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Names of three organizations


I'm creating three new orgs for my campaign world, and need some name ideas.
The campaign is a fairly generic "here's a kingdom in the wilderness" game with a vaguely Saxon/Old Englis naming tradition.

The three groups are
1) a collection of semi-independent rangers, druids and other woodsfolk who guard the kingdom's boundaries and roam the wilderness seeking out potential dangers before they become too great. The title of their leader would also be needed. They're currently very lamely called "Sherriffs".

2) a group of wizards and sorcerers who work undercover together to promote their goals of personal and group power. They're not usually evil, but are not good, either. They mostly use charm and illusion magic, but also wealth and political power. They have no name or presence in my world as yet.

3) a group of fey-hating knights and priests who follow a new god I'm adding to my pantheon. This god is a lawful being who hates the innate chaos that the fey represent. His name I'm also still debating, but it will probably have a vaguely latin feel to it, as that is the area of the world where his worship will be strongest.

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First Post
1) Leafstriders or (insert nature gods name here) Charges with the persona in charge named The Oakwarden or something more natural souncing.

2) The Shadow Coven or The Long Night and their leaders name can be something like The Faceless One or The Enigma

3) The Fayerie Ward and maybe call their god something like Solidinus-Bringer of Order, Smiter of the Demons (who are themselves chaotic by nature)


First Post
The Green Guards, Keepers of the Old Forest/Kingdom, Patrolmen of the High Wood, The Sentinels of the Backcountry, The Wardens of the Weald.

The Unspoken Alliance, The League of Silence, The Enthrallomancers, The Enchanters Compact, The Covenant of Beguilers.

The Knight-Errants of the Order of Feysmiters, The Guardians of Order, The Preservers of Lawfullness.

Hope those help!


First Post
1: The Emerald League. Leader is called The Groundskeeper.

2: Cognoscenti. It's a word basically meaning experts in a field. The Illuminated, as a reference to the Illuminati.

3: I'd agree with Knight Otu on this, Concordians is good. Their holy book could be the Principia Concordia (The Principia Discordia, of course, is a real book belonging to the Discordians who worship Eris, goddess of chaos)


From my own Campaign worlds...feel free to borrow...

1) The Wyldewatch

2) The Arcane Assembly

3) Feywarders



First Post
Inspired by some of the above:

1) High Wardens of the Mittelmarches. (Mittelmarches are those border regions.)

2) The Collegium. (They have a name that sounds vague and innocuous, wanting to appear as scholars and pragamtic advisers.)

3) The Legates. (Their god is called "Ordinans".)


Dwarven Guardian
1. The Watchmen of the Wood. Leader could be called Captain of the Watch or something along those lines. Given the name... that could be where Sheriffs derived from, as slang for this group (given the similarity of the name to a city watch).

2. The Consortium of Influence

3. The Fey-Bane Knights


1) Council of Oaks - this one I use in my campaign for an organization with pretty much the same "mission" as yours

2) The Chamber - it just calls to me.

3) The Knights of Radiance - They bring enlightenement to a dark and chaotic (fey-ensorceled) world.

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