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New 3ED class concept: Shinobi


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After a few days of reading the available manga and watching all 23 available fansubed anime that is known as Nuruto I decided to make the Shinobi class for 3ed D&D. However even though it isn't near play test ready yet (imho) I'm still making some progress & even blackshirt is helping me by letting me play test it in one of his campanes when its ready. Now on to the point of this thread: if I managed to make this into a well balanced class, would anyone be interested in playing it or contributing to its developement?

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I guess I should post up some info to spark interest though. :D

Top 3 stats for a Shinobi is: Dex, Con, and Int.

Every other level (1,3,5,etc.) gains 1 extra combat movent if the opponent is flat footed.

It has a max sneak attack bonus of +5d6 (first strike only, levels are being determaned at the moment) cuz lets face it. With the extra movents you'll be dishing out plenty of damage and having full rogue sneak attack is overkill.

Shinobi is devided into clans based on elements: Fire, Wind, Water, Earth, Forest, Sound, and Iron/Metal. Depending on which clan you're with will determine what techniques you learn after rank 0 techniques.

Shinobi are primaraly dexterious races like humans, elves, and half-elves. The only exception in the Clan of Ore (Iron/metal) which are only made up of Dwarves.

Shinobi can't use bows or crossbows. Instead they use shurikans, throwing knives, and large shurikans (both solid & colapsable). Large solid shurikans deal a base damage of 2d10 and can go a distance of 10' + (str mod * 10') and get a -1 accuracy penitly for every 10' after 20'. The same goes for colapsable shurikans except their base damage is 1d10.

Shinobi have hand to hand combat skills like the monk except they only have a max of 1d12. Improved Taijitsu & Advanced Taijitsu make up for the lower die type.

Current feats available until i make a better list: exotic weapons profinsioncy (martial arts weapons), improved taijitsu, advanced taijitsu, improved tumble, improved dodge, combat casting (for techniques until i come up with better), unarmed strike, deflect arrow, inertial armor, improved unarmed strike.

So far thats what I got off the top of my head. I will have more later, even more if ppl show interest.


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Coldiron said:

I'm sorry but that site looks like it was made by a few punk loosers with alot of spare time on their hands. I mean hell, if they really did learn ninjitsu and I was their master I would kick their @$$es and kick them out labeling them as disgraces to the art cuz I know many other sensei's would.


Rakeron, welcome to the boards! A couple of things:

1. Your sig is WAY too big. If you're going to have the geek code, please get rid of the picture (which is just about too big by itself.)

2. It's considered good etiquette to show your sig no more than once per thread.

3. Custom classes should be posted in the House Rules forum, please.

Oh, and the Real Ultimate Power site is a long-running internet joke. :D

Have fun!
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Oriental Adventures and Rokugan cover almost all the oriental flavored classes you could want. The L5R books even cover the elemental aspects. Ah, but it's your thing, no reason to kill your joy. :rolleyes:

Geoff Watson

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That's another name for ninja, right?

See the ROGUE class.
Multiclass to Fighter or Monk for the kick-ass combat-ninja.
Multiclass to Sorceror or Psion for the supernatural ninja powers.


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