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MYTHIC MANIA: Three mythic rulebooks from Legendary, Kobold, Rogue Genius, Dreamscarred


People often say they want to see a team-up of the best 3PP companies for Pathfinder, working together to create something amazing. That time is now. Legendary Games, Kobold Press, Rogue Genius Games, and Dreamscarred Press are joining forces to create a massive expansion to the Pathfinder RPG Mythic rules in three books, featuring spells, feats, monsters, mythic paths, and more!
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Check out our Kickstarter page for MYTHIC MANIA Three Mythic Rulebooks for Pathfinder RPG
Initial Goal: $5,000, with bonus goals every $1,000 thereafter!
Ends: May 5th 11:59pm

Our goal is to bring you a radical expansion to the mythic rules for the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. At our basic funding level, we will bring you the Mythic Spell Compendium, a full-color print compilation of every mythic spell you need from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook, over 400 spells in all, as well as complete spell lists for every core spellcasting class, including domains and bloodline spells! We will continue adding spells from the Pathfinder core rules as we go, book by book, eventually adding spells from Deep Magic by Kobold Press and from the products of Legendary Games as well!

The Mythic Monster Manual begins as a 90-page PDF comprising over 60 iconic mythic monsters of every kind, including mythic versions of those found in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Bestiary as well as new mythic creatures for your game. As our stretch goals accumulate, the fans get to choose their Final Four favorites from each of Legendary Games' Mythic Monsters products. These creatures are automatically included in the final product, while the design team selects four additional creatures, some existing mythic monsters and some brand-new mythic monsters, to balance the final compendium across creature types and power level to create the best possible monster book for you.

The Mythic Hero's Handbook begins as a 64-page PDF featuring every single feat you need from the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook along with mythic versions of the class abilities of every character class in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook and new mythic path abilities for every path. While it begins the smallest of the three books, it is both first in line for stretch goals and also lurking not too far down the road is the biggest stretch goal (in terms of size, anyway) in the entire Kickstarter, a massive 60-plus-page mythic psionics project bringing you everything you might need for integrating psionics into your mythic campaign.

Our initial funding goal of $5,000 allows us to produce a print version of the Mythic Spell Compendium along with PDFs of the other two books.At $10,000, the Mythic Hero's Handbook gets a print version, and at $15,000 the Mythic Monster Manual does as well. These initial print versions will be in softcover. However, as we continue to blast through our goals we will be able to add hardcover versions of the Mythic Spell Compendium at $25,000, the Mythic Monster Manual at $35,000, and the Mythic Hero's Handbook at $40,000! I've already been in touch with some fantastic cover artists, and we are aiming to get some amazing artwork that will make these books a joy to behold as they grow in size and scope, incorporating mythic versions of a ton of rules from throughout the Pathfinder Core Rules and beyond.

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These crafty dudes put the mythic psionics updates toward the later part of the campaign. So we need more help to get there. Please take a look at what they are offereing and drop in if you can! This is fan funded stuff and it is a really good lineup of talent to make it happen:


They just went over $10K and that means the second hard back book has just been unlocked. I also asked about mythic traps and theyy confirmed it is in the works.

I'm an early backer - before the core funding was reached - something that doesn't happen with me very often.

This reminds me some of Kobold's Deep Magic - a book that was good to begin with but had so much additional stuff from stretch goals.

10 K in 2 days - I'm fully expecting this to hit 30K easily - and based on Stretch Goals we have seen and the patters that would likely give us every feat, spell and class ability from CRB, APG, UC and UM. As 10 K was the second print book and 15 is the third - 20 being the inclusion of Deep Magic information - I'm willing to bet that 25K will be the Mythic Psionics. Stretch goals every 1000, and getting vote on content, as well as add on to pledge to choose or invent content - this is going to be good!

And add the fact that in addition to Legendary Games, Kobold Press, Dreamscarred and Rogue Genius Games are all involved - pretty much the top 4 Pathfinder 3PP with a history of quality - even better.

This has crested 25K - All three books are softcover, and the first hardcover (mythic spells) has opened.

All feats and spells from the Core Rules, Advanced Players Guide, Ulitmate Magic and Ultimage Combat are in the players guide. And incredible amount of content has already been opened. Great time to pledge.


All PDFs *FREE* with print pledges! 12 days left!

The MYTHIC MANIA Kickstarter has been revised to include free PDFs with every print pledge, so if you want all three books plus the PDFs it is just $150 - $50 per book. You could also buy just one book and add $20 for the other two PDFs - $80 for one hardback and all three PDFs.

The Mythic Spell Compendium is already over 260 pages - bigger than the original Mythic Adventures hardback, and the Mythic Hero's Handbook and Mythic Spell Compendium are not far behind! These are books by the very best Pathfinder contributors, most of whom worked on the original Mythic Adventures rulebook!

We'll be having a post-KS pledge period, so if cash flow is a problem you could pledge in at a lower level during the Kickstarter and upgrade your pledge after the fact if necessary.


These books keep getting bigger, now with HEROLAB!

Having just passed $44,000, the Mythic Spell Compendium is now over 300 pages, containing over 1,700 mythic spells (including almost every spell in Deep Magic from Kobold Press), and when we hit $45,000 we will also be adding HeroLab conversions for every spell in the book!

The Mythic Hero's Handbook is already over 250 pages and we have funded HeroLab conversions for every feat in the book (over 1,000), and at $48,000 we will also be adding HeroLab conversions for the remaining content in the book, including mythic skills, class features, paths and path abilities, psionic powers, magic items, and more.

The Mythic Monster Manual is already over 260 pages, and at $51,000 we will be adding HeroLab conversions for every monster in the book!

If you've been on the fence about the value this Kickstarter offers or wondering whether this is a good deal, IT IS! Free domestic shipping and free PDFs for all print backers, plus the chance to sponsor or vote on the content YOU want to see, including mythic monsters, bonus mythic classes from Rogue Genius Games, and more!

We have just over a week remaining, as the Kickstarter ends just before midnight Pacific time next Monday. COME AND GET IT! It's going to be truly awesome.

Voidrunner's Codex

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