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NeMoren's Vault IV: The One Who Crawls!!


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Devis charges back in to the room, hits his mark, throws his arms above his head and lights up his smile. His cross bow is loaded, his rapier gleams, and his lute shines as if it has been polished.

He looks around. The albino thing is in the corner, having his makeup touched up. The dead umber hulk is sitting up, smoking a cigar, and picking at the fake blood caked on his chitin.

Vadania is giving Alhandra a back rub. Regdar is watching. So is Nebin. Ma is stretching lazily. Her PA is spritzing her crystal blade with Windex. Hennit is hobbling akwardly back from the "Gents" trying to buckle his trousers and walk at the same time. Krusk is contemplating a cherry blossom, a brush in his hand and a roll of parchment rolled out before him. Jozan is sitting in his chair, half glasses perched on his nose, reading the "Wall Street Journal".

Devis shrugs, and puts his arms down. His grin fades.

"Another felching false alarm?! I am going to have words with my agent about this! I'm a sensitive artist. You can't do this to me."

He heads for the trailer.
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Jozan of Pelor

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With the barest glance up from his paper, Jozan calls out, "Hey, Devis my lad, bring me a cup of hot tea, will you?" He scratches his nose and keeps reading.


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Sure thing. If there's no evil to battle, I might head over to Starbucks and pick a fight there. Just to keep my hand in.

Or maybe the Star Wars guys have something going on... Think I'd look good with one of those little braids?


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A cry of "FORE" echoes from the passage leading into the chamber, quickly followed by a golf ball which rolls down into the chasm. Kazak saunters into the room, wearing what is quite possibly the most garish pair of purple and orange check plus-fours imaginable. A hobgoblin with a rather bored expression follows him in, golf bag slung over one shoulder.

Kazak looks around for the ball, and on not seeing it pears down into the chasm. "Blast it! In the bunker!" the dwarf says as he turns to the goblin. "Oliver, the grappling hook, if you'd be so good." Oliver the hobgoblin rummages in the bag and returns with a length of rope. The dwarf proceeds to lower himself down into the hole, from where the sound of the odd shot interspersed by cursing can be heard.


*Vadania sleepily walks in carrying a glass. She scratches Perea, who has fallen asleep on the floor, behind the ears.*

I made some lemonade if anyone would like any.

I figured, this wait might be pretty long, *hint, hint, PC* and we would need something to drink. It's quite good, I grew the lemons myself.


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Alhandra looks the refreshing beverage up and down and with a look of intense thirst, and grabs a glass, drinking deep, the gulps of lemonade dripping down her chin and over her chest.

You make a mighty quenching lemonade there, Vad.

But then again, I'd probably devour anything that came from your trees..."

The bastion of purity looks at the reactions of those there with confusion and follows up -
Her fruit trees!
She's a druid - she has a grove she tends - you know...

Get your heads out of the gutter, peoples!"


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Know’st thou the land where the lemon-trees bloom,
Where the gold orange glows in the deep thicket’s gloom,
Where a wind ever soft from the blue heaven blows,
And the groves are of laurel and myrtle and rose?

Devis pauses in his medative strumming, then grins, changes to a banjo-like chord and adds...

"Cuz if you do, there's got to be more going on there than here!"


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Bah, eh

Bah, Regdar only partakes of Hard Lemonaide... Use Regdar's beeper when this thing progresses again, there is a new wardrobe girl Regdar is taking on the town.


(OC somewhat) No I'm (nebin the original) not back I just wanted to say howdy to all the other Iconics, the Divorce is going well as can be expected the final split shoud be in a few days or so. Halfling you can't live with em but it sure hurts to go without your favorite :cry.

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