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D&D 5E Need ideas for an Arctic Hunt


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Currently I am running my player through a custom campaign and I have them going through my Viking lands. In these lands there is an event called great Hunt, party consists of 7 level 5's. A gunslinger, a Battlemaster, Cleric, Ranger, paladin, wizard/rogue and another wizard/rogue. What can I send at these guys to give me a challenge. They are going through an area I've modeled of chaos wastes in warhammer total war but more snow and ice.

Would it it be cruel to have em face a young where dragon?

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Mammoth - several, not just one. If near the coast and in winter then a hibernating polar bear rudely awakened by a PC falling into its lair. Make it a were-polar bear if you want to be nasty.

And surely a frost giant or two is a given - maybe the PCs can invite them to join the hunt?


A remorhaz. It is a CR11 which is good for a group of 7, even it level 5. You can make a legend of a the snow beast or snow lizard that lairs in a valley of wind and snow. There can be some ice hazards with sliding or falling icicles. You could even give it some lair actions if you feel that the PCs are having an easy time.



Not as prey, but as competition. The Vikings compete with the Yetis to prove their skills at survival in the wilderness, as part of strengthening their claim to the land. Whilst there can be occasional conflict between individuals during the Great Hunt, directly attacking competing hunting parties is frowned upon, as it can lead to war.

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