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Need help on what to do about ingame events.


First Post
Okay this is going to need some back story so bear with me before we get to the incident.

Okay so we are playing a campaign my friend made and as I love difficult or interesting role playing opportunities I chose to play a Elf who was a Seeker of the Misty Isles. After discussing the Order with my DM we managed to work it into the campaign. We both agreed on a strict order that viewed any deviation from the search for The Misty Isles with little to no tolerance. So we start off the campaign with a my cleric, a warlock child who is possessed by a demon, a drunken dwarf shape shifter, a drunken human warrior, and wandering monk with a vow of poverty. After several adventures, My character is faced with a choice. I must between saving the little girl (warlock) from the demon within or letting her die to follow on a very strong lead on The Misty Isles. I loved the role playing opportunity this presented and my character had hard time making the decision, but ended up choosing to save the girls life and loose all my character's cleric related abilities because I broke my vows to always pursue the Isles above all else. After freeing the girl of her demons I was informed of a place of rebirth and renewal where my cleric could find a new path. I was also excommunicated from my religion and the DM hinted at future confrontation. I bought a ship and hired a crew. The party joined me on the vessel and I granted them free passage as friends. While traveling the girl became more disturbed and began to demand the demon be returned (she also had no idea that I saved her or what I gave up).

This is where the incident arises.

The girl's demand culminated in a confrontation with me as she had fixated her hatred for the loss of the demon on me. She threatened to destroy this ship if I did not surrender my life to her. I managed to knock her unconscious and bound her and took her into my room to discuss her mental state and see what I could do (my friend and I had planned this along with the DM). Suddenly the monk walks in and punches the girl until she is unconscious. I tell the monk to leave and he does. I treat the girls wounds as best I can but she remains unconscious. I lay her down in bed and that's when the monk walks back in. He tells me to get out of the way and that he will break the girls wrists so she can no longer use magic. I draw my blade and tell him to leave immediately. He proceeds to nearly kill me. In a desperate attempt I use a ring of flare and toss a cloak over his head. I quickly toss the unconscious girl under the bed and use a ring of disguise self to make myself look like the girl. The monk wakes up and breaks my wrists. He then breaks my characters neck because I did that even though he did not plan to and had no way of knowing. The only reason he did that is because I tricked him. Then the DM send he would lose his alignment and his Saint template so he tried to say they he merely knocked me unconscious and accidentally killed me. He finally realized the DM would not let him get away with killing me so he settled for knocking me unconscious. He then blamed me for standing up to him when I knew he would hurt me and said I should have just let it happen. What do I do?

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First Post
Short answer: Roll a new character, your's has a broken neck.

Long answer: It seems like your party is about to split up. The DM was right to warn the Monk that he was shifting to Chaotic.
The Monk wants the DemonGirl dead, the DemonGirl wants you dead, and you just want to find your faith again. Use your Diplomacy skills to garner a truce between the PC's that lasts until your ship makes anchor, and go your separate ways.
If the Monk tries anything again, his alignment should be shifted to Chaotic (with all the penalties that provides). If the DemonGirl tries anything, you can safely goad the Monk into saving you - effectively killing two birds with one stone. He'll lose his alignment (or life), and DemonGirl will be too weak to defend against you (or dead). Kill the survivor and call it a night.

Jacob Marley

You, the DM and the other players need to have a conversation about your group's social contract. Many groups disallow PvP as it can often lead to hurt feelings amongst the players and :):):)-for-tat, passive-aggresive responses - DON'T DO THAT.

If your group does decide to continue with a campaign that allows PvP -- which, given the existence of this thread, is probably not something your group should continue with -- then you all need to be very clear that what happens in character stays in character. Nothing is taken personally.

Edit: Didn't realized that phrase would get caught in the language filter. Oops!


First Post
Oh the demon girl hating me was actually planned with a friend. We were going to role play the whole thing out and the DM said he had a few plot twists in store for us. It was supposed to be a subplot with some real character development. Then the monk got involved and well... his character is a real pain.
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I've seen that social contract get abused. We have a character who goes looking for people/reasons to be offended over, a habit that recently ended in the murder of a shopkeeper.

As PCs the social contract kind of said that we had to help dig him out of the hole he'd dug, but the players at the table were appalled. We're thinking "dark side point", a slide towards both chaos and evil. The player is pretending that it's nothing, just a bit of RPing.

It's an occasion when several of us were thinking a bit of PVP may be just what the doctor ordered.

As for the Monk, it looks to me like he's being played closer to Chaotic Crazy, with a side order of Low Impulse Control.

And, as noted, your character got his neck broken so it's time to come up with new character. Too bad to, that one sounded like he had a lot of story potential.


First Post
He is actually still alive. The backed off when the DM talked about an alignment hit... for now at least.

Edit: Sorry if I wasn't exactly thorough. I didn't mean to leave things out.
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First Post
Yes, we noticed that the Monk turned back time to alter his actions in an alternate reality. *wink, wink, nudge, nudge*


First Post
First of all is the monk's player a friend of yours? Looks like he has anger problems or something.

Also, he is saint? Wtf? How is that even possible. Anyway, he should have lost the template the first time he knocked the girl unconscious for the first time. Stopping you from committing a good act is evil, and his methods were evil too. Except if he had a reason to do so. However I don't think he had.

Option 1:

Demand that you died - usually that is what happens when someone coup-de-graces you (and breaking your neck is that). Agree out of game that he killed you by mistake, but also demand that he loses his sainthood and becomes an ex-monk, unless he atones by saving the girl himself out of guilt for his "accidental" kill.


Option 2:

You let yourself be alive, but then argue that obviously something is wrong with the monk. The demon possessed him. That would also explain his actions. Talk with the rest of the group when the monk isn't around and tie him down. You have also good reason to break his wrists - because he is *way* more dangerous than the girl.

edit: I forgot - he is a monk. You should break his legs and immobilize his neck too.

Option 3:

Make a new character just to hunt down the monk. A rogue/stealth guy. Your DM allows everything, so it shouldn't be hard to make something able to kill the monk. Then one night kill him. Explain to everyone (and the DM) that in your secret background your new char was your old chars brother and wanted revenge. Then find a new party. :p

Edit2: Also you can ask your DM if the girl could be cured by her "I want my demon back" sickness. Reason it that she heard your selfless sacrifice in her dream, and the evil that was in her got cleansed. I mean come on, that was the most exalted thing you could do. If I was the demon I would have left for an easier target.
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First Post
This is precisely why I make sure that any character I build can take out the party at a moment's notice.

Wise indeed is the Batman!

Li Shenron

Oh the demon girl hating me was actually planned with a friend. We were going to role play the whole thing out and the DM said he had a few plot twists in store for us. It was supposed to be a subplot with some real character development. Then the monk got involved and well... his character is a real pain.

PvP should always be at least discussed beforehand, and even better pre-arranged just like in the case of your PC and the girl.

If it develops into a "I'm stronger than you" contest, I would give the player one warning, not that I would be making his PC change alignment and lose abilities (which could fuel the excalation further to "I'm stronger than the DM too") but that he won't simply play with our group again.

Voidrunner's Codex

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