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Need help bringing a dragon cohort into the game


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As the title says, I am looking for advice on how to deal with my player's dragon cohort. The campaign is set in Zhentil Keep, a city under martial law. The PCs are worried about being seen with one another, much less with a young black dragon. I want a way of introducing this dragon cohort into the game because it would be cool for the player, but at the same time, I want it to work within the context of the campaign, and I don't want it to be too powerful.

I've discussed the situation with my player, and he suggested just giving the cohort a ring of invisibility. I feel this is too powerful. Dragon cohorts are already powerful, but one that is invisible all the time is ridiculous, not to mention the 20,000gp freebie.

Unfortunately, the game is tomorrow and I don't have any other ideas really. I thought about creating a ring that would shapechange/polymorph the dragon into a human, but I want to do things within RAW if possible.

I am willing to give the dragon cohort a magic item of some kind to make this work. Other, non-magic ideas are also welcome. Basically, any ideas are welcome.

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First Post
As the title says, I am looking for advice on how to deal with my player's dragon cohort. The campaign is set in Zhentil Keep, a city under martial law. The PCs are worried about being seen with one another, much less with a young black dragon. I want a way of introducing this dragon cohort into the game because it would be cool for the player, but at the same time, I want it to work within the context of the campaign, and I don't want it to be too powerful.

I've discussed the situation with my player, and he suggested just giving the cohort a ring of invisibility. I feel this is too powerful. Dragon cohorts are already powerful, but one that is invisible all the time is ridiculous, not to mention the 20,000gp freebie.

Unfortunately, the game is tomorrow and I don't have any other ideas really. I thought about creating a ring that would shapechange/polymorph the dragon into a human, but I want to do things within RAW if possible.

I am willing to give the dragon cohort a magic item of some kind to make this work. Other, non-magic ideas are also welcome. Basically, any ideas are welcome.

Hmm....maybe some item to polymorph the dragon 1/day? This would mean that the dragon wont be able to help as a dragon would if he doesn't want to be seen as a dragon. An item which can polymorph only the said dragon into a rat (or a greedy monkey), isn't that powerful (yet isn't very satisfying either).

With the same way of thinking, you could give a ring of invisibility X/day. Meaning it isn't greater invisibility.

Also maybe he can be in a bag of holding with some air supply? But its a bit dangerous.

An illusion wouldn't be that powerful either, since the players will have to worry about anyone touching their dragon.

Also, an uber cool idea is to give the Dragon the ability to disappear whenever he wants (the PC wont have his character sheet though). This will give you the opportunity to show off how cool is this one dragon, and is a great way to give information you want to the PCs (if they send the dragon to spy- the dragon will find something interesting, yet not something which will give away your plot). Also the players will have to gain the trust of the dragon, which means that they cant ask him for everything they cant do.

For the last, high bonus on hide, climb and move silently will make it realistic (with maybe some items enchanting his bonus or something).

Well I can't think something else atm.

(Duh, when it is 5am you edit a lot)
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Theo R Cwithin

I cast "Baconstorm!"
Strictly within SRD RAW, that's a pretty tough call, especially if you're trying to keep the magic item to within something "typical" for a young black dragon (ie, less than 4800gp-ish?).

You could create a new item *almost* by RAW, for example, an "amulet(etc) of draconic alter self" that allows the continuous use of alter self, but only usable by dragon type, and only changes user's shape into a specific half-dragon humanoid form. Price would be around (CL3xSL2x2000x1.5) =18k gp, minus say 40% for the limitations, bringing it to around 11k gp (that calc might be way off, btw!). But even that is still way over a "reasonable" amount for a young dragon. Of course you could key the item specifically to the cohort (eg, it's a family heirloom or something and only works for him and his relatives) and avoid the price question entirely, as it becomes worthless for anyone else (as a magic item... although, it might be worth something to a bounty hunter, an estranged brother, or other plot-hook type NPCs ;) ).

Maybe a similar item based on illusion would be possible, with even more stretching of RAW: "amulet of draconic disguise self", again usable only by dragon type, and the illusion is of a very specific half-dragon (default Will save DC11 to disbelief, though DC could be pushed higher if the creator is known to have high Int)). That might cost around (CL1xSL1x2000x1.5)-40% = 1800gp or so, a fairly good chunk of his hoard. And ditto for the heirloom stuff applies here.

Anyway, my 2cp. There's probably a more obvious solution in MIC or something! YMMV ;)
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First Post
taking a look at the SRD, i note that the black dragon's class skills are hide, move silently and swim. assuming that it maxes out all of these skills - which i suppose it would, considering its HD and large amount of skill points - that means that it'd have roughly a +13 modifier to the first two skills. these in of themselves could easily make for a fairly sneaky dragonling, perhaps skulking about alleyways and leaping from rooftop to balcony without stirring up too much surprise. realistically, it could probably make it from an alley to the PCs base of operations, or inn-room, or what have you without being seen by the average joe.

furthermore, i also notice that a young black dragon, however fearful it might appear, is actually only a medium-sized creature. this really isn't that large and, combined with it's ability to breathe water, may i suggest a rather novel way of hiding the dragon from most detection: hide it in a large barrel filled with dyed water, that looks like red wine.

simply have the PC buy a cart or something, claiming to be a wine merchant, and have several large casks with removable tops. heck, you could even have actual wine in several of the casks, but for the dragon's cask, maybe fill it with spoiled swamp water, coloured the hue of wine? if anyone asks, they can take a peek in while your character informs the curious spectator "blast! that one's gone bad, see? strangest thing too...bugger smells like a swamp!" the added benefit is that carts and barrels are both fairly commonplace, and your sneaky dragon could easily slip in and out of said barrel. finally, with wine-hued liquid in a dark wooden barrel, noone would see a dragon curled up at the bottom. it'd be so dark that most people would barely see an inch or two into the cask.

best of all, this is a decidedly non-magical approach to solving your problem, and it also has a built-in security system in such a sneaky city: really, how often does someone who's over 2nd level decide to poke around anything once a detect magic has indicated it's entirely nonmagical? my experience is - unless it's gold or obvious gems, almost never.

now, as for actually introducing the draconic cohort, perhaps the player receives a strange deed to an abandoned garage, from a recently deceased alchemist's will? in the garage is said cart, loaded down with barrels. perhaps, the dragon was hiding out inside the garage via an underground stream - that served as a sewage system - and when the players approach, it panicked and leapt into the nearest runoff-filled cask?

to sweeten the deal and prevent some idiot PC from piping up "...but you've got the wrong guy, that's NOT my dead uncle!", exclaim that the barrister informs them that once his legal stipend of 75gp is paid, they do have full access to the possessions of his former uncle's estate. then add the sentence that will get any PC salivating "...of course, nothing has been properly identified of course. if you like, i could put you in contact with a mage of some repute?" this serves to make them immediately WANT to get to the place in question, as soon as possible, without blowing your carefully set up introduction story. greed is an excellent motivator.

let me know what you think, and good luck :)

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