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Need ideas developing a Cohort...

I just took the leadership feat and i'm only 6th level so i'm getting a 4th level buddy. I'm looking to have someone that doesn't actually travel with me and join the party. I actually want someone that can do all the city stuff for the group. Talk to merchants to get us a good price with reselling loot and having gear made. Also someone that can find out rumors and information on jobs and stuff for adventurers. I also see him keeping up with he house that we will purchase and being in charge of the servants there. Kinda like Batman's butler Alfred. So WHAT DO YOU THINK his class make up should be? I only have access to 3.5 legal material. The stats I rolled for him are 6, 10, 12, 12, 17, 17. So I'm looking for any advice you may be able to provide.


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From the sound of things, you might be well-served to go with something simple, like Expert. It doesn't sound like this character needs levels in a PC class, just a set of fairly normal skills. Diplomacy, Sense Motive, Knowledges, a Profession or two, maybe some Craft. The six stat could be in any physical stat without too much trouble, with the 17s going into two mental stats. I'd probably go with...

Str 10
Dex 12
Con 6
Int 17 + 1 level
Wis 12
Cha 17

For his ten Expert skills, I'd probably pick Knowledge (Local), Knowledge (History), Knowlege (Nobility and Royalty), Diplomacy, Sense Motive, Spot, Listen, Profession, Craft, and something else. You'd end up with a skilled negotiator, fairly knowledgeable about the areas he's from, and capable of being a very useful guy to know.


Sponsoring an impoverished aristocrat might be a thought. Basically, you pay part of his upkeep at court and in exchange he guides you to the best merchants, and also gives you a good contact/spy among the nobility, which is always useful when you need to deal with the government.

Downsides are that he probably won't be able to handle your (extended) business affairs, and you'd better make sure he isn't a drunk or chronic gambler. But I think such a noble would make a more interesting companion and might even lead to many interesting adventures.

Plus, if he improves his position at court (or you improve it for him), one day you may have a really powerful ally.
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That sounds like a really good idea and I think that we will take that route.
It looks like we have his stats like this.
str 10
dex 6
con 12
int 17
wis 12
cha 18

He has the 6 in dex from an old war wound. We put the ability increase at fourth into charisma. The only item he has in his possession is the circlet of persuasion. He is an expert 1/aristocrat 1/ human 2. He has a 22 in diplomacy and a 19 in gather information. It looks like he will be pretty interesting and fun to play, hopefully he will come with a house for the group to live in.
Thanks for the help and advice.

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