, though. As are Netheril: Empire of Magic and Cormanthyr: Empire of Elves, as well as How the Mighty Are Fallen. Also, you can get Volo's Guides to Cormyr, the Dalelands, the North, and All Things Magical, if you wish to flesh it out some. Maybe even the Villain's Lorebook, for enemies? Cult of the Dragon, possibly?)

I'm assuming the link above is for Fall of Myth Drannor?

(Note: I'm listing only those FR free downloads that I think might be useful. There are dozens that I'm NOT listing...)


The Ruins of Myth Drannor Product is IMO the best way to go; I have the PDF, and it is invaluable. Unfortunately, I did about 10 hours of pre-work for my PC's because they wanted to go there -- and then they chickened out at the last minute. :(

Having done my prep work, I can't say I blame them. :D

Tom Cashel

First Post
If you have the ducats, invest in the actual box from eBay. I still have's got all these cool mini-dungeon cards, random treasure table cards, random mythal effects cards...and the poster maps, when assembled, give you a really good aerial view of the ruins. Good stuff.


Tom Cashel said:
If you have the ducats, invest in the actual box from eBay.

Double that sentiment. I rue the day I got rid of my original set, but due to money and space concerns, I haven't undertaken buying another one, mainly because of lack of use.

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