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Neat Historical Artifacts for a game

Wippit Guud

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Van Helsig's Crossbow
The Nina, Pinta, and Santa Maria
The Nautilus
Harpoon of Captian Ahab
Little Boy and Fat Man
The Art of War
Axe of Paul Bunyan
Hat of Davy Crockett

I'll think of some more.

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If you want to know about Charlemagne's sword, read This.

As for other famous relics and artifacts in the real world, for something with eeeeevil powers, how about the several pieces of Einstein's brain that they have at some university?


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DiamondB said:
Roland's (one of Charlamange's Knights) Sword

Ah Durandal, the sword that belonged to Hector of Troy. It was according to legend be unbreakable and by Roland's time contained several Christian relics.

Some others:

The Shield of Achilles which Alexander supposedly found and used.

Albion, the Sword of Robin Hood (which I remember from the television series with Michael Pread (sp?) then later Jason Connery as Robin Hood).

Nero's Lyre, it can cause both cities and ears to burn. :D

Basket of Fish and Bread Jesus used to feed the masses.

The Round Table.

I'll probably think of more later.


Sniper o' the Shrouds
Tonguez, that's also called the Stone of Destiny.


Dr. John Dee (Queen Elizabeth's court magician) had a crystal ball made of beryl.

The gun that Hitler used to kill himself.

Gordian's Knot

any of a number of crying statues of Mary or bleeding statues of Jesus

Abraham Lincoln's hat

Ulysses Grant's saddle or spurs

FDR's monocle


First Post
(the Bible's good for these things...)

The 30 silver coins that were paid to judas to betray Christ.
The sling david used to kill Goliath.
David's harp, being bardly and all.
The hair of Samson

Mark Chance

Boingy! Boingy!
TheLorax said:
(the Bible's good for these things...)

So is the Vatican. Absolutely amazing collection of art and artifacts. Here's a site for a museum exhibit that was here in Houston for a bit.
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Unattainable Ideal
Elf Witch said:
I have read several myths about ot and there was a really enjoyable fantasy novel by Diana Paxson called Brisengamen where the discovery of the necklace in modern day San Francisco brings the norse Gods and what a mess they cause.
And there was The Weirdstone of Brisingamen, which I read when I was a kid and haven't seen hide nor hair of since.



Bjorn Doneerson

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Well, I vaguely remember a storie about two sword smith's trying to create the best sword. At the end, both swords were put in a river, one had leaves attracted to it and sliced them in half. The other repelled the leaves. The second was considered the superior sword since it averted violence instead of attracting it. I want to say the smiths were something like Murasama and Masamune, but I'm really unsure.

I had my players find a bunch of artifacts in a warehouse once...unless it had potential to kill people, they didn't care, and if they did care it wasn't about the other implications. I'll demonstrate in a moment but first, "sticky notes" refers to notes left by illuminati members on the items.

Me: You find something covered by a cloth, it's marked by a sticky note that says "original arms of the Venus De Milo."

Player: I uncover it.

Me: (very slowly and dramatically) Its...a pair...of...white...marble.......TENTACLES!!!!

Players: (looking bored) Okay, who opens the next box?

Later on

Me: It's a chemical Formula, marked with a note that says "Add to Callenger fuel"

Player: (after discussing what the Challenger was with other players) Cool, I'll use it to blow up this stupid warehouse.

But anyway. I had some good suggestions made to me by a fellow named Kermez on the WotC homebrew boards quite a while back. Many of them were mentioned already. There's always the spear of Cuchulain (or whatever the speeling is) the Trident of Shiva, the sandals of Muhammed, Gugnir, Odin's spear, and Colonel Sander's secret recipe.
I'll be back later to put in my opinion on the good or badness of The Holy Lance, and to hopefully add more to the list.

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