Need suggestions for Witch class


I'd like to put together a Witch class that largely mimics the flavor of Terry Pratchett's Diskworld witches. Other sources of inspiration might include Thulsa Doom from the conan movies (for a darker shade of witch), witches from OZ, and the "I put a hex on you" style witches of common folklore. Right now I mostly have a lot of random thoughts. I'm looking for suggestions on class feature and powers for the Heroic tier. If I could get a solid level 1 to 10, that would be plenty for now and flesh out paragon and epic later. My thoughts:

- Ritual Caster as a class feature, definitely. (Free rituals like a wizard? Some alternate ritual-related bonus?)

- Controller role, with a minor in Leader.

- Wisdom as core stat, with differing builds for charisma witch or intelligence witch.

- Nature as the common class trained skill? Religion?
Arcana? Heal? (Arcana doesn't seem right for all witches.)

- Arcane power source or primal?

- Implement-user. Wands and orbs?

- Flavor for powers should be working with what is already present rather than summoning things. Favorite abilties for Pratchett-style witches are mind tricks (headology) and controlling existing material (Ground swallow up and control opponent, sword turns on its wielder, forest vines grab, weather control.)

- Lots of fear effects, psychic damage, and charm. Some "hex" powers that hinder opponents until saves.

- Familiar as class feature/feat. Small animal, useless in combat, but witch can see through its eyes?

- Dominate (subject to usual restrictions of 1 round, subject uses basic attack only) as an at-will power? Too powerful?

- Ability to "borrow" animal body by possession as a ritual.

Just a bunch of musings right now. I need to get the class features and at-wills solid, and I can build from there.

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Penguin Herder
Warlocks can already do almost all of this stuff.

Fear effects, Charm effects, see from another critter's eyes, conjure an imp to deliver a message, etc.

Cheers, -- N


I brainstormed a similar endeavor, but ultimately decided Warlock served my purposes well enough. IMC, I simply invented covens a warlock could join which slightly tweaked the class and provided access to unique powers. A few new warlock feats and I was set.

I recommend you come up with clear examples of how your proposed Witch class will differ from the Wizard and the Warlock. For example, I came up with a utility power called "Summerlands" which slowed or accelerated the effects of time in an area (e.g. you may have only spent a day in bed with me, but a week has passed outside my bedchamber!").

That said, here are some of my early stage ideas...

Witch Class Features

Ritual Casting

Sympathy: When you have an arcane connection to a subject (friendship, shared blood, a tuft of hair, a lifted footprint), your magic is harder to resist and has increased range. Once per encounter you can use an arcane connection to affect the target even if they aren’t visible, and increase the save DC to 12.

Witch Tradition (choose one): Cyclical Casting OR Ley Casting

Cyclical Casting: At auspicious times (equinoxes, solstices, new/full moons), your magic is boosted. For example, at the spring equinox your powers of renewal are enhanced.

Ley Casting: You can tap into the energy of power sites and boost your magic there. For example, at the site of an epic battle your powers of communing with the dead increase.


First Post
I have been considering doing a witch class myself, having made one for every other addition of the game.

But I think for now I am going to play a Warlock (yeah, not really the same thing) and see how that works out for me.

I am sure I am going to end up doing one anyway cause that is just the way I am, but I am content at the moment to use the rules "as is".


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