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Need help on bardic spell selction and feats


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Tomorrow night i am playing with my new char as i decided to semi retire my assassin.

Starting at Lvl 6
CN Human Bard 3/ Swa 3
Str 14
Dex 18
Con 10
Int 18
Wis 12
Cha 16

I am going for the Shadowdancer class asap. (at lvl 8)
Ending at Bard 6/ Swa 3/ SD 10/ Assassin 1

1 Combat Reflexes
1 Dodge
3 Mobility
4 Weapon Finesse (free)
6 Spring Attack

what else would you suggest for feats? I am wielding a whip-dagger (lethal), rapier, kukri and 2 silver daggers, also a hand crossbow.

Spells i think that would be good are
Detect Magic
Read Magic
Dancing Lights

Charm Person
Undetectable Alignment
Tasha's Laughter
Silent Image

Cat's Grace

With 13,000 gp to spend i took a gander at
Mithral Chain shirt 1100
Boots of Striding and Springing 5500
Pipes of Sounding 1800 (Ghost sound)
Hand of the Mage 900
Wand of CLW 750
Hat of Disguise 1800
and some minor DM stuff like sunrods and alchemical flask and what not.

Is there anything i missed? Or might not need? What can you suggest? (Game starts tomorr

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Alter Self is good for the combat stats as well as for infiltration. With this you most likely won't need the hat of disguise.
Invis is great to have. I used it quite a bit until G. Invis
I would consider Silence instead of Cat's Grace. You can buy yourself some time by shutting down most casters with it.
I eventually dropped hold person for Tongues as I was in an area where I need to speak rare languages like Slaadi. Until then though, Hold Person was good against lower level melee types.

Alarm has served me well since our enemies like to attack us while sleeping.
Detect Secret Doors makes my DM hate me in dungeons. <3
Tasha's is good, anything that takes an enemy out of a fight is useful especially since there is no HD limit.
Undetectable alignment might be better on a wand unless you forsee the need to move among dangerous npc's often. If so, consider Nystuls as well to mute or change any magic auras from your spells.

If you can, don't take charm person and instead wait until you get Charm Monster. Works just the same but you can use it on anything, not just humanoids.

For 0 Levels
Message, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, and Ghost Sound are good choices. I took summon instrument myself because I had perform(string). Looking back, I should have taken singing since then my hands could be free for weapons all the time.

For magic items, you might consider skipping the hat of disguise (Unless you really need some infiltration ability. The campaign I was in was combat heavy) and go for a Vest of Resistance+1. Vests free up your back slot for cloaks of charisma.


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thank you for the reply :D

I am using alterself as an alternative healing spell and like you said to infiltrate. I also get the stats and i think some of the abilities of the form, but not the mannerisms (which is what the disguise check is for).

About Silence, if i cast Silence, then everyone in that area cannot not hear my beautiful music or my speech. Will that be a problem? If not i think i will add that spell.

I dont think ill be taking a lot of bard lvls for Charm Monster so Charm Person is still in.

also with the pipes of sounding .. what would the DC be to realize that the 'sound' isnt from the source the person thinks it is? The perform check? I plan on using the Pipes for creating footsteps that will lead away from me (while i am hidden) then strike out when he turns and tries to discern the direction of the footsteps.

I picture my character as a lore seeker that doesnt really care for the performance that the average bard will go through. though i probally will as my evil side always liks to make a quick buck. Entertains audience with a magic show. Hips into the crowd, Use Hat of Disguise, Sleight of Hand a 'volunteer' then cast some Dancing Lights to my reappearance while saying "Tada!!!" I dont know something like that.

I am an orphan living in an inn that happens to be the headquarters for the Assassin's Guild. So i was looking for a 4th class to round him out. And assassin seemed to fit perfectly along with the SD lvls. I mean no one would ever suspect the bard :]

Is all 10 lvls of SD really worth it? I could scimp down to 7-9 if the lvl 3 bard spells are worth it or more asn for an exrtra d6 and 2DC on death attacks. 160ft is a lot of times i can Shadow jump compared to 40 at lvl 6 and 80 at lvl 8. My reflex will be 15 before the DEX bonus ... so i dont think i will need imp evasion.

Knowledge Planes. What kind of info can i get from it? As i see myself as a 'Shadow Walker', i think i should have some knowledge of what i am doing. Like the Plane of Shadows.

