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Need build advice - Bard


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I want to specialise, not optimise, a Human Bard in Healing and Inspire Courage abilities (and any other cool but similar powers) this character is a performer who heals anyone injured around (think Cleric/Bard but Pure Bard)

I will have Perform (Sing) maxed but everything is undecided, I need help for two reasons firstly, I have never played a Bard and secondly, I need this build for tomorrow evening (30 hours by my watch).

I am 1st level going to about 5th or 6th maybe as high as 10th but I don't want to multiclass wildly. Now all material is allowed but must be reviewed by the DM before acceptance (which will probably not be a problem) but Core and Complete is 100% Ok. The character I play doesn't use weapons or attack directly and is just a buffer/healer so I don't need any offensive powers but anything other than armour to boost my AC would be handy. I have 160g to spend but without armour/weapons that can be spent on level 1 scrolls.

my attributes will either be the elite array or a high point buy system (I don't know until the day whether my guy is an NPC or an actual character) but so long as I can heal/buff my stats are largely irrelevant (Elite array for us is 16, 14, 12, 12, 10, 8).

any help of spells/feats/items would be helpful since I am currently lost

EDIT: my wealth will obviously increase in line with wealth by level so after 1st level any items you would recommend need not be within the 160g bracket, I also do not get to keep any of the 160g so use as much as possible on useful items
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Look at the Healing Hymn ACF from the Complete Champion.

You will likely want to take the feat Song of the Heart (ECS) and the spell Inspirational Boost (SpC) to increase Inspire Courage.

The feat Melodic Casting (CM) allows you to cast spells and use spell trigger items while singing. You can also substitute a performance check for a concentration check to cast spells.
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First Post
Healing Hymn seems kinda useless, it requires my allies to use healing spells and I just tack on an admittedly sizeable bonus, unless I am missing something obvious?

Melodic Casting is fine, I don't have Complete Mage at the moment but I will look online for it on a second. Inspirational Boost is in Complete Adventurer, is it the same or was it changed/improved?

What book is ECS (Eberron Campaign Setting?) which I don't have but again I will look online

Thanks for those

EDIT: Song of the Heart is OK too (I will have to run it by the DM though since it is from an outside source, but I don't think he will have a problem with +1/+1)

Bardic Knack ACF looks good too, with Jack of all Trades

0th level spells
Human Feat: Melodic Casting
1st level feat: Song of the Heart
Flaw (Vulnerable, -2 to AC, maybe): Jack of all Trades
(EDIT2: Flaw (Noncombatant): Dragontouched)
6+Int (I don't know what to put there)
Perform (Sing)

anything else?

EDIT2: I was looking at taking Dragontouched and Dragonfire adept, is it worth it?

EDIT 3: maybe,
Human Feat: Dragonfire Inspiration
1st level feat: Song of the Heart
Flaw (Vulnerable, -2 to AC, maybe): Jack of all Trades
(EDIT2: Flaw (Noncombatant): Dragontouched)
3rd level: Melodic casting

I won't be casting much at level 1 it seems :(
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Bards are excellent buffers and can be decent secondary or out-of-combat healers. At 1st level, there's only so much you can do, though, so don't expect to become a powerful addition to your party (in combat, that is) until a bit later. E.g., you don't even gain 1st level spells until you level up. That said, I think Bards are one of the most interesting base classes, and I've certainly had a lot of fun with Bards.

On to the crunchy:
You want to buff, and Bards do that well. Pick up the Song of the Heart feat at level 3, if you can, it makes your Inspire Courage ability much better. Also, get a Badge of Valor at the first opportunity. If you really want to crank this up, Words of Creation is your 6th level feat (look into Book of Exalted Deeds to see how this works; basically you take piddly nonlethal damage to double your Inspire Courage bonus, after other modifiers).

Another interesting feat to look into would be Dragonfire Inspiration, which changes the morale bonus to attacks from Inspire Courage into lots and lots of bonus damage. It requires you to be of the dragonblood subtype, but there's ways to become that, like the Dragontouched feat, which also has other, minor benefits.

So between some of the Inspire Courage options and your spells, buffing ought to be covered. On to healing. Unfortunately, Bards aren't the greatest healers out there. Sure, there's the Healing Hymn alternate class feature from Complete Champion (look at it here). But that one merely makes people who are already good at healing much better at it. You won't be spending your own spell slots on cure spells, that'd be a waste. It's not a bad ACF, but it takes away your Fascinate and Suggestion bardic music abilities (by RAW, it only takes away Fascinate, so to use Suggestion, you might find other ways to fascinate people first, like dipping Virtuoso later on). That's a lot of your out-of-combat goodness gone for a little healing, so I'd pass.

