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Need Help with Artificer/Cleric/Techsmith.

AF Stripes

First Post
I have an Artificer that want to go into the Techsmith prestige class. In order to do that he needs to fit the prereq's. The majority are easy but requiring him to cast Minor creation is causing me trouble. By cross classing into Cleric for seven levels he can do it and it reinforces the flavor of the character. The problem arises because the build stacks with 8 levels of Artificer, and then 7 levels of Cleric BEFORE going into Techsmith. The 8 artificer levels meant to accumulate class benefits up till Craft Wand.

My Question: Is there any way to get Minor Creation without so many levels of Cleric? An obvious solution would be to simply have someone Wish it into happening and then retraining some of the cleric levels into Techsmith and Artificer, but I'm trying to hunt down something in the way of feats. Is there anything out there that will let me continue gaining cleric spell progression while taking Artificer levels? Arcane Disciple is leaning in the right direction. Cloistered Cleric seems like it might help, but I'm not seeing how unless its for fluff.

I dunno, do i just have to bite the bullet and remove a couple Artificer levels in order to get higher level progression in Techsmith. ANYthing here will help. Thanks all.

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If you're willing to drop the cleric idea, you could ask your DM to houserule Infusions as a valid qualification for PrCs. It isn't exactly a gamebreaking change, and hell, knowing (s)he let you take levels in Artificer to begin with, I don't think (s)he's concerned over unbalanced characters.
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AF Stripes

First Post
Someone pointed this out to me and I believe it may hold the answer. http://community.wizards.com/go/thread/view/75882/19845406/Post_Your_Chosen_Templates_Here?pg=18

Since its not 'official' I won't be able to point to it in a book. I think for my purposes it could work exactly as I hope, but I want to ask for help in making sure everything is balanced before I offer it to my online group.

My idea is simply to remove the Unseen Servent

Chosen of Gond

Creating a Chosen of Gond
“Chosen of Gond” is a +4 template that can be added to any humanoid creature. A Chosen of Gond uses all the base character’s statistics and special abilities except as noted.

A Chosen of Gond only has its power at the will of Gond; should the Wonder Bringer decide to remove Chosen status from a character, he or she reverts to their old abilities.

EX: Enlightenment; the chosen may grant a bonus to particularly devout researchers. The chosen can only help as many researchers as her intelligence bonus. Researchers gain the following benefits: +2 Intelligence, +2 Knowledge (Arcana), +2 Craft (Alchemy) +4 Craft (dependent on primary research) and most importantly a DR 15 / any non research generated attacks. IE: The DR ONLY works to protect against lab accidents.

EX: Soul of the Forge: The Chosen of Gond is dedicated to creating wonders and draws upon the power of Gond’s own forge to power her creations. She pays only 1/100 of the base price in EP.

EX: Artifacter: For purposes of creating items the chosen is considered 10 caster levels higher then her normal level. This DOES not increase any other level dependent abilities, saves, spells, etc.

Spell like abilities (Sp):
At will: Resist energy
5/day – Identify (no material component needed), Dispel Magic
3/day –Anti-magic field, Lab Assistant* (Remove this last one and...)
1/day – Mordenkainen’s Dysjunction (Add Minor Creation)

Special Qualities: Chosen of Gond retain all their special qualities.

Immunities (Ex): A Chosen of Gond is immune to Poison and Disease. 10 resistance to mechanical or item based elemental attacks from cold, fire (heat), acid and electricity. He or she is also immune to aging, does not age, and is effectively immortal.

Immune to Mind Affecting Abilities

Abilities: +10 Int, +4 Chr.
Alignment: Any

Skills: +4 Knowledge (Arcana), +4 to any 3 knowledge, profession, or crafts.

Weapons: The chosen is familiar with all firearms and the production of smokepowder if these items are allowed by the GM within their campaign.

*Lab assistant is similar to Unseen Servant:
Level: Sor / Wiz 5
Components: V,S,M
Casting time: 1 Standard action
Range: Long (400 feet +40 feet per level)
Effect: One translucent or invisible servant.
Duration: 1 Hour per level
Saving throw: None
Spell resistance: No
As Unseen Servant with the following changes:
A 16 strength for moving items. It is imbued with rudimentary coherence and can complete set tasks in the order it was given until complete. It can receive telepathic corrections or updates up to a distance of 1 foot per point of caster intelligence. It’s lab preparation skills give the caster a +1 bonus to craft or profession rolls.


Since you're talking Eberron options, how about the feat chain for the Dragonmark of Making? The lesser ability grants you Minor Creation 1/day, would that meet the prereqs? The other abilities mesh well with Artificer also. Requires you to be Human.

AF Stripes

First Post
I didn't see that one. Ill present the idea, but im at a disadvantage because im a non human race. Forgotten Realms is trickier to play an artificer in, but the stories and end results are super cool.


Wait, Minor Creation is on the Artificer's infusions list (Eberron Campaign Setting p.104). It's a 4th level Infusion, which an Artificer can cast at class level 8.

I was just thinking, "Huh, Minor Creation sounds like one of those abilities an Artificer should be able to do", and lo and behold, the Artificer can!

I looked up Techsmith again, it says, "Ability to cast Minor Creation" (Faiths and Pantheons p.207)

Jumped back to Artificer, which says, "Infusions...function just like spells and follow the rules for spells" (Eberron Campaign Setting p.31)

I think you're ok.

AF Stripes

First Post
Holy crap! I completely missed that. Thanks a bunch.

I still want help with the Gond's chosen template. Does anyone disagree or have suggestions to make it better? That is going to be involved in the campaign for this character.

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