Lord Pendragon

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Demoquin said:
I am using alterself as an alternative healing spell and like you said to infiltrate. I also get the stats and i think some of the abilities of the form, but not the mannerisms (which is what the disguise check is for).
Alter Self is a good swiss army knife spell. It can grant:

1. A disguise bonus when attempting to disguise oneself as another creature of the same race, or other humanoid race.
2. Exotic movement types such as a Climb speed, Swim speed and, if there are Avariel or other winged humanoids in your campaign world, a Fly speed.
3. Combat bonuses, such as +5 natural armor (troglodyte), and skill bonuses (goblin, gnome, several others.)

Overall it's a very, very good spell for a bard, or bard/assassin, to have.
About Silence, if i cast Silence, then everyone in that area cannot not hear my beautiful music or my speech. Will that be a problem? If not i think i will add that spell.
Silence negates all Bardic Music and all bardic spellcasting (bard spells cannot be cast using Silent Spell.) A bard should stay far, far away from Silence if he wants to use those abilities. However, since Silence can be cast on an object or other willing person, it can be used beneficially, even by a bard. Use it to silence the party while infiltrating a location by casting it on a stone, then cover up or toss away the stone when you need to cast/sing. Or cast it on a companion that is sure to be far enough away not to catch you in the effect, and have him attack the enemy spellcaster, etc. etc.
also with the pipes of sounding .. what would the DC be to realize that the 'sound' isnt from the source the person thinks it is? The perform check? I plan on using the Pipes for creating footsteps that will lead away from me (while i am hidden) then strike out when he turns and tries to discern the direction of the footsteps.
The sound has no "source." Nor does it have any power to make a listener believe it does. Others simply hear the sound, and react accordingly. If they interact with the sound (which as I rule it, means have a reason to question/pay close attention to the sound) they get a Will save to recognize the sound as false, with the DC based on your spellcasting ability.

So in the case of your example, I'd first determine if the listener had a reason to doubt the sound. If he's in a ballroom where the sound of footsteps walking away from him would be normal, he'll take it for granted and not get a save. If he's a guard on top of a quiet wall and hears footsteps walking away from him, he's going to be suspicious, and will get a will save. If he succeeds, he'll recognize that someone has created false sounds. If he fails, he'll believe he's hearing footsteps walking away from him, and act accordingly (which may or may not help you.)
I picture my character as a lore seeker that doesnt really care for the performance that the average bard will go through. though i probally will as my evil side always liks to make a quick buck. Entertains audience with a magic show. Hips into the crowd, Use Hat of Disguise, Sleight of Hand a 'volunteer' then cast some Dancing Lights to my reappearance while saying "Tada!!!" I dont know something like that.
It all comes down to your Perform (magic show) check. If you do really well, people will be amazed and awed. If not, they'll recall that anyone with a couple thousand gold can buy a Hat of Disguise, and boo you off the stage. :p
I am an orphan living in an inn that happens to be the headquarters for the Assassin's Guild. So i was looking for a 4th class to round him out. And assassin seemed to fit perfectly along with the SD lvls. I mean no one would ever suspect the bard :]
People always suspect the bard, IME. They're roguish strangers who often depart quickly. If I'm a constable who's investigating a murder, the first thing I do is prevent the bard from leaving. :p You'd need a good Bluff check to pull this off in my game.
...if lvl 3 bard spells are worth it or more asn for an exrtra d6 and 2DC on death attacks. 160ft is a lot of times i can Shadow jump compared to 40 at lvl 6 and 80 at lvl 8. My reflex will be 15 before the DEX bonus ... so i dont think i will need imp evasion.
There are a metric ton of good 3rd-level bard spells, though as a low-level bard, you won't be able to cast many of them per day in any case.
Knowledge Planes. What kind of info can i get from it? As i see myself as a 'Shadow Walker', i think i should have some knowledge of what i am doing. Like the Plane of Shadows.
This depends entirely on the DM. I allow all sorts of things to be known through Knowledge skills, though rarely actual monster stats. Depends on the question the player has, and the skill check he comes up with. ;) You'll really have to ask your DM about this one. Only he can say what the skill can net you, and how useful it will be in the campaign.


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Demoquin said:
I am using alterself as an alternative healing spell ...

Healing? Polymorph does that, but not Alter Self.

If one is really cheesy, one can use Alter Self to use Greater Teleport, tho. At 3rd level! :p


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