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Name Game


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No, I meant to write it for brutal types of rogues, but yeah, I don't have a very good feel for things yet.OK, so switch it to a free action when you score a crit, makes sense.What if I turn it into Dex vs. Fort for attack, drop the damage, and change the effect to Vulnerable 5 against melee weapon attacks?

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Consider adding the Rattling keyword, and making it:
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude
Requirement: You must be wielding a light blade.
Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target grants combat advantage to you and your aliies until the end of your next turn.
Special: When you score a critical hit with a melee attack, you may use this power as a free action against the same target you hit with that attack.
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First Post
It really isn't 'below the belt' until you use the power after you score a critical hit on an enemy! ^_~ Nicely done.

Here's my version of goblin grenade:

Goblin Grenade
Artificer Attack 7
You are desperately wounded, but before passing out you have one last surprise for your foe- an exploding surprise!
Encounter Arcane, Artifice, Implement, Fire
Immediate Reaction --- Close Burst 2
Target: Each enemy in the burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Trigger: When an enemy reduces you to 0 hit points or fewer with an attack
Hit: 2d6+Intelligence modifier fire damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
Effect: You may shift a number of spaces equal to half your intelligence modifier toward the triggering enemy before the attack.

How about we try Revitalizing Beam again or Shards of Light.


Goblin Grenade Artificer Attack 7
You are desperately wounded, but before passing out you have one last surprise for your foe- an exploding surprise!
Encounter Arcane, Artifice, Implement, Fire
Immediate Reaction --- Close Burst 2
Target: Each enemy in the burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Trigger: When an enemy reduces you to 0 hit points or fewer with an attack
Hit: 2d6+Intelligence modifier fire damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).
Effect: You may shift a number of spaces equal to half your intelligence modifier toward the triggering enemy before the attack.
Looks good to me. I'd only suggest making it a Daily instead of an Encounter power; hopefully your Leader isn't going unconcious every single Encounter, so it seems like kind of a waste otherwise.
I'd also consider making it 'each creature in burst' instead of 'each enemy in burst'. Just not clear on why a kamikaze explosion would exclude allies... flavor-wise, it'd be fun if it didn't. The shift effect should hopefully allow them to avoid explodinating your allies. Anyway, here's the beam:

Revitalizing Beam Cleric Utility 2
A beam of pearly luminescence streaks toward your ally, either healing his wounds or bolstering his spirit.
Daily Divine, Healing
Standard Action Ranged 5
Target: One ally
Effect: The target chooses either to regain hit points equal to your Charisma modifier or to gain temporary hit points equal to its healing surge value.

Next, I'd like to see either Arcane Stutterstep or Arcane Flashstep.


First Post
Revitalizing Beam Cleric Utility 2
A beam of pearly luminescence streaks toward your ally, either healing his wounds or bolstering his spirit.
Daily Divine, Healing
Standard Action Ranged 5
Target: One ally
Effect: The target chooses either to regain hit points equal to your Charisma modifier or to gain temporary hit points equal to its healing surge value.
Looks pretty good, but the healing option is so much less powerful that I doubt it would ever be used, except in very rare situations. The healing also seems far worse then cure light wounds (this has range 5, but heals for charisma mod instead of healing surge value). It could still be quite useful for getting a fair bit of temporary hp when you're at nearly full health though, so I'd improve the healing effect or maybe make it a minor action. Anyway, here's arcane stutterstep.

Arcane Stutterstep Wizard Utility 16
You seem to step from place to place with dazzling speed, but then you're nowhere to be found.
Encounter Arcane
Move Action Personal
Effect: All enemies adjacent to you grant combat advantage to you and your allies until the start of your next turn, and you can slide them one square. You gain concealment until the end of your next turn and can teleport 5 squares.

(I'm not sure if this needs to be made slightly less powerful, or more powerful and become a daily, but this is at the same level as fly and greater invisibility after all)

How about Call to Chaos or Turbulence next?


Call to Chaos --- Bard attack 13
Shouting nonsensical and conflicting commands at your foes, you befuddle their tactics.
Encounter Arcane, Implement, Psychic
Standard Action --- Close burst 2
Target: Each enemy in burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 1d6+Charisma modifier psychic damage. If the target makes an attack before the end of your next turn, you can change the target of that attack to another valid target as an opportunity action.

Next names are Swarm of Candles, Spectral Ballista, or Tidal Wave.


First Post
Call to Chaos: When you say opportunity action, do you mean free action?

Tidal Wave - Warlock Attack
Encounter. Arcane, Implement, Cold, Necrotic
Standard Action
Close blast 3
Target: Each creature in blast
Attack: Constitution vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d6 + Constitution modifier cold damage and the target is pushed 1 square.
Augment (Jolly Roger): Choose a creature in the blast. That creature is dealt an additional Constitution modifier ongoing necrotic damage (save ends).
Augment (Davy Jones): Choose a creature in the blast. You place your warlock's curse on that creature.

Next Power:
Your choice of No Quarter or Wax and Wane


First Post
chronoplasm, is your use of Augment a reference to Dreamscarred Press's Phrenic Power line, or something else? If something else, what is the mechanic? And if it is Dreamscarred Press . . . why taunt me with a psionic warlock when there's only a cleric so far?


Voidrunner's Codex

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