"Necessary Evil" OOC

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so, considering the trouble the group's having with mr roboto, and the 'strategic withdrawal' of gemini, would a dramatic 11th hour reintroduction of the new and improved Siren be possible?


hmm, thought I'd done that a while ago.. sorry.

[sblock=Ondina Naiad AKA SIREN]
PL 10 (150 pp)

Abilities: 16pp
STR 10 (+0)
DEX 14 (+1)/20(+5)
CON 10 (+0)/16(+3)
INT 10 (+0)
WIS 14 (+2)
CHA 18 (+4)

Combat : 0pp
Defense: 22 (12 dodge)
Toughness: +8 (+3 con +5 Enhanced Protection),
Base Attack: 0(+4 Enhanced)
Initiative: +5

Saves: 15 pp
Fort +10 (4 base + 3 con + 3 Enhanced)
Reflex +12 (4 base + 5 dex + 3 Enhanced)
Will +12 (7 base + 2 wis + 3 Enhanced)

Skills: (76 ranks=19pp)
Athletics(+17/12), Bluff(+14/10), Diplomacy(+14/10), Escape Artist(+11/6), Handle Animal(+12/8), Notice(+12/10), Perform:Sing(+14/10), Stealth(+15/10)
*+4 to checks where attractiveness matter*

Feats(18): Attractive, Benefit(Atlantean Royalty), DodgeX12, Environmental Adaptation(Underwater), Fascinate(Perform), Favoured Environment(Water), Uncanny Dodge(Mental)

Powers: 82pp
Comprehend Rank 2: Animals(Speak to and understand), Flaw:Sea Creatures only(-1) - 2pp

Atlantean Container: [Descriptor: Racial, PF: Innate] (8pp)
-Immunity Rank 3: High Pressure, Cold Environments, Drowning - 3pp
-Super Senses Rank 3: Sonar(Accurate Ultrasonic Hearing) - 3pp
-Swimming Rank 2: 5 mph - 2 pp
-Feature/Complication: Sense/Be Sensed by other Aquatic Telepaths - 0 pp

Psychic Array: [Descriptor: Mental] (44pp)
-TK Blast Rank 12 (PF: AccurateX2) *Linked: Trip* 2/rank+2=26+12 trip=38pp
Linked: Trip Rank 10 (PF: Improved Trip, Improved Throw ) - *1/rank+2=12pp*
-Psychic Knife: Strike Rank 12 (Vampiric+1, Penetrating+1), AccurateX2 *3/rank+2=38* - +1pp
-Illusion 10(All Senses, ProgressionX4[100'], Phantasm(-1), Dynamic) *3/rank+4=34* - +2pp
-Emotion Control Rank 10 (Duration:Continuous +1) *3/rank=30* - +1pp
-Telepathy Rank 10(Dynamic) *2/rank=20* - +2pp
**Can use either TK Blast, Psychic Knife, Emotion Control, OR Illusion & Telepathy**

Atlantean Armour & Tiara(Set): Device Rank 7[Hard to Loose] (28pp)
Protection Rank 5 - 5pp
Enhanced Abilities: Con+6, Dex+6 - 12pp
Enhanced Attack: +4 - 8pp
Enhanced Saves: +3 Fort/Ref/Will - 9pp
Feats: Animal Empathy(Sea Creatures) - 1pp

Complications: Vulnerable to heat

Tradeoffs: +2 Defense/-2 Toughness; -2 attack/+2 effect
COST: 16 Abilities + 19 Skills + 18 Feats + 82 Powers + 0 Combat + 15 Saves = 150/150

Had to do some math changes to account for the fact that she didn't worry about spending any points on attack bonus before. The main change is the mental blast into two alternate attacks:

-TK Blast Rank 12 (PF: AccurateX2) *Linked: Trip* 2/rank+2=26+12 trip=38pp
Linked: Trip Rank 10 (PF: Improved Trip, Improved Throw ) - *1/rank+2=12pp*
This is a ranged blast(120' range increment), +8 attack for DC 27 Toughness. Whenever it hits It strikes with such force that it has a chance of knocking the target off their feet (Trip check at +12 vs their trip check using the LOWER of their strength or dex).

-Psychic Knife: Strike Rank 12 (Vampiric+1, Penetrating+1), AccurateX2 *3/rank+2=38* - +1pp
This is her melee attack, +8 attack DC 27 Toughness.
It's formed from mental energy and is capable of ignoring the normally impenetrable nature of some defenses. When Siren injures someone with it, she siphons a portion of their energy into herself, healing her own wounds.
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I don't mean to rush you (God knows with my track record I'm the last person entitled to do that!), but I was wondering if there's any ETA? My TK-finger has been itching something fierce. :)

Walking Dad

First Post
Siren just entered the scene.

We assume you arrived at the Undergrounder's lair and were pointed in the direction the others went. You just saw the Gemini's jumping out of the Sorceress' portal, babbling something about a giant robot, and you entered.

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