"Necessary Evil" IC

Voda Vosa

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"I have seen some vaults full of treasures and crates containing endless food in the docks, where we meet. I killed some guards, just to see what was there but then it was getting late, so I left. Perhaps we might get what we need from there." says Helis, rubbing his angular chin.

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Ben O'hare, aka Brick

Ben frowns. "I think you're a little eager to go killing folk," Ben says to Helis, "but I suppose if we have to take the supplies, taking them from collaborators is better than robbing the poor,

"That is, if you don't have the contacts to get us supplies with a little less hitting?"
he asks the twins.


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“Well, I don't mind if we take the goods violently, as long as it is hitting the right people... killing two birds with one stone.”

Voda Vosa

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"What kind of evildoers are thy people anyway?" Helis remarks, rising his right eyebrow. "I will tare down walls, cut down heads and spill intestines, I don't care whose, as long as I get what I desire. Know that."


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Ben O'hare, aka Brick

"What kind of evildoers are thy people anyway?" Helis remarks, rising his right eyebrow.

"I'm a freedom fighter, not a villain," Ben objects. He seems about to say more, then sighs.

"Well, the longer we wait, the hungrier those folks down there get. So Gemini can send word to his contacts on the way, and if he gets a quick response, great. If not, I guess we hit the warehouses."


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“Well, in this world, at least it feels like we are free. Where I have been before, everything felt like it was guided by an invisible hand, which pointed every step and every move I made,” the Sorceress says, while they wait for the Gemini-Twins to fill them in on their contacts. “Compared to that, this here definitely is the very definition of Freedom!”

Voda Vosa

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"Thou perception of of Freedom is biased by thou previous life experiences. The fact that thy not see the hand of the gods guiding thy acts, doesn't mean they are not there. I, a titan of the gods, am a living proof of that." Helis says, as if scowling.

OOC: He's such a d*ck :D


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“So you are the proof, that the gods exist and guide us in everything they do? Interesting... I wouldn't have known that if you wouldn't have told me.”

Which kind of invalidates the point, but I guess I better do not tell him that... the Sorceress thinks.

“Anyways, I definitely prefer this kind of guidance over the other. At least it feels like it isn't there.”

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