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Need new races/creature ideas for Xen'drik drow game


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I'm fixing to start a pbp game here & I'm looking for some ideas from the fine twisted minds of the folks here. The game blurb follows. Tried this in 'general', figured i'd actually get some help from the fine monster makers in this forum ;)

Ages ago the Tribes of Guld'staug founded the sacred grove Illnanaan where they enshrined great shard Li'Brae was entrenched. The tribes, three purebloods & three mixedbloods, whose origins are found in the temples & laboratories of Guld'staug, were, like their metal predecessors, forged for war; open combat & stealthy assassinations.
Unlike the metal forged, the flesh forged had ideas that went beyond serving the giants of this city. In the midst of the slave races, a small clan of NueAldi (first ones) existed. With their prophetic ways, the NueAldi saw the impending demise of
the giant kingdoms at the hands of dragons. They organized the Elders of the six tribes into a cohesive force & at an opportune time, struck against the giants who owned them. The battle was vicious, but, with the giants expending precious resources against the dragons, the drow where able to win their freedom. On several captured airships, the tribes escaped Guld'staug & headed deep into southern Xen'drik, eventually crashing into an immense jungle that they would come to call the Vast.

The large scope of the Vast allowed the different tribes to establish their own territories, though all tribes would be forever tied to Illnanaan, the grove that held the great shard & the remnants of the wrecked airships. Relationships between tribes can vary from peaceful to violent; though, equinox festivals, mixed marriages, & naming ceremonies are peacefully held within the grove. North beyond the border of the Vast is dominated by two groups, The Saurian Confederacy & The H'Thol'L Imperium. Some members of the various tribes have ended up as slaves & food for both the reptillian & arachnid kingdoms.

During the naming of adolescents, an unknown force struck into the sacred grove & spirited away with the 30 children & the great shard---leaving several elders slain---you have been summoned by one of the ancient Nuealdi, your mission to reclaim what was lost. A member from each tribe, an equal number of seed givers & life bringers....

Zin'll: These small sized drow are known for their excellent guerilla tactics. They are nomadic & rumored to be cannibals (not an uncommon trait among these tribes. They are the quickest of the purebloods.

Woad'ynl: These 'standard sized' drow are truly in tune with nature. They are hardier than the other pureblood kin. Warrior packs live a nomadic lifestyle while family packs have more permanent settlements.

Cyn'myl: These are more cosmopolitan drow---their natural intelligence have implemented some of the building & arcane techniques of their masters. Their intelligence is superior to their kin.

Qu'llann: These mixed bloods have traits of both giant & drow. They are on the high end of medium size & their powerful build makes them stand out. They are also distinguished by cranial plating & four horns that come in a variety of patterns.

Ghorn'el: These mixed bloods combine reptillian characteristics with those of a drow. They posses scaled skin, raptor like sickles, whiplike tail, & a maw of sharp teeth. Their hair is featherlike & comes in numerous colors.

Skorn: The most monstrous of the mixed bloods seem to be living aspects of the drow scorpion god. Where a normal drow's legs would be, four jointed legs attach to a short scorpion-like abdomen which ends in a stinger that produces a mild paralitic poison (males) or a psychodelic/euphoric poison (females). They posses two sets of arms----the lower set more chitonous & thinner than the 'normal' set (though the thinner arms strength is the same). The head is comprised of several eyes & a chitonous 'crown' from which their hair drapes. They have chitonous plating on parts of their torso, 'normal' arms, & back.
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personally i see Xen'drik as a 'gamma worldish' setup w/strange things abounding. At present, I'm looking for some weird, non-standard races to populate the land----please share any ideas that my pcs will hate---i'm looking for both hostiles & friendlies.

Also input for the Saurian Confederacy & The H'Thol'L Imperium is greatly appreciated


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Weird, non-standard races, well...

(looking through my monster books)...

Spellweavers. Alien Six-armed monstrous humanoids with incomprehensible motives and a talent for magic. (MM2)
Ormyrr. Strange blue caterpillar like monstrous humanoids who thirsts for magic. (MM2)
Neogi. Abberant slavers and traders that look like a cross of an eel and a bloated spider that come from another world. (MM2 and Lords of Madness)
Myconoids. Fungus men. (MM2)
Maug. Proto-warforged constructs (Fiend Folio)
Kir-lanan Gargoyles. (FRCS)
Dracotaurs. Firespitting draconic relatives that resemble centaurs crossed with lizardfolk (MM3)
Lhosk. Gorilla Driders! (MM3)

And thats just in the WotC books. All of them should be easy enough to add to an Eberron game. :D


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Keith Baker had an article in Dragon a few months ago about the umbragen, a drow offshoot that worships Khyber.

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