"Necessary Evil" IC

Voda Vosa

First Post
Helis moves past the injured prisoner, saying "Weakling" he impales it with his sword, before sprinting into the battlefield, with madness in his eyes, and a toothy grin in his mouth.
[I'll like to use my last posted action, and the rolls if possible.]

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First Post

Gemini-Brick senses his 'brother's' mental signal, and jumps down from the roof to land in front of the doorway, turning around to go smash the nearest drone with an overhead two-fisted slam!

Meanwhile, Gemini-Octavia blasts a drone with his/her magic ring, then takes cover.

[sblock=ooc]Gemini-Brick Combat Stats in Brief:
BAB +6, CMB +12, CMD 24, Defense 16, Toughness +7 (+9 Defensive Roll) (Impervious 10)
Fort +9, Ref +4 (+6 Defensive Roll), Will +9 (+15 Limited Mind Shield)
Unarmed Strike +6 melee (Toughness DC 21) (Penetrating 6)
Str 22, Dex 14, Con 22, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 14
Defensive Roll 2, Elusive Target, Sneak Attack (unranked)
Mind Shield 6 (Limited), Enhanced Strength 8 (Penetrating 6), Enhanced Constitution 8, Leaping 3, Protection 1 (Impervious 10), Super-Strength 2

Gemini-Octavia Combat Stats in Brief:
BAB +6, CMB +8, CMD 20, Defense 16, Toughness +8 (+10 Defensive Roll) (Impervious 6)
Fort +5, Ref +4 (+6 Defensive Roll), Will +9 (+15 Limited Mind Shield)
Unarmed Strike +6 melee (Toughness DC 17)
Divine Energy Blast +10 ranged (Precise) (Toughness DC 23) (Range increment 80 ft.)
Mental Blast (Perception) (Subtle) (Will DC 19 vs damage)
Str 14, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 14, Wis 14, Cha 14
Defensive Roll 2, Elusive Target, Sneak Attack (unranked)
Mind Shield 6 (Limited), Flight 3 (Drawback: Requires sufficient space and wing mobility), Immunity 2 (Disease, Poison), Protection 6 (Impervious 6), Invisibility 2 (All visual senses, Flaw: Passive), Device 4 (Ring, hard to lose, Divine Energy Blast 8 - Accurate 2 - Precise 1, AP: Mental Blast 4 - Subtle)[/sblock]


First Post
Ben O'hare, Brick

"Just so we're clear, that was the fake Me,"[color] Brick says as his doppelganger takes the prisoner from Siren, though he hasn't the time to do more before the drones arrive.

Helis moves past the injured prisoner, saying "Weakling" he impales it with his sword, before sprinting into the battlefield, with madness in his eyes, and a toothy grin in his mouth.

"What the?! What is wrong with you? These people are all victims!" Brick yells as he watches Helis attack the injured prisoner. He decides he needs to clear out the drones first, though. He launches himself at the closest, wading into the fray.

OOC: I don't expect that hit, but if it does, Brick has Takedown 2, so if he drops a drone, he can make a secondary attack on anyone within 5'. If the drones are actually minions, he can keep doing that until he either doesn't drop a minion or runs out of targets.
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Walking Dad

First Post
[sblock=OOC]Only waiting for Octavia and Siren before posting the next round. Don't get overconfident, you will not only face standard drones in this game.[/sblock]


Rolling her eyes at Hellis's blood thirst, Siren moves near the real Brick, intending on using him as a shield. She covers this fact by responding to his comments, trying to pitch her voice so that only he will hear over the fighting "At least not all of you surfacers are as bad as I'd thought."

Siren turns her attention to the drones, and focuses on disrupting their primitive brains.

Thanee, yes it is, and considering most of this party is dyed-in-the-wool-EVIL, that means even MORE over-confidence. :D

Combat: I rolled a Bluff check vs Brick. I know normally it's an action, but this is purely for RP purposes, so I figured it should be ok. While what she's saying is true, she's not completely sincere and is trying to use it to mask her main reason for getting near Brick, which is to use him as a bodyguard.
Use Mental blast vs drone. Auto-hit, Damage efect with a Will DC 25.
Siren Defense: 22[/sblock]
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Voda Vosa

First Post
"Wrong? I'm the herald of destruction! Nothing is wrong with me! Why thy petty this soul? It's weak and miserable, should be striped of suffering by a quick cut under the neck." replies the greek powerhouse, waiting for the drone's counterattack before making his next move.


