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Nakatura Valley -- Ninja's Prologue


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OOC: Any chance you can fix the color?

The man seems to mull this over uncomfortably until his wife arrives with a basin of warm water. He bows slightly, and says "Very well, come inside and get cleaned up. We can provide you with rest and a meal as well." She looks at him inquisatively, but his stern look sends her scurrying back towards the hut.

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"I shall not stay and burden your family for long, and when I leave, so will all traces of me." Sen follows the same path the woman had just traveled, leading him into the hut. "Definetly not too happy about having me here. Probably because I admit to murder, and who could blame him?" Sen stops and looks at the man, "Sir, I do not want to trouble your family. I can travel on tonight, if you would prefer it." Sen reaches into his bag of retrieved loot and grabs two of the jade figures, "I do not know what these are worth, but take them. I shall travel on tonight, as I cannot ask you to tolerate my sins."

ooc: sorry about the color thing. I never noticed lol :) Is enworld having a rough go with telling people their threads have updated again or am I special?


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OOC: It's not just you, we're all eagerly waiting for EN 2: the sequel.

"No, sir," the farmer says, faltering. "It would honor my family to aid you in your need. Be welcome, and take whatever you require. Pardon my misgivings, I meant no offense." He bows his head low as he escorts you into his home.

The warmth and smell of cooking are a great comfort to the tired traveler as he crosses the threshold. The table is being set within by a grumpy looking young teenage boy. The farmer's wife has prepared a spot for Sen to clean himself up.


"Thank you, you are surely excellent hosts." Sen cleans as much of the blood as he can off of his clothes. Sen sits and enjoys the meal that was prepared for him. The hot food was as near to heaven as he had ever been. He was polite while he ate, answering the questions but not really saying anything. After dinner, Sen retires to a small area outside of the house. The quiet place he found served as a perfect place for him to meditate.


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Sen is given a place to stay comfortable on this night, and his tired body appreciates it. Sen knew that the children took turns watching him in fascination; one of them in particular was rather sneaky in his own right. However, the parents kept them in check until morning. At the early meal, the children kept their promise, and remained silent until their father had answered all of the stranger's questions about the lay of the land.

The farmer told a story of desperation, as the rainy season was late this year. Though violent at first, the storms were a necessary part of the cycle, and prayers were offered every day to appease the spirits of the storms.

In this time of want, the depredations of the aggressive grew even more taxing on the common man: bandits, wild animals, and taxmen all came through wanting their share. The animal attacks had been particularly vicious this year, but this family had managed to be spared that fate.

The farmer gave Sen a good idea of how to reach more civilized lands, and graciously accepted the payment that he offered. When he came to understand that it was stolen from honest folk, he told him, "Then I shall take a share for my family, and offer some up for those who lost it, and share the remainder with those who suffer here. The spirits work in mysterious ways, and they would not have sent this to our community were it not needed so badly. Safe travel, Avenger." And with that, he and his family bowed in the early light of day.


"You have my thanks good sir. I shall stop at the river and pray to the spirits of your goodness to me and of your decision to share what you can with those who need it." Sen bowed low to the man, even going as far as to sweep his spear behind his back as he bowed, "Surely the world needs more men like you." Sen sprints off in the direction of the river, fully intent on keeping his word to the man.


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Sen meditated at the river until the sun cleared the mountains beyond, and the day began in earnest. He kept on the path of the river, staying on the outskirts of the mill village, and heading toward the lake and the valley's first real town, Hiruma Watch. The warriors of Hiruma apparently were riding the roads, scouring the land to root out and destroy all traces of banditry.

Their work was cut out for them.

Sen was warned by the farmer to be wary of their patrols, for his armament and manner may very well mark him as suspicious. The blood was cleaned up well-enough, but an armed man alone on the roads . . .

At Hiurma Watch, he would have to head west to turn with the river towards the city of Katsuki Ford, the seat of House Katsuki power. If he could only gain the ear of the head of the House, the real work of revenge could begin.


Sen decided there was nothing to be gained in sprinting into the next town. Any patrols that happened to find him would surely come charging along and if he went into the town fatigued he would draw attention to himself. Walking along near the river was pleasant, he saw many forms of wildlife he had not seen in a long time. His favorite animal was the falcon. It was a silent, fast, terrifying hunter. He marveled at how it's prey knew of its presence only as the killing blow fell; far too late for any kind of fight to be put up. At the bend in the river, he got to see his idol and in the hunt to. Sen's keen eyes turned skyward barely in time to see a great falcon complete his final circle, and begin his dive. The flight was furious, the claws were steel. It had preyed upon a venomous snake that day.

Sen took a small break to pray to the spirits. Perhaps it was a sign that he had seen his animal guardian kill a snake that had been known to kill full grown humans. He meditated on this sight, on the thought that the warrior within him may of been blessed on his road to vengence.

With a smile, he stood and ventured down the road again. His master had blessed him.

Voidrunner's Codex

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