Picking Cure Light Wounds for a 1st level spell is good enough as a fallback option, especially at very low levels, when this spell can still save lives. But all you really need is a wand, and that's very cheap anyway. In fact, it's a recommended first purchase for your party at 2nd level! Efficient healing for recovering from multiple combats.
Another option for saving lives is the Draconic Aura feat, picking the Vigor aura. This provides an aura that gives fast healing to your whole party, but only heals up to half HP. If you took Dragontouched for DFI, you're already of the dragonblood subtype, so this pays even better dividends (might also want to look at other draconic auras in this case). Basically a lifesaver for everybody going below 0 HP, and limitless out-of-combat healing, but you'll want a wand regardless, to top off the frontliners.

A similar thing is possible with the Touch of Healing reserve feat. It requires at least a 2nd level healing spell, so can't be picked before level 6, unless you also get the Precocious Apprentice feat, choosing Cure Moderate Wounds. That way, you can heal people up to half HP from 1st level. IMO this option is inferior to the Dragonic Aura (which only takes one feat), but has the advantage that it only uses Complete material, not Dragon Magic which some DMs find iffy.

Finally, generic bardic goodness:
Melodic Casting grants two powerful abilities (using Perform instead of Concentration, and keeping up bardic music while casting/using items) and is of great use to any bard. Extra Music might be needed to cover the early levels; it also helps if you want to use Lyric Spell for more spell slots (which can be very good). Nymph's Kiss provides lots of benefits; it's almost too good to pass up if you can get access to it. Arcane Disciple can be used to get very good spells on your spell list, but beware the Wis requirement and other limitations. Finally, Doomspeak is one of the most powerful debuffs in the game, don't overlook this! Requires you to be non-good, though, which precludes Words of Creation.

Class-wise, staying pure Bard isn't horrible. Lyric Thaumaturge always makes good filler for Bard builds; you get slightly less skillpoints, and your music doesn't get better (although you get more uses/day), but your spells/day and spells known get a nice boost. Sublime Chord is the holy grail of many a bard build, but your game will likely end before you get there, and the prereqs are strenuous to meet, so just keep it in mind should your game become longer.
If you're of good alignment, you'll want to do either that or go into Virtuoso (especially if you're using Healing Hymn), for more and different bardic music. Good alignment lets you take Nymph's Kiss and Words of Creation, two very powerful feats, IF you can use Book of Exalted Deeds.
If you're non-good, there are other good options: Dipping a level of Mindbender for Telepathy 100' is great (also helps your diplomacy and Suggestions and the like), and using that to power Mindsight is just disgustingly good. Being non-good also allows Doomspeak. I actually like the non-good variety better, I think... Anyway, Virtuoso is a good option for non-good Bards, too, although you'll be slightly less music-focused.

Whew, long post, lots of good options for Bards. Hope this helps!


First Post
I see one major problem in your post, there are 11 feats...I don't have 11 feat slots. I will definitely be Neutral or Chaotic Good (probably Neutral Good since I will likely worship Pelor).

Nymph's Kiss would be pretty simple to get if it's worth it (Fey are fairly common in the world)

I like the Virtuoso but probably won't be able to enter it, even if I can I won't get much out of it. Sublime Chord (as others have mentioned) doesn't feel "bardic" to me. I like the Lyric Thaumaturge though but again I won't get much from it.


First Post
Major problem with my post? That I'm trying to lay out lots of options (not all of which whill be available at the same time)? Is following the links and deciding what you want too much? Should I just tell you what you must do?

OK, here's a class and feat progression:

1 - Bard - Nymph's Kiss, Melodic Casting (H)
2 - Bard
3 - Bard - Song of the Heart
4 - Bard
5 - Bard
6 - Bard - Words of Creation
7 - Bard
8 - Bard
9 - Lyric Thaumaturge - Lyric Spell
10 - Lyric Thaumaturge - Captivating Melody (B)

Pick spells in the following order:
0th: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Light, Prestidigitation; Ghost Sound; Mending
1st: Grease, Silent Image; Inspirational Boost; Hideous Laughter
2nd: Alter Self, Glitterdust; Invisibility; Suggestion
3rd: Glibness, Haste; Dispel Magic; Confusion

Item pickups:
Wand of Cure Light Wounds, Badge of Valor, Cloak of Charisma, Vest of Legends.

There. Happy now?


First Post
if that's your OPINION on it, yes happier

I pointed out that the options you mentioned were either good, bad or unavailable...I was in the process of remaking the build (although the layout of spells is handy, if missing the Cure Spells for Touch of Healing, I would have struggled with that because I don't make spellcasters very often).


Take a look at some Perform - Percussion, and get a masterworked war drum. Additional +1 to damage to Inspire Courage at 1st level.

With the right items and feats you can be Inspiring in the +8 range by about 3rd level.

The feats Melodic Casting and Lyric Spell are great staples for a bard. Some other feats to consider are Force of Personality and Extra Music (to fuel Lyric Spell).

UMD should be your friend. You have a high charisma and plenty of skill points.

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