Octavia, The Fallen Angel PL10

Octavia returns to visibility and joins the fray using the ring to mentally assault one of the drones nearby. Then she moves to take cover.

[Sblock=Actions]Standard Action: Mental Blast 7 on the nearest Drone. Target needs to make Will DC 22 Save.
Move Action: Take Cover[/Sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Init: +13 Def: +10 (2 ff) Tough: +10 (6 Impervious)
Fort: +5 Ref: +15 Will: +12 CMD: 27
Attack: Ring: +12 CMB: +2
Hero Points: 1 + 3 (for Inspire)
Health: Excellent specimen of female sexuality
Diplomacy: +7; Escape Artist: +20;
Notice: +18; Sense Motive: +14 Stealth: +20; [/sblock]___________________________________________
Fallen Angel

Walking Dad

First Post
Round 1

Helis follows the slightly injured prisoner through the portal, saying "Weakling" he impales her with his sword, before realizing he will not have enough time to go back through it...
The Sorceress speaks to the last remaining prisoners.
“Looks like we cannot accompany you. Go through the portal and tell the others there, that you are on your own. You should probably leave that place and find another spot to hole up, but that shouldn't be too hard. Don't let them catch you again. Good luck!”
She keeps concentrating on the portal, until the last (of those who want to go) has stepped through, then closes it.
Gemini-Brick senses his 'brother's' mental signal, and jumps down from the roof to land in front of the doorway, turning around to go smash the nearest drone with an overhead two-fisted slam which it is just able to dodge!
Meanwhile, Gemini-Octavia blasts a drone with his/her magic ring, then takes cover. To his surprise, the drone is tough enough to ignore the blast.
"What the?! What is wrong with you? These people are all victims!" Brick yells as he watches through the portal Helis attacking the injured prisoner. He decides he needs to clear out the drones first, though. He launches himself at the closest, wading into the fray, but to distracted to hit.
Rolling her eyes at Hellis's blood thirst, Siren moves near the real Brick, intending on using him as a shield. She covers this fact by responding to his comments, trying to pitch her voice so that only he will hear over the fighting "At least not all of you surfacers are as bad as I'd thought."
Siren turns her attention to the drones, and focuses on disrupting their primitive brains.
Octavia returns to visibility and joins the fray using the ring to mentally assault one of the drones nearby. Then she moves to take cover.
As she does, two drones sink to the floor, overwhelmed by the combined assault

The drones fire back, hitting Brick and the Gemini-Double. The Bricks are able to withstand the attacks, but G-Octavia isn't so lucky ... ?


Other side of the portal:
"Wrong? I'm the herald of destruction! Nothing is wrong with me! Why thy petty this soul? It's weak and miserable, should be striped of suffering by a quick cut under the neck." replies Helis.
"Is that so?" a greenish glowing, slightly transparent man asks. He seems to be a former prisoner and has just regained his powers.

Sorry, VV going after the wounded prisoner through the portal to finish him of will take your actions for this round. Please describe how you come back.

Drone toughness (DC 21) (1d20+7=22)
Drone will saves (DC 25, 22) (1d20+5=10, 1d20+5=14)
Drone attacks (each 2) (G-Brick, G-Octavia, Brick) (1d20+5=6, 1d20+5=13, 1d20+5=19, 1d20+5=22, 1d20+5=9, 1d20+5=17)
G-Oct Toughness (DC 22) (1d20+8=12, 1d20+8=23)

(Status in brackets is before spending HPs for re-rolls, etc)

Octavia -
Brick -
Gemini (Oct) - staggered, dazed
Gemini (Brick -
Sorceress -
Siren -
Helis - on the other side...

6/12 Drones


ooc: PCs turn.


First Post

Rolling her eyes at Hellis's blood thirst, Siren moves near the real Brick, intending on using him as a shield. She covers this fact by responding to his comments, trying to pitch her voice so that only he will hear over the fighting "At least not all of you surfacers are as bad as I'd thought."

Brick swears as he misses his drone target, but chuckles at Siren's compliment.

"I think I'll take that as a compliment," he says with a good-natured grin. Then he starts swinging at drones again.

OOC: Hoping that hits, at least. If he takes down the drone and it's a minion, he can make a second attack against another target within 5'

ETA: Sorry, was thinking of 3e. If he takes down the drone, he can make the second attack regardless of it's a minion or not. Minion only means he can repeat the attack multiple times so long as he keeps dropping them and there are more in reach, if I'm reading it right.
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