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NC Game Day - Important new info!


What He Said

BelenUmeria, you stole my opinion. As I am lazy, I shall simply say "what he said," instead of taking the time to formulate another. ;)

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BelenUmeria said:
Personally, I'd prefer to keep strong ties to EnWorld; however, at the same time, I am always trying to get people to go to EnWorld and use the site.

BelenUmeria said:
I think we should do it, yet form our own distinct EnWorld group. We get them to go after the room they need to add on to our game day, and we have a label like sponsored by "EnWorld and Trinoc*con." It could be a great way to meet new gamers that do not associate in the EnWorld circle, but also bring more people into the EnWorld circle. I am sure that Morrus would not mind if we gathered more potential visitors with wallets and helped enforce the notion that EnWorld is THE place to go.
While I can see the benefits to having a co-sponsor for the gameday, I like the idea that an ENWorld game day is primarily for and by the members of ENWorld (and their friends). I'm looking forward to meeting and playing in games with ENWorld members-the people whom I hang out with virtually and discuss things of common interest. I see it sort of as a class reunion type of thing, except I've never met most of the class in person. Expanding the gameday to bring in more people could take some of that feeling away. I like the idea that we have all come together to play games and hang out because we feel strongly enough about ENWorld and each other to want to meet-some of us are going to put in a bit of time and $ to get there (just as an example, I've got a 4+ hour drive to get there, and will need to find a place to stay once I'm in town). So, my vote would be to keep this gameday a ENWorld day, and maybe plan for another day that would be a co-sponsored one.

That said, I realize my vote should have a bit less weight to it than those of you who are local-after all, the people there are mostly going to be local as well, and I'll probably not play with them (or the ENWorlders) again, except for at future cons or gamedays.

I don't know what kind of draw this could have to the gameday, but I would really hate to see what started as an ENWorld gathering become a gameday that just happens to have some ENWorlders at it.


Liquid Awesome
I've been in contact with Neal Haggard via e-mail today and we've agreed to have lunch next Wednesday to discuss what, if anything, we are going to try to do in conjunction with each other. I'll be keeping a close eye on this thread for the next week to gather opinions so that I go into that meeting knowing what it is we want to achieve as a group.

One quick thing to note is that it sounds as though the Trinoc*coN group would be hooking up with us only during the January Game Day. The other proposed dates for ENWorld NC Game Days (late April/early May and late September) fall too close to other local cons for them to schedule an event themselves.


First Post
I don't see any reason to go and make this a big event like what Mr. Haggard is wanting to do. I would prefer to keep the game day the way it was intended to be. I would much rather game with the people posting in this thread and keep it "North Carolina ENWorld Game Day" not "Some Random Gamers from all over North Carolina Game Day". So IMO we should just leave everything the way it was before BelenUmeria recieved that email and have our game day the way it was originally designed.

That's my take on the situation.


First Post
*pitches in 2 pennies*

I tend to agree with ph34r, while it would be nice to have a co-sponsor and whatnot, I think we should keep it just an ENWorld game day. That's just me though.


First Post
I think that a once a year hookup with another group would be fun, and a way to both recruit new ENWorlders, and find other hobbies/games that might be fun to pick up. Not to mention the "meet new people possibilities". And after all, the other two dates, it would be just us again. And if we do it once, we haven't commited to ever doing it again if we hated it. The only big hitch I see that needs to be addressed right now is that they would seem to want to advertise it to attract new people. First, do we like that? Second, we'd have to get permission from Morrus to use the ENWorld name. Those are things Rel can bring up at the lunch with Mr. Haggard, and report back to us on. I'll await his report before I make my final opinion.


First Post
LGodamus said:
Hey I just realized...I am bringing my whole gaming group to NC gameday...lol.

You guys have had it now :rolleyes:

There's only a 90% chance of doom cause at the moment Andrew isn't coming! :p

Well, I have to come at Neal's approach from two different angles: there's me as an ENWorld junkie who says, "Wow that's super cool!" and there's me as a president of an on-campus club who has their name associated with this event.

I, for one, would not mind seeing the two events held on the same day with a lot of cross posting between the two. However, unless his event has been coincidentally planned for the 31st for quite some time, he will probably have trouble finding space on campus. I say this for two reasons:
  1. Talley is probably already booked solid, and isn't the best place to hold LARPs, anyway.
  2. Academic space (i.e., space in a regular building on campus) cannot be requested until the second week of the current semester. Which means that he would be looking for space for his event like the week beforehand.
Now, after saying all that I might sound like a sour bag of grapes, but here's my point: we have space for a "sizeable" ENWorld Game Day, but we probably don't have space for many of the other activities that he is listing. Sadly, we just aren't set up to handle it.

So here's my vote: we support him in any way that we reasonably can, as I said before, by cross posting event information, spreading the word and somehow merging the title of the event, but we should probably keep close control of our current space. When he is planning to do this again, he can easily contact us well enough in advance (because NC Game Day has a regular schedule) and I would be happy to work with other student groups on campus to farm out some space and get things worked out well in advance.

Again, I don't want to be a "party-pooper," but I think that might be the best way to ensure that everyone (his attendee's included) have a good time.



First Post
Matt, you're right that that isn't gonna fly as an on-campus event. I suggest that we tell them to hold that thought until Jan. 2005, because after some more thought on the subject, I like the plan for this GameDay to stay the way it is. In the future, it would be nice to have the "big event", though.

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