Natural Armor


First Post
What game changing effects would making Natural Armor a character statistic have?

Specifically, this would change itmes that give a natural armor bonus to AC into items that give an enhancement bonus to natural armor.

I would also think about allowing characters to spend their 4th level ability points on raising NA.

Finally, it would allow races to exist that have a negative natural armor score.

Well, thoughts and opinions?

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Why? What purpose would this serve?

As for immediate effects, it will help races with higher natural armor (who couldn't use amulets of natural armor before but can now) and help those races whose natrual armor is increased.

Without more information, I can't say much.


First Post
Primarily, I want to make this change for two reasons:

1) I really don't think its fair to my NPC Troll Druids to not allow them to get any benefit from casting Barkskin, when the PC's get to up their AC by +5 when they cast it.

2) I've been thinking about making a new race that is very "thin-skinned." No penalties to endurance or anything else related to Con, simply a lot more prone to getting getting hurt from even the most glancing of blows.

However, I don't want their entire penalty from that to go away just from puttin on an Amulet of Natural Armor (+1).

2a) New effect for diseases in game.

Unfortunately, I have a little bit of an ethical dilemma when it comes to allowing NPCs to do things I don't let PCs do. So, now I'm wondering how it would effect game balance to allow this.


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I don't understand what 2a has to do with the issue at hand, but I'll address the rest of #2:

Penalties are not overridden by bonuses. Take the worst penalty and the best bonus and add them together. Thus, a -2 enhancement and a +4 enhancement add up to +2, not +4.

As for trolls with barkskin, whatver works...

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